A Farewell to Grade 7/8 and a Journey into Motherhood

As the school year draws to a close, I find myself standing at the threshold of two profound journeys: one into motherhood and another into the realm of teaching music. Packing up my classroom, filled with the laughter and learning of my grade 7/8 students, stirs a mix of emotions—excitement, nervousness, and a hint of sadness as I prepare for maternity leave.

Saying goodbye to my students is never easy. Their eager faces, the buzz of discussions, and the moments of revelation when a concept clicks—all these have filled my days with purpose and joy. Yet, as I gather lesson plans and organize materials, I find solace in knowing that while I embark on this new chapter of motherhood, the classroom will patiently await my return.

The anticipation of becoming a mother is a rollercoaster of emotions. Nervousness about the unknowns mingles with excitement for the miracle unfolding within. Will I be a good mother? How will I balance this new role with my passion for teaching? These questions linger in my mind, yet I am buoyed by the support of family, friends, and colleagues who assure me that this journey will unfold naturally.

When I return, I will begin a brand new journey as a music teacher! The prospect of teaching music brings with it a fresh canvas—a chance to introduce my students to the world of melodies, rhythms, and harmonies that have always been my passion. The notes may change, but the joy of teaching remains.

Teaching music offers a unique opportunity to inspire creativity and foster a love for expression through sound. I look forward to sharing my enthusiasm for music with my students, guiding them as they explore the intricacies of instruments, composition, and the emotional power of music itself.

As I look forward to all of these new chapters, I am grateful for the experiences that have shaped me in the homeroom classroom and look forward to what is ahead. So here’s to embracing change, to the excitement of new beginnings, and to the melodies that await us all. Although this is almost the end of my time blogging, I look forward to sharing in a different way in the future and reading the blog posts of the teachers that will come after we at Heart and Art. I am so grateful that I had this experience and await the new stories of teachers to come.


where it is

I have a hard time forgetting my first months of teacher’s college. It had its ups and downs as might be expected, but few to no negative experiences which is odd to think about. That time, moreover, made an indelible impact which continues 15 years into my career.

Having been out of school for nearly 2 decades working in the real world, teacher’s college was a daily mix of excitement, imposter syndrome, confusion, and wonder. By wonder, I mean wondering why I was there some days and in amazement at possibilities awaited at the end the others. 

Most of what was shared was so new to me. I am also prepared to admit I received the lessons differently than my younger, fresh out of university peers. It was nothing short of a life invigorating 180 degree turn to begin to learn the philosophies of education, and then combine them with inclusion, community, and curriculum. 

We started with Mazlow, Vygotsky, and Hume, and then were introduced to Freire, Piaget, and Schumacher. Reading the various passages chosen by our faculty instructors seemed more like another university course rather than a pathway to pedagogy at the time. It was the discussions however, that helped all of that theory (wisdom) become practical and purposeful.

And then there were my own experiences, mistakes, suppositions, and assumptions that needed to be reckoned with in order to make sense of this world I had all figured out already. What a misconception it can be to think that there was no more thinking to do. The revelation that I was still far from anything resembling a future educator was indeed a humbling challenge that served as a lesson and call to action.

I was now, afterall, a learner learning to become a leader of other learners. There were so many questions. Surprisingly, the answers did not come from others, but rather in those quiet times while journaling another reflective response. I shared with our dean that I was becoming more mirror than man through all of this. She laughed and quoted something I shared back, “You wouldn’t want to miss the learning.” 

She was right. I was right. We were right. I didn’t want to miss the learning whenever, whatever, however, from whoever, why ever, and wherever it was happening. This look back reminds me to continue seeking out the lessons in each of the spaces I am privileged to teach (learn). This can be difficult when it seems like there is always so much left to do, but from my own experience in doing so come many more positives such as a clearer sense of direction, resolve, validation, and purpose. 

We all need time to consolidate the what, why, how, when, and where are up to you. My advice is to take stock at different times of the year. For me, November, Feb, and May seem to find me doing this. I know that coincides with reporting times and I hope that it is only a coincidence. What I get out of taking the time to seek out “the learning” has led to some big shifts in my instructional approaches. 

The most significant shift occurred when I was in my first year as a homeroom teacher and had begun to get a little bored with the way things were going in the classroom. We were on schedule, the students were progressing well, and all seemed going according to plan, but the spark seemed to be missing. 

