Let’s talk about P
Yes, this blog is about teachers’ urination and the lack of opportunities to do so!
I’ve been teaching over 19 years now and I know I am having a good day when I have eaten my lunch – before 3 pm, and had a pee break. Teachers often joke about this, but based on anecdotal evidence, I believe that teachers are so busy that they often don’t have time to pee.
Teachers are known to have large bladders, probably due to their practice having to hold it. Too bad some of our “break-seeking” students haven’t tried this yet. After several bouts of whooping cough and two months of bronchitis (and two natural childbirths), I found myself paying attention to the special underwear protection commercials. I felt resigned to using these products for the rest of my life.
One day while sitting in my physiotherapy clinic, I noticed signs for women only Pelvic Floor Therapy group information session. The thought of not wearing protective products daily compelled me to signup. The session was very informative.
Did you know that holding back on urination actually helps develop pelvic floor muscles and bladder control? Instead, I was rushing to the washroom in order to avoid an accident.
Other things that strengthen bladders include limiting coffee and tea (I am still drinking my two cups every morning – for my students’ sake). Bladders and the rest of the human body need regular hydration through the drinking of water. I find teachers often have a drink in their hands as teachers need to talk a lot in their job and vocal cords need to stay hydrated to keep working well.
The last thing women need to do strengthen their bladder control and pelvic floor is Kegel exercises (you were probably wondering when I was going to get to this). After having a private session with my physiotherapist, I discovered that when doing Kegal exercises, you are not supposed to use your leg muscles. My therapist showed me how to do proper, pelvic floor strengthening, Kegel exercises. She also showed me how to sneeze and lift things to avoid the dreaded leakage. Further, she gave me excellent tips such as doing Kegals at stoplights and other times when my partner might notice. Within a few months, I was free of the protective products, and still am.
My physiotherapist, a woman, is specially trained and certified in Pelvic Floor Therapy. She also had two natural births in the last few years. This therapy made a huge difference to me in my life.
So when you see a woman at a stoplight, in her car, with a concentrated look on her face, consider what she may be doing for her own health and wellbeing.
Collaboratively Yours,
Deb Weston