It is now February and our class environment is finally starting to settle in. I recently wrote a quote for my class to help us remember a very important rule, that when one person is trying to lead everyone else should be listening. The quote I wrote was “Knowing when to listen is just as powerful as knowing when to lead”.  That way, when any student is trying to quiet the whole room, it reminds them that only the person trying to take charge should be in charge of that for the moment.

My class is fully run by the students as they start the day with a current event and end the day with leading the agenda session as well as leading a session of “big ups” which are compliments personalized to students around the room. The students during their presentations have to gain control of the class on their own as well as students teach math lessons using the app “educreations”. Students also can choose their own learning for our daily five activities.

I like to think that I am only there to guide the students through the explanation of projects and lessons and then for extra help in some scenarios. The students are becoming so independent even though they are only in grade six. The class is so student centred that you can feel the leadership daily at such alarming levels. I am so proud to be able to call myself their teacher as I feel like I am learning more than I am teaching. It is such an amazing experience having your students teach you something rather than the other way around. I honestly believe that after seeing this and knowing that this type of teaching is possible, that student centred learning is the only way to teach.


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