I decided to ask students what they would change about the class if they were in charge? At first they thought it was a trap. After all, how many students have ever had the latitude to speak their minds when asked to contribute to something as important as their own learning? Once I assured them that my intentions were good, they let me have it- respectfully.

We want;(the response)
“more independent learning” (how about Genius Hour or ISPs?)
“more art” (happy to add more art and will include this in Math too #MARTH)
“more movement”(movement breaks can be scheduled on the regular)
“more learning about real life” (consider it done throughout our different classes)
“more homework” (there’s always one kid to ask for this)

I also heard;(the response)
“less tests”(happy to shift to other less traditional types of assessment)
“less homework”(only work not finished in class except 30 minutes of reading each night)
“less note taking”(happy to provide notes and materials in digital classroom)

My add-ons
More conversations about mental health.
Time for mindfulness and quiet thought.
Snacks where food security might be an issue.
Focus on progress over perfection with a shift to praising hard work and fearlessness when it comes to making mistakes. 

Each time these convos happened served as a reminder that our students need to have opportunities to be heard in order to make their learning relevant where they are too. Whether they find their what, why, when, how and where in personal reflection, times of boredom, structured activities, sharing their voices or by accident. I have already done this a couple of times this year so far with one more big conversation to come. 

I have learned that we are on to something meaningful each time this happens as all of our attitudes as learners largely change as a result of these conversations. Now 12 years later, hearing from students, good and bad, is still where it is happening and helping me shape my work.

My class motto this year is, “Let’s fail spectacularly.” It is an odd rally cry, but seems to resonate with this year’s group of 6s. Through it we are all working to overcome our fear of getting it wrong and replacing it with a chance to take risks and make mistakes without worrying so much. 

As I consolidate all of this right now, I am putting everything where it might possibly belong in the thought boxes of my mind and hoping the voices who have shared in the past and now will continue the work that was started here, with us, where it was and is…

A diverse group of young students wearing convocation caps and gowns, smiling at the camera.

Fostering Excellence in Classrooms: A Comprehensive Approach

Picture By: Pavel Danilyuk

In the ever-changing landscape of education, pursuing excellence in classrooms is a collective endeavour encompassing academic excellence and holistic student development. To unveil the secrets of successful learning environments, let’s explore critical elements that educators can implement to meet the diverse needs of their students.

Begin with a curriculum designed to spark student interest and connect with real-world experiences. Align lessons with academic standards while infusing practical applications and real-life scenarios. Cultivate a passion for learning by making the curriculum an exciting gateway to knowledge.

Recognize and cater to diverse learning styles and preferences. Implement personalized learning approaches that allow students to progress at their own pace, explore topics of interest, and engage with materials personally. Foster a sense of ownership and motivation, paving the way for sustained academic success.

Establish clear expectations and maintain a positive, inclusive atmosphere. Implement proactive behaviour management strategies that create a safe and respectful learning environment. A well-managed classroom sets the foundation for effective learning and active student engagement.

Leverage technology as a powerful tool to enhance the learning experience. Incorporate digital tools and resources to make lessons more engaging. Equip students with essential digital skills for the future, embracing the benefits of technology in education.

Recognize the connection between academic success and social-emotional well-being. Prioritize the development of social and emotional skills, fostering empathy, self-awareness, and effective communication. Create a supportive environment where students feel valued, heard, and prepared to navigate interpersonal relationships.

Equipped with knowledge, teachers can adapt their strategies to meet the evolving needs of students, contributing significantly to classroom success. Stay current on the latest pedagogical approaches, technological advancements, and educational research. How do they align with your pedagogical practice? Which aspects can you adopt, adapt, or discard? Consistent review of pedagogical practices empowers the educator to effectively and responsively meet students where they are to guide them to success. 

Action Items for Educators:

Curriculum Innovation: Review and enhance your curriculum to include practical applications and real-world relevance. Seek opportunities for cross-disciplinary connections to make learning more engaging.

Proactive Classroom Management: Establish clear expectations for behaviour and create a positive classroom culture. Implement proactive strategies to address potential challenges and develop an environment conducive to learning.

Technology Integration Workshop: Familiarize yourself with educational technology tools and explore ways to integrate them into your lessons. Attend workshops or sharing sessions/events at your school to enhance your digital teaching skills.

SEL Integration in Lesson Plans: Infuse social and emotional learning into your lesson plans. Incorporate activities that promote empathy, self-awareness, and critical communication skills among students and their learning community.

