There are different ways to make a difference 

It is almost the end of the year and we have been talking for a while.

After my recent conversation with you, I got several emails and messages. Some colleagues posted their comments below the blog and others wrote to me. Some called while others mentioned their feedback when they passed me in school buildings. I also received one very important question “I want to write for ETFO also. Where do I begin?

Where I Began

When I was growing up in Goa, a beautiful state on the western coast of India, I always liked receiving the magazines to which my father subscribed- for himself, my mother and me. In addition, we also received one from our community called The Kanara Saraswat. I used to wait eagerly to receive the publications and would pore over them when they arrived.

The magazines were written in English, Marathi and Hindi. My parents wanted me to be able to read and write in many languages because they knew that as I went through schooling and university, I would be immersed in English. As wise visionaries, they wanted me to retain my rich multilingual literacy and I have. I can read, write, think in Hindi, Marathi, Konkani and English and I am very thankful for that.  In those magazines,  I would love to read a particular author or series by the same person.

One day, I think in Grade 5 (or 5th standard as we said in India) I tried to write a school essay along the same lines as one of my favourite writers and …. my Amma, a high school English teacher caught on.  She used to read over my writing because she liked to and she saw that this piece didn’t sound quite like me.

So Amma said “ Write like yourself. You’ll see you have a lot to say and you have your own style and strengths. Find them and sharpen them.” While that entire conversation was carried out in our mother tongue, I’m translating it here to accommodate for our monolingual readers and non-Konkani colleagues 😉.

Receiving the Voice

I have not outgrown my love for reading what others write.  Over the years I’ve enjoyed receiving the Voice in the mailbox. I read Sharla Falodi’s article and thought deeply about the importance of claiming space.  I also read Sangeeta McAuley’s words written long before CRRP was part of a job title in schools and school boards. This piece helped me reflect deeply and make many connections to my practice with students and their families: just because I was a landed immigrant in 2002 didn’t make me an expert on others’ lived realities was my take away. This was 2018.

There are so many inspiring pieces to be found in  Archive | ETFO Voice that if you browse these issues, you’ll remember the ones that connected with you over the years.

Timing is Important 

When I read the work of writers whose ideas connected with the lived realities of the work that members do in schools, or something new that I had not yet tried, I experienced a faint stirring, a tingle in my fingertips that made me think that this was possible for me too perhaps. So I asked around about where to begin and with a lead, I wrote to the editor. Although I shared a few ideas, I didn’t write for the Voice yet.

It wasn’t until I’d written and submitted my doctoral dissertation in 2021 that I decided to write for ETFO. I sent in my piece “Mothers and Teachers: Two Sides of the Same Coin” in which I spoke of the blended standpoint based on two decades of living here and  on my ten years of graduate work.

(In this article when I say “If this were my child, what would I do, wish for and fight for.” I do not mean biological children alone. I speak of the relationship with all the children in our extended families and in our friendship circles. I speak of the special care we extend to the the young people in our personal lives).

If you are considering writing for the Voice, here is some important information to review.

Writing for the Heart and Art of Teaching Blog

I have been a member of my ETFO local since 2004 when I started working as a permanent full time teacher. It wasn’t until 2012 when I had an unpleasant experience at work and I stood up for what’s right that I contacted someone at the local office to seek guidance on how to get formal support to engage in courageous conversations.  These things weren’t happening to me yet, but I wanted to speak up when things happened to others around me.

I haven’t looked back since that evening. I served on the Political Action Committee that year and the Social Justice Committee the next time. I served with both these committees once more over the years, once during the pandemic.

Then this year I thought I’d serve through the New Members’ Committee at our local because as time moves on, one plans to leave behind some memorable steps that can lead to a better working environment for  colleagues who come after us.

Also because I wanted to connect the dots between my interest in writing with ETFO Provincial and this work with my local, I saw the opportunity to contribute to the conversations through a writing role with ETFO’s Heart and Art of Teaching & Learning and applied. Here is some information if you want to learn more about this blog.

