Should You Stay or Should You Go?

Have you been considering a change? Moving schools or applying for a position at your board office? Here are a few anecdotes to think about as you consider this very personal decision.

As a child I had a teacher named Lilian as a neighbour. She was very kind to me and we often had little chats. She had worked in the same school for more than 20 years and then took the opportunity to change schools to work in a classroom with students who dealt with hearing impairments. Lilian told me she was very happy with her decision to move because it was invigorating and refreshing. She loved learning how to be successful in her new role and she adored her students.

At the beginning of my teaching career I was surplus to my school for 4 out of my first 5 years.  On the one hand, I was very happy to have a job. But on the other hand, I was frustrated. Being forced to move schools meant adapting to new staff, admin, students, parents and communities. All of that on top of adjusting to a new grade assignment.  In my fifth year, I was happy to be placed in a new school that wasn’t quite at capacity.  I stayed at that school for 26 years and was never declared surplus again.

Compared to Lilian, you might think I became stale and dispassionate about my job. One of my principals encouraged me to move, citing that it did him a world of good to change work locations frequently. I often looked at postings but always decided to stay on. After a decade of being a homeroom teacher, the position as a prep coverage teacher and teacher-librarian gave me plenty of change in subjects and students. I felt challenged by the role and really enjoyed being in the library for part of my teaching time.

There was an occasion when I applied and was interviewed for a position at another school. Part way through the interview I asked a lot of questions and realized I did not want the job. It was a relief to get the call that they went with another candidate. It wasn’t the right position for me.

Throughout my career I’ve met teachers like Lilian who made a happy change near the end of their career and some like me who made no change once they settled into a position they liked.  There are many variations as well.  We all wonder “what if” but in the end we realize that the decision to apply for new positions is yours to make. You will be considering many factors such as your health, family and career. Sometimes reducing your commute can improve your quality of life, even if it’s not the teaching position of your dreams.  It’s always a risk to put yourself out there but you will never know if you don’t try.

My new position as a semi-retired occasional teacher has been a welcome change. I used to say I would never be a supply teacher, but here I am, loving it. Every day is a new adventure!

I wish you well in the staffing process of 2024.

Take Care,



daring pt 2023

Saying goodbye to another year can stir up a lot of emotions. I found myself reflecting about a farewell post to share with you knowing it will be one more that brings me closer to the end of my time here on this platform.

This in itself is not yet a goodbye, as there are still 6 plus months of writing to come. It is, however, a great chance to look back and look forward from the precipice of one year’s end and towards a new year ahead. Maybe this is a function of age or some other memory related trope, but I will prattle on nevertheless.

As a result of this melancholic thinking I find myself asking, “what did I do in the past year that was daring as an educator, and what will I do in 2024 that will be daring as well”? I guess I need to consider what counts as daring because this can be construed as mere subjectivity if it does not mesh well with the minds of others as it is intended. Dare I go on? 

Daring can conjure up a lot of imaginary thinking from one to the next so before you conflate ‘daring’ with dangerous please read on.

Looking back on 2023

From an outsider’s point of view, 2023 couldn’t have been more normal considering the turmoil of the lockdown, online, and hybrid models we taught through in the years prior. The joy of not having to prepare and deliver lessons for two different grades of in-class and online learners while not having to worry so much about social distancing, masking, or illness was cause for much rejoicing. As 2023 started, it felt like we were really coming out of the pandemic and I was able to really focus on my students. 

This meant taking time to reimagine what learning needed to look like for students who experienced learning in a manner that had never been delivered to them before. Daring to go back to old(er) ways didn’t seem right with my students. They needed something else, and that came in the form of social emotional learning more than academics. 

So 2023 started off with more team oriented and collaborative projects that asked students to recapture their abilities to listen to one another to accomplish a goal with just as much importance as succeeding at learning the curriculum infused within it. My goal was to put the individual learner back into the spaces that were stolen from them by COVID19.

Admittedly, there was a lot of work to do when it came to assessment, but that in itself was also a chance to be a bit daring too. Before you dial 911, please remember that we were all given a new hand of cards to play with during the pandemic. What we knew beforehand was only going to serve as a starting point and not a return destination.