Continuous Professional Learning Plan: Create a personalized professional development plan. Attend workshops, webinars, or learning opportunities that support you in staying current on the latest education trends. Collaborate with colleagues to share insights and strategies.

By implementing these action items, educators can contribute to cultivating excellence in classrooms in a way that supports students’ overall well-being and growth.

started from the bottom

My students and I didn’t know a lot of things when we started this year.
We didn’t know that we’d be climbing literal, emotional, and metaphysical mountains.
How could we? I am sure that each of us experiences a similar version to this expedition too. 

There we were; 26 individuals together for the first time.
We set up base camp by creating a student centred learning space that valued community, kindness, encouragement, and hard work. We focused on sharing our strengths and areas where we wanted to improve our footing in order to ascend the mountain(s) we were preparing to summit. 

“You cannot stay on the summit forever; you have to come down again. So why bother in the first place? Just this: What is above knows what is below, but what is below does not know what is above. One climbs, one sees. One descends, one sees no longer, but one has seen.” – Rene Daumal

A cartoon man looks up towards the summit of a mountain
Image from Simpsons
S9 E201 5F16 first aired March 3, 1998

oxygen and sherpas please

Each year, we start at the bottom to get to where we are now; by the looks of the mountain still towering above us that is May and June, we have a lot more to climb. There may still be some distance to cover above, but I think it is a great time to look down to appreciate how far we’ve climbed. I think that this perspective will provide us some of the necessary extra strength/motivation to finish what we started in order to reach the top. 

My grade 6s and I are eight months into our ten month journey to the summit of Mt. Grade 6*. We have grown in stature, in perspectives, in strength, and in skills. We have lost our way on purpose and along with those sideways steps, and circuitous routes, we have also left behind some of our worries about participating and presenting by better knowing ourselves. We have camped on lush warm plateaus while gaining the confidence and capacity to go higher. 

We have built bridges over dangerous crevasses of fixed mindsets and self doubt too. We have shared resources and experiences. We have picked each other when there was a slip or slide backwards. We made sure our ropes, pitons, carabiners, and the rest of our gear is safe and strong. We packed enough provisions for everyone to make it to the top and back down again. We have accepted and carried our share of the load. 

We have laughed, discussed tough topics, dug deeply into equity and inclusion, tore up tests that didn’t go well, restarted lessons, disagreed, reviewed past lessons, re-reviewed past lessons, learned new concepts, reviewed new concepts, re-reviewed new concepts, shared life tips, played outside, and so much more. 

There have been moments when the distance between those at the top of the climb were setting up new base camps while others were still climbing. We learned to wait for each other; to make sure that everyone was accounted for on the trek. 

We started from the bottom and we can almost see the top. There is still a lot of climbing ahead, but what a view!

*not a real mountain

lost and found

I am not sure why the title of the thought stream to follow sprung forth to wrap this month, but I will roll with it just to see where it will flow.

We have had one heck of a March at the speed of learning. With 70% of the seeds of this instructional year plan already planted, it looks to be an exciting and busy 3 months of tending, nurturing, and harvesting ahead.

It’s Spring. It’s new years and reflection and remembrance for some. It’s resurrection time and Ramadan for others. It’s also the annual rebirth of nature and reflection that we have all been waiting since the first snows of winter blanketed our outdoor spaces.

lost and found

I have been thinking a lot about what is mine and what is not. I can pinpoint the most recent moment that precipitated the throughline of this piece too.

In our school caretaker’s work room there was a dolly full of about 8 large plastic bags and a number of boxes. Curious, I took a closer look and happened to see that the bags were full of clothes that had accumulated between the Winter to Spring breaks. 8 bags. This got me wondering about a couple of things beyond the obvious: How could a kid lose boots or a winter coat and not know they were missing?

Perhaps I have gotten used to this scene playing out over the past years in schools, and have become comfortable in knowing that the thrift shops in our community always benefit from receiving the goods. Hence why they were on the dolly ready to be delivered. However, a few thoughts still linger.

I started to wonder about how much we have to lose before we realize/recognize/know it’s gone? Is it too late once we do? Have you ever found something that had been lost and forgotten about? This seems to happen each time I organize my materials, especially for science, for a new unit and when I move classrooms/schools.

In those moments I am hit with multiple memories of past lessons and classes. These times have also come with my own version of a Marie Kondo intervention. Was this item useful? Did it bring my students knowledge and understanding? Does it bring me joy when I used it? Will it still be able to serve its purpose going forward?

