IEPs, religious holidays, released professional learning, extra curricular, occasional teacher plans, parent meetings, and report cards in two weeks. I forgot to mention all the family obligations. Where do I find time for myself? Right about now is where heads are spinning and tension starts building. The school year has barely begun and I have to write report cards.
I have to remember to take care of myself and so do you. In my school, the cold bug has been going around the school the last three weeks. As much as I am fighting one off, I know it is coming and probably will hit me after report cards. I have seen the signs and realize it is time I begin to take care of myself. Since the school year began, I haven’t seen much of my friends. I also haven’t been able to get to the gym more than once during the school week — if I make it that many times.
In the past, I had a set routine which I need to think about again. My lunches, can be made and frozen on the weekend. Even dinners can be partially made on the weekend. This weekend, I took the time to cut up the vegetables to add to my salads and dinners. Some vegetables are not good to be pre-cut but many are great. I also made a soup which I have jarred to take to school for lunch. Making a little more of your weekend dinners can either be your weekday lunches or dinners.
I am also looking to make more personal commitments to stick to. Picking a time to leave the school and stick to it. At this point, I am going to aim to leave the school 30 minutes earlier. I am also going to commit to doing something for me twice a week; whether it is going to the gym, reading non educational book, meeting friends for dinner, or having a bath.
Teaching is a very demanding job, both physically and mentally. Whatever your goals are find some time for your interests and wants. We all need to take care of ourselves as our students (and families) will only benefit from it.