It was, to forgive the pun, like the beginning of new year. It was full of promise and without any mistakes in it. Assessment became a chance to have students see themselves reflected in how they wanted to show their learning. We took time to democratize rubrics and methods to demonstrate understanding. For us that meant fewer pencil and paper tests, more conversations and check-ins, more feedback, and many more chances to revisit learning. Instead of teaching, testing, and moving on we learned, lingered on what needed more time, unlearned, and relearned as often as needed.

Yes, we still managed to get the whole curriculum and it was a government mandated standardized testing year as well. 

I think that 2023 also allowed me to dare a little more boldly into my lessons when it came to social justice focused on BIPOC excellence and culturally responsive and relevant learning opportunities that went beyond the heroes and holidays. Instead of a single day or month, these conversations became part of our class logos, pathos, and ethos. Ultimately, it allowed my students to feel seen, heard, and empowered with greater understanding of one another which also led back to the social learning I set out to teach to start the year. 

Being able to work with my class to start 2023 carried over nicely from January to December even with my new, much quieter, cohort of students and I am seeing the fruits from taking those chances earlier in the year even though the delivery is definitely different for this group, the goal to teach to their social emotional needs first remained. 

On a personal level we sold our house, moved, and continue to unpack. In between all of that were 3 weeks of summer school teaching, and a quick trip to bury an uncle. Life did not skip a beat when it meted out the highs and lows of 2023. For all of them, I am thankful to be working in a wonderfully led and staffed school filled with caring and curious learners each daring to take the steps towards discovering and developing their talents.

My next post will look at how I might be daring in my classroom in 2024. I ask you all to consider that too and share your thoughts in the comments below.

In Search of The Thing

When I first started teaching, I was always looking for The Thing. The Thing that was going to help students to learn best. The Thing that would make the lesson stand out in students’ minds. The Thing that would be the right fit for all students. Don’t we all wish we could find that one magical Thing?

In my search for The Thing I used a number of different graphic organizers. I had my KWL charts for every science strand, Venn Diagrams at different points, and collaborative Sequence Charts, Mind Maps, Brainstorming, etc. As time went on, my collection of graphic organizers continued to grow and morph from chart paper to include digital apps. I think this is really where I started to think more about The Thing and what it’s purpose was for our community of learners. Were they something physical we needed to have? Did they need to be visual in the classroom all the time? Which ones could we display on the screen and put away to revisit for the next time?

Sometimes I wanted to do some collaborative brainstorming. Students would be able to learn with and from one another; building upon their ideas and practising collaboration skills. I thought The Thing for this particular goal would be graphic organizers such as Mind Maps where students could see the relationships between pieces of a certain idea, topic, word, etc. We could track our ideas together if I wanted to activate some prior knowledge, take the temperature of the class as a whole about a specific concept in science or social studies, or even to help develop a deeper understanding of vocabulary for word work.

Sometimes I wanted to create an anchor for us as a class. Perhaps we were engaging in shared reading and we wanted to keep track of our thoughts or the events in the text. We might use a sequence chart or a timeline so that we could remember what had happened, how we felt or thought about what was written, or even to reflect back on how our thinking and opinions had changed. These anchor charts needed to be displayed, continually revisited, and always turned out to be messy and imperfect for the first few drafts – we were adding things, changing things, there were arrows pointing from one idea to another, and it documented our thinking. In the final review of this collection of thoughts, events, and ideas we could organize a neat, final draft but I always felt it was necessary for students to see that thinking was a messy process, it didn’t need to be perfect the first time around – or even the second!

Students always seemed to like using Venn Diagrams. Maybe it was the fun circles or the visual appeal for them. Trying to extend our thinking and explore different visual models, we used three and four circles to push our thinking; we looked at a variety of funny venn diagrams to interpret the creators’ ideas and we tried to create fun ones ourselves. Venn diagrams became a way of playing with our ideas, sorting and re-sorting what we saw and understood to know that there were many different ways of knowing and that learning could change and be seen from different perspectives.