Many times, the answers have been no, not really, and result in a new home in the recycling bin. This has been hard for me as I have horder tendencies when viewed through the educational lens. I am guilty of keeping things even when they no longer serve or survive their purpose. It has only been recently that I have worked through this challenge.

Happy to say that my own personal dolly loads have decreased as the years go on. To this day, I do not regret recycling or giving away any of my resources although I have retained some digital versions of a few on USB.

So what about losing someone?

Spring is also the time when many educators seek new schools, get surplused, or retire. I know this very well being on my 5th school in 15 years. The necessity/choice to make a move can be exhilarating, nervewracking or both. In each of my cases, it meant losing one community and then finding it again but in a new ecosystem.

Along the way, I have tried to maintain some connection with staff from each place, but it also comes with the need to accept that absence makes you irrelevant when you are not sharing the same spaces. The pandemic really amplified this fact as we used to be able to catch up at PD or larger conferences, but those opportunities/reunions have yet to return. Whenever it does happen though, reminds me of the positive experiences gained from those times together. Despite the distances, some strong friendships have remained regardless of the bricks we work within now. Even though there are few guarantees when making a move, the opportunity for growth will be there for you.

I guess my point here is that it is worth the effort to keep in touch even if it is only once a year. Yes it can be time consuming, but it can also be a breath of fresh air, like Spring, to hear from someone you used to work with when they reach out. I also know that it can be equally joyous not to hear from others. Thankfully that is not the majority of my experience, but I won’t speak for former colleagues.

Sometimes you have to get lost to get found and whether it is in reinventing your classroom approach, moving schools, or seeking out connections with past and present Spring offers us a perfect time to weigh what is important and not so important, what brings us joy and what can be appreciated when looking back.

I wish all of this for you whether you move, move on, or stay put for another year. May yours be the joy that fills those spaces.

on paper

On paper, there are all sorts of things to see.
On paper, the letters are arranged to convey information, strengths, and next steps. 

On paper, there are always messages to read in between the lines. Although unseen, they are still there even when they between the letters on paper. Let’s face it, when it comes to reporting, most readers are not looking for messages or next steps on paper, but rather for some numbers between 80 and 100 or for a couple of individual letters and math operators between A- to A+.

It’s important that things look good. On paper. 

Is something missing?  

We have all seen this in our classrooms whenever assessments are returned. For me, any output that requires evaluation, where a mark gets entered of learning, has already gone through several iterations accompanied by  constructive feedback along the way. Whether this was done in one on one conferences or as a whole class activity, students are receiving several chances along the way to control what is going to go on paper.

After considerable planning, consistently paced instruction, clearly mapped out expectations/learning goals/success criteria, scaffolding, mid-unit course corrections, carefully curated choices to demonstrate understanding, and an easy to follow rubric Carefully outline the expectations, co-construct success criteria, instruct, provide access to resources to revisit, check-in to ensure understanding along the way, provide effective descriptive feedback, extend due dates, and then hope to receive a clear artefact that shows evidence of understanding from learners to assess. 

Cue the rubrics and tests. It’s marking time, or is it?

As I have discovered over these past 14+ years, assessment can be exhausting on occasion. I usually try to do this earlier in the day whenever possible as the caffeine has not reached its half-life in my system. It has also been beneficial to dwell longer in the ‘assessment as learning‘ spaces than those ‘of learning’. This has allowed my students to see overall better results along with a more applicable set of skills to bring forward to other tasks and future grades.

For every educator, regardless of years of experience, assessment as learning, formerly known as, formative assessment needs to be acknowledged and implemented with the greatest frequency in every classroom. I have found it to be the biggest lever in helping learners progress during their time in class. 

It has also allowed me a means to manage my assessment workload more effectively along with helping students develop more positive attitudes towards feedback beyond what is printed on paper. 

Rubrics…meh or more please?

With a class of 25 grade 6 students this year, I have figured out it takes 2.5 hours to read a single journal assignment, 2 hours to grade a reading response or Math check-in, and 2 to 3+ hours for projects. Keep in mind that learning skills are also being factored in daily to provide our students the next steps for their next days. This is largely due to two things: Clearer expectations and a rubric to remind students about what they are working towards. I wasn’t always this efficient. 

