Hello all,

I thought I would share about the music project my students have been working on lately. They were asked to remix a holiday song in preparation for the holiday assembly. This post is mostly to share how incredible children are 🙂

My students had no boundaries for this project and here are some of the directions my students have taken this project:

  • creating their own song on garageband with holiday rap lyrics
  • using a music writing software called musescore to write a combination of four songs creating a holiday spin on all of them
  • creating their own beat on garageband and playing a pre-existing song to an incredible sped up tempo
  • using boomwhackers and bells to recreate holiday songs
  • using the drum kit to create a beat to little drummer boy while having a singer on top of that beat

It’s incredible to see how children can take something as simple as “remix and song” and find many ways to incorporate their own ideas and talents. I think that you can do this with any project and asking students to try to go above and beyond often inspires them to do more. This was a question my principal spoke to me about, asking students to self reflect on what inspires them to go above and beyond? Also, why do they select that option when given it rather than just always trying to go above and beyond. I invite others to try out this music task for any project really but keeping the expectation simple often invites students to go crazy with it! Obviously my rubric was detailed but the expectations were clear and had lots of room for imagination. I hope to post some of the final projects on this blog!

Happy Holidays everyone!


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