Sometimes I wanted to really focus in and see what students were thinking. We would use Concept Circles or a Frayer Model and have students demonstrate their thinking with words or without. This would give me the chance to help students communicate their ideas in a variety of ways – using manipulatives, drawings, sketches, images, etc. Seeing students express their thinking in different ways helped those who were still attaining language or vocabulary and it also helped me to be intentional as a teacher in seeing their thinking, asking them questions, and talking to them about their ideas.

These are all really Great Things to use with students, but they weren’t The Thing. They were tools for learning; a visual way to engage with student thinking and allow space for student learning to be valued in the classroom. One of the biggest lessons throughout my years of teaching has been that it’s rarely about The Thing. It wasn’t the graphic organizer that the kids loved – although they did enjoy watching me make spelling mistakes or sounding out tough words. Rather, it was engaging in real collaborative thinking and learning. The messy ideas, the moment to be learning with one another was The Thing. I used to think that just giving them a graphic organizer would be The Thing to do and sometimes it still is. But now I also think of it as an opportunity to engage in critical thinking, to allow students to speak and voice their ideas and allow space to celebrate when their ideas change and develop and mature. In the end, maybe that’s The Real Thing.

New Year, New Perspective: Discoveries in the Desert

One thing I have always loved about being an educator is that we have two “new year’s”: one in September when the year starts, and one in January when the year changes. Travel is a luxury that I feel so fortunate to enjoy during those moments: it is the perfect time to reset my thinking and refocus on the time ahead.

In the last year, the desert has been a special place for me to reconnect with nature and think critically about how we learn about the world. Learning about the environment from two very different cultural approaches has helped me to build a greater appreciation for different ways of knowing and seeing the world.

Learning the Sonoran Desert

I had the privilege of spending time in Arizona last January, and came a cross a place called the White Tank library. This place had an entire wall of back windows that faced a sprawling nature reserve. In the same building beside the library was a nature centre and bookstore. The bookstore had dozens of books for kids and adults themed on desert flora and fauna, particularly the notorious javelina (totally worth Googling if you have never heard of this animal!). There were desert spiders, snakes, and other creatures on display for people to look at, and guides on site to give information about them.

a library
Panoramic windows make the White Tank library feel integrated into nature. Source: author.

The trails at the back of the building were well manicured, with information signs throughout the walk explaining the different variety of cacti. Even if you didn’t feel like reading, the site was absolutely spectacular to look at. The trails looked well cared for, and loved by the locals we saw in technical fitness gear running and hiking through the grounds.

The library and all of its resources resonated with me because it aligned with my personal experience of learning – books, guides, and clearly defined trails that I could navigate easily. Immediately I imagined how great it would be to take students here, and how easy it was to connect science and literacy learning.

An incredible place to read about and explore the desert. Source: author.

A Jaunt in the Sahara

On another desert trip last summer, I went on a short tour of a small section of the Sahara in Egypt. Desolate, mountainous, and nearly unbearably hot, this desert contrasted starkly with Arizona’s Sonoran landscape. A wild and bumpy jeep ride took us about 30 minutes into the desert.

Rustic tourist centre for tourists near Hurghada, Egypt. Source: author.

The excursion took us to a desert village largely set up for tourists. According to the guide, the locals quite understandably did not like tourists peering into their homes, so they separated their homes from the area that foreigners could explore. Constructed of simple, open air buildings and a space where tourists could ride camels led by local residents, the whole experience of the place beautifully showcased the arid, mountainous landscape.

Rocky, unmarked trails gave led to vistas that showed how locals interact with the land. Source: author.

We looked into a small mosque, watched a young girl demonstrate bread making, and drank hot tea. A small hut featured local animals such as lizards and bugs. A rocky climb up a hill gave a view of the actual village homes in the distance. Completely unmarked, it was a struggle to climb until we became accustomed to climbing the steep and rather unstable ground.

And while the rustic tourist site bore zero resemblance to the modern, well-funded Arizona library and trails, it struck me how two completely different cultures had created similar  experiences for people to learn about the desert environment.