When I was a new teacher, assessment took considerably longer. I have also come to my senses and have sought help from some reliable sources such as our ETFO Members Sharing in Assessment portal and by working with my grade team on moderated marking tasks. As a newbie, working alongside a more experienced educator to assess was a very eye opening and important experience. It helped me see how to look at student outputs through the lens of curriculum expectations and success criteria. It is now something I do with each teacher candidate. 

It is here where we can get the information we put on paper right when it comes to assessing students. Knowing how much work goes into it all and in providing the feedback with next steps has me thinking about the most recent batch of report cards.

The buildup and aftermath from Term 1 reports has come and gone, but I am left wondering, again this year, whether if, how, and when what was printed on paper will be used that will be reflected when it happens all over again in June? How can we get our students to see themselves beyond the few letters and math operators, but as works in process and progress? 

I am not sure there is an answer in the current way we do this at a systemic level. Is there a way to lessen the addiction that students develop to marks and leverage that desire into something more edifying to their long term happiness and development of their uniquely gifted abilities even if they are not seen on paper?

My Math Program, Ten Years in the Making

After ten years of teaching, numerous PD courses, books and online documents, I have finally hammered down my math program. When introducing a new math concept, students can feel overwhelmed or confused. I like to break down each math expectation with a weekly focus on each one (giving extra time if needed). Ten years later, this is the structure that I have enjoyed the most and find my students enjoy the most:


Monday- introduce concept with key terms, videos and 1-2 examples on the board 

Tuesday- practice questions on whiteboards where students ask for help if needed

Wednesday- “Thinking Classroom” collaborative task where students work on 1-2 problems with a group of 3-4 students 

Thursday- math task with 3-4 questions, one bonus with an extension into further concepts 

Friday- math games to further the concept on gimkit, kahoot or knowledgehook


Their math mark is based on a combination of observations, conversations and a weekly product. My favourite day by far is Wednesdays where I randomly assign groups with numbered popsicle sticks. Students meet their group mates at their wipebook and get started on their question. I will post the most recent questions we solved and some of their solutions. Before each lesson, I ask students “What makes a great collaborator?” Student answers vary but often include:

  • A great listener 
  • Someone who includes students who are not involved 
  • Someone who listens without judgement 
  • Someone who does the work


Then, I walk around and look for evidence of the student-generated collaboration criteria. I also ask them questions about their math responses, never telling them they are on the wrong track but asking them about their process. After they have found some solutions, I pause the groups and ask them to walk around the room to view the other solutions. Sometimes I ask them to point to the wipebook that had their favourite process or the most organized process. We never take up the answers or I never correct their boards. Students often correct their own once the view the other boards. At the end of the class, I call students out into the hall and have them comment on the student who they thought collaborated the best in their group. 


That is my version of the “Thinking Classroom” in math with a focus on collaboration. 

Question and Student Responses:




This question was created using ideas from openmiddle.com. 



picture of a holiday JOY sign taken from behind so letters are shown in reverse
photo by author

No joy, no peace.
Know joy, know peace.
Perhaps this simplistic approach may lead some philosophers, I mean educators, to search for specific pieces of peace as part of putting their own life’s puzzle(s) together. Or maybe not. It’s good to have a choice in matters of this nature. 

As simple as the adapted axiom above reads, it becomes much more perplexing when, as, and if pondered.

Call it YOᒐ

So what happens when joy takes a holiday when doing the work that you love, and all that you are left with is its opposite? Without this becoming a full on self help post, I will attempt to work out my thoughts in the paragraphs below. 

At first blush, the answer comes with equal parts complexity, scheduled and unscheduled situations, and a litany of responses ranging from (over)reactionary to nuanced. I never said it was going to be easy, right. I also didn’t say it has to be difficult either. 

Finding our own versions of JOY while trying to avoid YOᒐ might as well be like trying to distil our own definition for the meaning of life. And you can’t use 42, Adams already gave us that one. What brings us JOY or YOᒐ is personal, elusive, and evolving. We are humans after all, and our tastes and needs are subject to change or be changed whether from inside or out? Joy will look different from one person to the next. One person’s perceived worst day ever, may only appear to someone else as an opportunity to gain knowledge and grow from the experience. 

The winter of my disco tents will lead to a rockin’ summer

Looking at JOY and YOᒐ as seasons instead of life sentences has been helpful for me. 

