Hello all,

It has been a busy start to this new year of teaching! I am now a permanent teacher after 3 years of amazing LTO placements at my school in Ancaster. I have moved on now to teach a new subject, instrumental music. This involved numerous music lessons over the summer, making sure I knew the ins and outs of each instrument. I was very excited to receive this job as I have such a huge passion for music, even though I have never explored the instrumental side of it.

Starting the year up was not as bad as I had thought because the LTO in the class before me had done an incredible job of organizing the room and making sure the school has all the necessary instruments and equipment. Getting the room decorated and organized was so exciting because for the first time, the room was mine and not someone’s that I was taking care of for them! The thrill of your first permanent placement is more than I could have ever hoped for.

The first few classes of music were interesting because although I would have loved to get right into letting the kids choose their instruments, I know I had to start with the basics. Having a mentor would have been helpful during this time because I had little to no clue where to start. I had to recall things previous teachers had done that I had worked with in the past as well as I had asked people at Long and McQuade for some helpful hints.

Now that October has come, my students have now selected their instruments and yesterday was our first day actually playing them! How cool it is to have purposeful noise in a classroom. All those years where I was so focused on students working quietly have now come to an end. The noise was incredible. Even some squeaks that I heard that were a little hard on the ears were exciting to hear because for someone, that was their first official squeak on the first instrument they have ever played. It will be such an exciting journey and I am so thankful it has just begun.

I was also offered a second permanent job as a librarian so now I have that to juggle into my weekly schedule. I am also teaching a 4/5 split this year. The planning has not been too hard so far but it is hard to think about the one job when you are in the one school without having your mind wander off to thinking about the other school.

I know this is the year where having a 0.4 permanent is necessary to make the next step into a 1.0 permanent world, so I am grateful for the opportunity. Some days my head is swimming with ideas for a wide variety of things but having a Staples day planner has been essential to keeping all my thoughts down on a page somewhere.

That is all I have to share for now! I am so excited for this year and it has already gone by so fast. I just hope I have time to do everything the kids and I want to accomplish this year.



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