The Takeaway

There are so many ways to experience and learn from the outdoors. Why should we limit ourselves, and the students we teach, to a single perspective?

It is wonderful and enriching to have books, exhibits, panoramic windows, and guides to help us navigate nature. It is also equally great without all of these things, and learn from observing the way that people sustainably maximize the resources they have access to.

Outdoor education has come a long way in Canada. More and more, schools are embracing Indigenous ways of knowing, particularly when it comes to stewardship and wildlife protection. Books like Robin Wall Kimmerer’s Braiding Sweetgrass have offered powerful, Indigenous perspectives on the natural world and scientific learning.

It is an exciting time to embrace the different ways we can understand nature. In a time when stories of forest fires and climate change have become part of the daily news cycle, alternative ways of learning are more critical than ever.

what happened

Imagine a last week of school before the winter break that was so crammed with activities that when the bell sounded on the last day that there was applause and a collective exhale?

Imagine a last week of school that collected, organized, logged on a spreadsheet, and delivered over 600 non-perishable items to 2 local food banks?

Our class split into 3 groups (logistics, sales, and marketing). Each group developed and defined their roles in the project which included creating marketing materials such as posters to place around the school and daily announcements for the duration of the campaign. Our sales team was in charge of creating grade level appropriate presentations for grades K to 2, 3 to 5 and 6 to 8. Once the campaign started our logistics team collected the food from classes and drop off points, sorted them by type, checked for best before dates, and logged the items on to spreadsheets.

Imagine taking time for a kindergarten concert, a dance, and some class social activities? This included sending notes and games to our Sweet Secret Santa class in the school, and then joining them for a surprise shared read aloud. It also gave us a chance to cheer for their singing performances too.*

Imagine getting caught up on past work so that there was nothing to work on over the holiday? Perhaps it is a personal preference that has developed over the years, but I like to clean the homework house before extended breaks. It is not my goal to burden my scholars with busy work. Instead, I choose to encourage them to be helpful at home. I shared that washing dishes, doing laundry, using a vacuum, or tidying up will be good habits to start forming now in advance of those post secondary days away to come. 

Imagine having to do, not one, but 2 assessments on the last day before the break? That’s on me. I hate deferring good assessment opportunities for which all the prep has been put in. Plus we can all return to new learning once the break is over. 

Imagine not watching a single movie other than a few Bugs Bunny cartoons? If you want your kids to see movies in my class, then you are going to be disappointed. TED talks, short docs, creative animations or music videos (OK Go), and classic cartoon shorts are what you’ll find queued up. 

Imagine a team puzzle solving challenge that asked students to be leaders and encouragers when under pressure? I thought that this might be fun instead of playing a Kahoot or Blooket (both of which I really enjoy) for a change.

I found two 200 piece puzzles at the Dollar Store. The neat thing was that the puzzles were 150 cm x 30 cm in size. The large pieces made it easy for the 10 plus students to see who gathered around the large table to put it all together as quickly as they could. On the line, bragging rights and a bag of cherry blasters (gelatin free). My only advice was that good teams/leaders work hard at encouraging one another, not yell at each other. 

It was really interesting to watch the two teams (boys vs girls this time) work together. I witnessed two totally different, yet effective collaborative approaches. In my mind this activity was only going to take a half an hour to complete so I set it up before lunch thinking it would all be over just in time.

Nope. 15 minutes into their lunch time, students were still buzzing around their puzzle tables working on their team task before one team prevailed. Victorious and magnanimous they shared their prize.

Photos by author. Edited using Prisma app

Imagine tidying up the class so that it sparkles for our return? Sweeping (me), tech , art supplies, books, math manipulatives all organized, book boxes and lockers cleaned out, and chairs stacked in manageable piles (students). This ongoing chance to model responsible class stewardship never gets old. I always love the zen moments that come from sweeping.

Imagine saying happy holidays, Merry Christmas, and peace on earth? 

That’s what happened. 

Imagine being home for two weeks? For some these weeks will be the toughest times where they may not feel as connected or seen as they might be at school. My hope is that all students and staff will come back rested and ready for the next 6 months at school. Wishing you all the best for a healthy 2024. 

