It has been a minute since I started writing in this space, and just like that it is time to go. After 180+ posts in 9 years, it is time to put the wraps around my time writing for the Heart and Art blog for now. 

Over this time, I have tried to mirror and or amplify day to day events, emotions, and experiences effecting our lives as ETFO educators. This space was a safe medium to share what was in my heart and on my mind in near real time. 

Through these monthly messages, I have grown and groaned into comfortable and uncomfortable places. I have had my eyes opened to the enmity of enemies of education who sought to undermine our confidence, professionalism, and solidarity. I have worked hard at encouraging others to get out of their comfort zones, ruts, and routines. 

There were countless posts about mental health, wellbeing, mindset, loss and grief. There were also countless conversations with fellow educators that inspired and affirmed many of these posts. Through it all, my goal has always been to shed light on what we do in and out of the classroom in a manner that honoured the commitment, hard work, and brilliance of our profession. 

As I clear out my locker to make room for another amazing cohort of writers next September, I have had a chance to archive an additional 20 plus non-published drafts of ideas not ready for posting. I hope to continue sharing them in the future. 

In the meantime, enjoy a well earned Summer break.
Thank you for allowing me to share in this space.   

I hope to write again for you soon.  Will


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