In fact it has become very clear that each and every day has the potential for us to take a time warped trip through the seasons complete with blizzards, droughts, refreshing rains, and warming sunlight. Whether we wither or weather the storms depends on first knowing who we are at the core and what emotional strengths we draw from to meet the demands of each day’s tempests.

Will I be ready with an umbrella for life’s downpours or will I be looking for towels because I left the windows down in my car? Will I be ready to shield myself with a supportive network of caring colleagues from the cold of self-doubt and discouragement when things are not working in the classroom or I am feeling unsure? Will I be ready with sunblock, glasses, and a hat to appreciate those warm days? How about you? With so much of our well being anchored in our mental health, it is crucial we know how to prepare and where to seek a proverbial shelter.

JOY is…

The feeling of sipping your coffee or tea when it is still hot, warm, or from the same day it was made. It is having all of your students in the classroom. It is a week of uninterrupted school life at the speed of learning. Joy is seeing the eyes of students light up when they accomplish a goal. Joy comes from having a purpose? Where it gets really good in our lives happens when we can combine what gives us joy, with what we love, with our purpose, and talents. This in essence is the Japanese concept of Ikigai.

For me, there is joy in knowing I am working in a space that I love and using the skills/gifts/scars/lessons thus far to occupy my place as an educator. Over the past 15+ years there has been far more JOY than YOᒐ too. It doesn’t mean that we are on easy street until our final days, but that each day we are presented with JOY or YOᒐ will be an opportunity to shine brightly or strengthen ourselves or one another.

As we navigate this season of low daylight and high workload, I just wanted to remind you all that you are purpose and passion in action. You are the light to so many even after the sun goes down. Thank you.

daring pt 2023

Saying goodbye to another year can stir up a lot of emotions. I found myself reflecting about a farewell post to share with you knowing it will be one more that brings me closer to the end of my time here on this platform.

This in itself is not yet a goodbye, as there are still 6 plus months of writing to come. It is, however, a great chance to look back and look forward from the precipice of one year’s end and towards a new year ahead. Maybe this is a function of age or some other memory related trope, but I will prattle on nevertheless.

As a result of this melancholic thinking I find myself asking, “what did I do in the past year that was daring as an educator, and what will I do in 2024 that will be daring as well”? I guess I need to consider what counts as daring because this can be construed as mere subjectivity if it does not mesh well with the minds of others as it is intended. Dare I go on? 

Daring can conjure up a lot of imaginary thinking from one to the next so before you conflate ‘daring’ with dangerous please read on.

Looking back on 2023

From an outsider’s point of view, 2023 couldn’t have been more normal considering the turmoil of the lockdown, online, and hybrid models we taught through in the years prior. The joy of not having to prepare and deliver lessons for two different grades of in-class and online learners while not having to worry so much about social distancing, masking, or illness was cause for much rejoicing. As 2023 started, it felt like we were really coming out of the pandemic and I was able to really focus on my students. 

This meant taking time to reimagine what learning needed to look like for students who experienced learning in a manner that had never been delivered to them before. Daring to go back to old(er) ways didn’t seem right with my students. They needed something else, and that came in the form of social emotional learning more than academics. 

So 2023 started off with more team oriented and collaborative projects that asked students to recapture their abilities to listen to one another to accomplish a goal with just as much importance as succeeding at learning the curriculum infused within it. My goal was to put the individual learner back into the spaces that were stolen from them by COVID19.

Admittedly, there was a lot of work to do when it came to assessment, but that in itself was also a chance to be a bit daring too. Before you dial 911, please remember that we were all given a new hand of cards to play with during the pandemic. What we knew beforehand was only going to serve as a starting point and not a return destination.

It was, to forgive the pun, like the beginning of new year. It was full of promise and without any mistakes in it. Assessment became a chance to have students see themselves reflected in how they wanted to show their learning. We took time to democratize rubrics and methods to demonstrate understanding. For us that meant fewer pencil and paper tests, more conversations and check-ins, more feedback, and many more chances to revisit learning. Instead of teaching, testing, and moving on we learned, lingered on what needed more time, unlearned, and relearned as often as needed.

Yes, we still managed to get the whole curriculum and it was a government mandated standardized testing year as well. 

I think that 2023 also allowed me to dare a little more boldly into my lessons when it came to social justice focused on BIPOC excellence and culturally responsive and relevant learning opportunities that went beyond the heroes and holidays. Instead of a single day or month, these conversations became part of our class logos, pathos, and ethos. Ultimately, it allowed my students to feel seen, heard, and empowered with greater understanding of one another which also led back to the social learning I set out to teach to start the year. 