* It’s been a while since I have seen a JK/SK concert which was so entertaining and out of the traditional Rudolph and Frosty box. Based on student and adult audience reactions, I was not alone in this opinion. 

Self-Regulation with Sensory Experiences

We all experience stress and anxiety that can make self-regulation challenging. As adults we have figured out strategies to help us feel more calm and in control of ourselves.  Perhaps you listen to music, try a new recipe, get some exercise or chat with a friend. These strategies that use our senses can bring us out of our heads and more focused on the here and now. Our students will retain more of their learning if they are in a good headspace so let’s consider some sensory activities to try.


I highly recommend creating slime with your students. It is a fantastic learning experience in science and gives students a tactile, gooey substance to stretch, pop, roll, and squeeze. I’ve seen quiet students have confidence to talk to classmates while using slime and I’ve seen students who were screaming calm down completely when slime was introduced.

Brain Breaks

Exercising in the classroom with videos that have visual prompts, music and fun characters can put energy into a class after a longer period of sitting still. No video? No problem! Using a playlist of favourite music combined with body movement is energizing too!

Food Experiences

With a parent volunteer or co-op student it’s rewarding to get some easy recipes like fruit kebabs, veggies and hummus or personal pizzas going. There are so many recipes available to accomodate all kinds of needs. Plus your students will be more likely to try something new in this social situation. Years ago a colleague introduced me to the book Stone Soup and we made soup together. I kept that tradition with all my homeroom classes because students really enjoyed it and it reinforces healthy eating habits. 


Having materials on hand for students to make creations can be very soothing.  The act of creating really gets the mind focussed and calm. I’m a fan of loose parts, a collection of odds and ends like paper towel rolls, scrap paper, plastic lids, bread tags, etc. 

Soft Start

Looking for a smoother start to your day? January would be a great time to implement the soft start.  Students enter the class and have choice of quiet activities. You may include things like building materials, play dough, drawing, reading, etc. Using a timer can help students to be aware of the transition to your start of day routines.

Invite Animal Visitors

You may have local organizations that sponsor pet visits to the classroom. Animals can bring out the best in humans! I have witnessed examples of empathy from everyone in the class when they are learning about dogs, chicks or even lizards.

I’d love to hear more helpful suggestions from our readers. What works to help your students with self-regulation? Do you have other sensory activities that your students love?

Photo Credit: T. Pfautsch


In an earlier blog entry, I spoke about those wonderful little moments I have witnessed over the years, snapshots in time of students’ learning, insights, and growth. But the inspiring memories that stay with me through the years are not only of my students. As I’ve said many times before, one of the perks of my job is getting to work with teachers across our board. And as a result, there are a number of wonderful snapshot moments I have of them as well. 

I’d like to share two such moments with you.

I will begin in the East. 

A teacher at one of my East end schools had emailed me early in the fall about adaptations for two of her new students, both new to Canada and new to English. With a jam-packed schedule and never-ending cycle of to-do lists, she somehow managed to find time to meet with me. She outlined the units she was doing with the class and, after sharing some initial ideas, we agreed that intentional teaching and recycling of vocabulary needed for their lessons would best help the students access curriculum and acquire the English needed to do so.  We made plans to reconnect the next week, and she would begin some of the initial vocabulary work in the meantime. 

I returned as planned the following Friday, to help pre-teach some of the words that would be repeatedly used whole-class lessons. As I approached the classroom, I could see the teacher was already waiting for me. 

She had an expression on her face I have seen many times before.  It is at once focused, hopeful … and slightly concerned. She was holding some papers and when she saw me, instantly asked, “Is this ok? This is what they did.”

Now here is the snapshot that will stay with me. I glanced down at worksheet in her hands and saw it was part of the class’s poetry unit.  I could see the list of adjectives all students had brainstormed for their diamanté poems, as well as verbs and other descriptors. And next to each one, her students had written the adjectives in first language. Connected to a single theme, the words created a chain of beautiful description down the page. In Arabic. In Spanish. In English. 

brave, strong    شجاع وقوي   valiente, fuerte …

The beginnings of poetic multilingual creations …

When I had spoken to the teacher the previous week, she had been concerned about including all of her students in the unit, and making sure there was an entry point for multilingual language learners. It seemed to me she had achieved that aim and more. Yet when I looked up from that magnificent sheet, I still saw slight worry in her expression.

