Recent Posts

  • Piece by piece
    Last fall I wrote a blog entry about our union local’s efforts to identify The Missing Pieces in its office space, the things that may unintentionally inhibit members’ participation in union events and workshops. The HWETL Disabilities and Accessibility Issues Committee organized this initiative and came up with a one-question survey that we asked anonymously … Continue reading Piece by piece
  • Policy Based Program Adaptations for ELLs in FSL Programs
    French programming for newcomer English language learners, or ELLs, is an area of professional learning that does not get as much attention as areas like mathematics or language arts. On the surface, it seems obvious – shouldn’t French language acquisition for newcomers be similar to that of their Canadian born peers? The answer, of course, … Continue reading Policy Based Program Adaptations for ELLs in FSL Programs
  • Display Case Ideas
    At the beginning of the year, it was decided that the display case in the front of the school would be designed each month by a specific grade or class. They would determine what they would present for the month to focus on a specific thing happening that month. April was our turn and I … Continue reading Display Case Ideas
  • kedd
    I could hear her voice from the hall as I approached. It had the tone and cadence of a lesson that is going well, guiding students in a steady flow. I opened the door quietly. As I stepped inside the classroom the full volume of her words, amplified by the sound field system, suddenly surrounded … Continue reading kedd
Heart and Art of Teaching and Learning book cover

The book, The Heart and Art of Teaching and Learning: Practical Ideas and Resources for Beginning Teachers, is meant to be the beginning of sharing and learning with each other, which includes practical tips on setting up your own classroom, building inclusion, working with parents and more.