Being able to work with my class to start 2023 carried over nicely from January to December even with my new, much quieter, cohort of students and I am seeing the fruits from taking those chances earlier in the year even though the delivery is definitely different for this group, the goal to teach to their social emotional needs first remained. 

On a personal level we sold our house, moved, and continue to unpack. In between all of that were 3 weeks of summer school teaching, and a quick trip to bury an uncle. Life did not skip a beat when it meted out the highs and lows of 2023. For all of them, I am thankful to be working in a wonderfully led and staffed school filled with caring and curious learners each daring to take the steps towards discovering and developing their talents.

My next post will look at how I might be daring in my classroom in 2024. I ask you all to consider that too and share your thoughts in the comments below.

what happened

Imagine a last week of school before the winter break that was so crammed with activities that when the bell sounded on the last day that there was applause and a collective exhale?

Imagine a last week of school that collected, organized, logged on a spreadsheet, and delivered over 600 non-perishable items to 2 local food banks?

Our class split into 3 groups (logistics, sales, and marketing). Each group developed and defined their roles in the project which included creating marketing materials such as posters to place around the school and daily announcements for the duration of the campaign. Our sales team was in charge of creating grade level appropriate presentations for grades K to 2, 3 to 5 and 6 to 8. Once the campaign started our logistics team collected the food from classes and drop off points, sorted them by type, checked for best before dates, and logged the items on to spreadsheets.

Imagine taking time for a kindergarten concert, a dance, and some class social activities? This included sending notes and games to our Sweet Secret Santa class in the school, and then joining them for a surprise shared read aloud. It also gave us a chance to cheer for their singing performances too.*

Imagine getting caught up on past work so that there was nothing to work on over the holiday? Perhaps it is a personal preference that has developed over the years, but I like to clean the homework house before extended breaks. It is not my goal to burden my scholars with busy work. Instead, I choose to encourage them to be helpful at home. I shared that washing dishes, doing laundry, using a vacuum, or tidying up will be good habits to start forming now in advance of those post secondary days away to come. 

Imagine having to do, not one, but 2 assessments on the last day before the break? That’s on me. I hate deferring good assessment opportunities for which all the prep has been put in. Plus we can all return to new learning once the break is over. 

Imagine not watching a single movie other than a few Bugs Bunny cartoons? If you want your kids to see movies in my class, then you are going to be disappointed. TED talks, short docs, creative animations or music videos (OK Go), and classic cartoon shorts are what you’ll find queued up. 

Imagine a team puzzle solving challenge that asked students to be leaders and encouragers when under pressure? I thought that this might be fun instead of playing a Kahoot or Blooket (both of which I really enjoy) for a change.

I found two 200 piece puzzles at the Dollar Store. The neat thing was that the puzzles were 150 cm x 30 cm in size. The large pieces made it easy for the 10 plus students to see who gathered around the large table to put it all together as quickly as they could. On the line, bragging rights and a bag of cherry blasters (gelatin free). My only advice was that good teams/leaders work hard at encouraging one another, not yell at each other. 

It was really interesting to watch the two teams (boys vs girls this time) work together. I witnessed two totally different, yet effective collaborative approaches. In my mind this activity was only going to take a half an hour to complete so I set it up before lunch thinking it would all be over just in time.

Nope. 15 minutes into their lunch time, students were still buzzing around their puzzle tables working on their team task before one team prevailed. Victorious and magnanimous they shared their prize.

Photos by author. Edited using Prisma app

Imagine tidying up the class so that it sparkles for our return? Sweeping (me), tech , art supplies, books, math manipulatives all organized, book boxes and lockers cleaned out, and chairs stacked in manageable piles (students). This ongoing chance to model responsible class stewardship never gets old. I always love the zen moments that come from sweeping.

Imagine saying happy holidays, Merry Christmas, and peace on earth? 

That’s what happened. 

Imagine being home for two weeks? For some these weeks will be the toughest times where they may not feel as connected or seen as they might be at school. My hope is that all students and staff will come back rested and ready for the next 6 months at school. Wishing you all the best for a healthy 2024. 

* It’s been a while since I have seen a JK/SK concert which was so entertaining and out of the traditional Rudolph and Frosty box. Based on student and adult audience reactions, I was not alone in this opinion.