I am always surprised when teachers who are so clearly dedicated to their students, who tirelessly try new and innovative approaches, who help students produce such personal, exceptional work … sometimes they seem worried that it is not enough, and continually reflect on their practice to create even more opportunities for students. 

But I suppose that is what all good educators do. And if, as Robert Gilfillan observed, poetry is truth dwelling in beauty, then the snapshot of student learning I saw that day was poetry indeed. 

 Next, I head to the West …

The 75th Anniversary of the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights

This December marks the 75th anniversary of the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights, which was drafted in 1948.  This blog highlights a few films produced by the National Film Board that can help address the topic of human rights in K-8.

With older elementary students human rights can be discussed with some historical context. The UNDHR was adopted by a very young United Nations in the post WWII era. Ideally, all of the rights in the declaration would be in place worldwide but there are no countries that are at that point yet. Progress is being made but students may be left feeling helpless as they are aware of atrocities taking place today and in the past.  A film like Hope Builders can make the difference.  This 90 minute film shows Canadian students creating positive change in their community on a year long action project.  It’s a story of teamwork and empowerment, showing the struggles and successes the students had. It ends with an uplifting community meeting that shows how much students can accomplish with good leadership and adults who demonstrate faith in their ability to reach their goals.

For younger students, there is a wordless, animated, 5-minute film called The Orange. It takes place in a classroom at lunchtime and addresses that everyone “has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of their family, including food.” It’s the perfect film to introduce young children to the ideas of sharing, caring and empathy.

Finally, for grades 4 and up there is a film called Why? This animated short film gives students a chance to reflect on how war and poverty can have a negative impact on children reaching their full potential.

Viewing and discussing these films can help students see the world from different perspectives. We can encourage students to take a role in improving human rights in Ontario and Canada by writing to various levels of government with concerns about clean drinking water for First Nations, health care in rural communities, and access to shelter and food, to name a few.

Please keep in mind that discussing human rights can be triggering for students who have experienced trauma.  Beginning the lesson with a compassionate introduction and full awareness of students’ backgrounds and needs is recommended.


United Nations Declaration of Human Rights 

NFB – Hope Builders

NFB – The Orange

NFB –Why


Come and Join Us!

In conversations with teachers, I often get asked “How do we be more inclusive of all the holidays celebrated by the students in the school?” The answer to this requires some thinking and planning. I recommend starting with having a conversation with students. Whenever I open a conversation like this, I am mindful of my presence and position as the adult in the room. I know that if I say my favourite holiday is Christmas or Easter, I know that will influence what students think I want to hear. Sometimes they will try to make a connection with me, often agreeing that they have the same favourite as I do or most of them say “Me, too!” and then a few of them who don’t celebrate the same way feel left out. Instead I try to begin this conversation by asking what we like best about holidays, for example, time with family and friends, foods we love, etc. We can use this conversation to build connections with one another and each child can have an entry point to the conversation and have a holiday in mind, whether it’s religious or secular or a national holiday. Then, once we have some idea about what makes a holiday meaningful, ask students what holidays they celebrate when the things we like best take place.

Using this information to plan around which holidays you will acknowledge in your classroom, helps to create a culture where we honour who students are. Be sure to celebrate all holidays to the same degree so that no one feels more important than others. You can also use this information to figure out which holidays you need to include because the children might not have any experience or knowledge about them. Whose voices are missing? Whose identities do they need to learn more about?

This year anti-bias and anti-racist leader, Liz Kleinrock, has a new book titled Come and Join Us! 18 Holidays Celebrated All Year Long. This beautiful text illustrated by Chaaya Prabhat centres on so many different identities. It truly gives the opportunity for some students to see joyful mirrors and others to look through windows that allow space to learn about cultures and celebrations they may not have had the chance to meet. My favourite part, however, is the brilliant way this text also invites readers to step through the sliding glass door and build connections and empathy with others. After learning about each celebration there is a reflective question, such as “Do you stay up late for any of your holidays?” or “How do you help and show care for others during your celebrations?” I can see how educators would use this text to learn about others and spark conversations that allow for all children to have an entry point and connection.

Educators could use this text throughout the entire year, inviting children to learn more about different holidays and practice how to be curious and respectful when learning about others. You’ll notice the intentional focus on holidays that are non-dominant in Canada, such as Nowruz (Persian New Year). Kleinrock addresses this in her author’s note at the end of the book, sharing the challenges she had growing up with the ways that others spoke about the holidays she celebrated. It’s a wonderful way to bring forward eighteen different holidays throughout the school year and to continue the conversation as holidays happen.

For more about Liz Kleinrock, visit:
For information about Come and Join Us! 18 Holidays Celebrated All year Long, visit:

speak up

There are a lot of privileges and responsibilities when it comes to using our voices as educators. The potential to inspire and aspire to greater things or to cause irreparable harm if and when we do should serve as a reminder of how we use our voices and who might be listening.

Sometimes, there is an urgent need to speak out against injustice. Did I type sometimes? I meant all the time when it comes to injustice, and that need to do so seems to be happening a lot more frequently in our ever connected world where it is now possible to know about everything, everywhere, and all at once.

Maybe it is a bi-product of years on the frontline of interactions with learners, family members, and other educators, but teachers possess powerful voices. It is in our nature to ask questions, seek answers, and to reflect/learn/draw from it all. Whether it comes through uniting with others in the fight against racism, apathy, or injustice or in active allyship with once silenced voices historically left out of important conversations there is a need to speak up. 

Some find their voices in virtual spaces via social media posts and reposts? For others, it’s in solidarity through meetings or rallies? Our need to speak up can be triggered through moral dilemmas too. What troubles one soul may not immediately trouble another. When it comes to if, when, where, and why we speak up the results vary. How we speak up has evolved greatly.

As a blogger, I am able to use this space and others to purge my thoughts. Podcasts can also be a strong way to share too and they come with the added layer of hearing the passionate tones of the content creator. Maybe it’s because I am more of a writer now than a broadcaster, but I’m still a fan of the idea and potential of handwritten letters. Letters signify that someone took the time to write, address an envelope, and pay for postage. When written(not typed) they demonstrate a personal touch that is often lacking in an email. Talk about making a commitment to sharing a point of view. There is also an art to it when done correctly, and this is what has captured my thoughts as I plan a mini writing unit. 

 A single letter to an organization is often considered to represent anywhere from 15 to 20 other people who share the same opinion. So, my students and I are about to embark on a letter writing exercise, and I have to admit that this has me thinking of the possibilities and conversations to come. As I shared in an earlier post, my students tend to be a little quieter than most. Despite their introverted leanings, or because of them, they are pretty strong writers. Hence the idea to write letters.

For me, this unit will focus around supporting students and their needs. I want to make sure the voices (theirs) in our classrooms serve as conversational conduits that can lead others to critically examine the world around them in order to gain a deeper understanding of its numerous and nuanced issues. With our letter writing project, I am hoping students will really discover, develop, and use their voices to deliver their ideas through respectful correspondence that asks questions of their own while addressing the actions of those making the decisions right now. 

In advance of all of this, we have been considering the differences between elementary schools and secondary schools. This has ranged from chats about course offerings, extra-curricular opportunities, and facilities. It has also led to the realization that the field is not completely level. Hmm? We have also had discussions around some lighter subjects such as the way no one seems to listen anymore, academic angst, the climate crisis, geo-political strife, and playground life. Regardless of which issue they choose to address, the goal will be to amplify each of the voices in our learning space. 

Another way to look at equipping students to use their voices might also be preparing a way for the future voices of others to be heard and or to carry on once our voices are no longer present. Call it strategic succession planning if you will, but learning to speak up is an important skill to share from one generation to the next regardless of the form it takes.