It Takes Time

It took me 9 years (from 2012 to 2021) to get from that first phone call to the local to this point of having regular conversations with all of you.  For many who are used to having things happen quickly, perhaps this seemingly meandering process is frustrating. But it isn’t a waste of time.

During this waiting, one becomes more aware of oneself and our working conditions with every passing day. The professional and personal become more seasoned, the struggles become more relatable and the solidarity becomes more real as time moves forward. One has to want something with deep dedication in order to not give up.

One also has to stop caring what other people will think.

Those of us who’ve done things differently and who have made our mark off the beaten track have always been asked “Who do you think you are?” And we don’t bother to respond to that question, do we?

We walk strong. We strengthen others.

That is The Work that goes beyond the job.

Many Paths

There are different ways to make a difference. We don’t all have to be active in ETFO’s provincial or local formal networks. We don’t have to be elected to office though that’s wonderful too if that’s what calls to you.

An institution like ETFO (yes, a union is an institution also) has provincial initiatives like the AGM and locals have their own events planned by the social committee, the goodwill and awards committee or the professional learning committee

But this much I know: no matter how many things are done at the provincial and local level, it is only when everyday working conditions are truly equitable and respectful for each and every member in the schools where we do this important work, that we can say that we are in solidarity, 100% there for one another.

So reach out to ETFO Locals , if not for yourself, to make someone else’s life easier.

With You, In Solidarity

Rashmee Karnad-Jani

Growth Mindset

Growth Mindset

As a teacher, you’ll likely wear many hats and work with students across different grade levels. Along the way, you might find your sweet spot—a grade that feels like the perfect fit. But just when you’ve settled into your comfort zone, you could be assigned to a grade you have never taught before. You may begin to ask yourself, “How will I connect with my students?”, “Can I manage the new curriculum?” “Will I teach it well?”, “Will I be judged if I do it wrong?”.  These concerns are natural and understandable. During moments like these, it’s important to remember that these challenges are opportunities for growth rather than as obstacles.

One of the most difficult things to do is to change our mindset. It is not a sign of failure—but it is a sign of growth. When we have a growth mindset, we are open to new possibilities and strategies. We allow ourselves to be flexible, a trait that is important in any learning environment.

In my classroom, I encourage students to embrace a growth mindset, regardless of the subject I’m teaching. I believe every lesson provides an opportunity to foster this way of thinking. A few years ago, I had a student who struggled with math and often grew frustrated when faced with challenging problems. Initially, I focused only on finding new ways to explain the concept, reteaching it in hopes of helping him understand. Despite my efforts, he continued to struggle. So one day I decided to have a deeper conversation with him.

During our talk, he shared that his fear of making mistakes and being judged by his classmates was causing him to lose focus. I realized in that moment that, without knowing it, I had been keeping with a fixed mindset myself. Instead of celebrating his efforts and the process of learning, I had been focused on getting him to the correct answer.

I shifted my approach.  As a class, we began to prioritize social and emotional learning, discussing what we knew and what we were “yet” to master. Together, we celebrated small victories—like the day we finally solved a difficult problem after several attempts—and I encouraged everyone to see how persistence and the willingness to make mistakes led to progress.

To reinforce the idea, I also introduced stories of  individuals who faced challenges but went on to succeed. Over time, my student’s attitude toward challenges in math began to change. He became more willing to raise his hand and share in open discussions and kept a positive mindset. Overall, he became more confident in his ability to improve.

To foster a growth mindset it is important to recognize how embracing change can positively impact both educators and students.

The Importance of a Growth Mindset for Educators and Students

  • Being open to change helps you connect better with students, and colleagues. When students or colleagues know you are open to change, they see that you are willing to understand where they are coming from and meet them where they are. 
  • When you step out of your comfort zone, you explore new ways to engage your students and colleagues. It expands your thinking and what seemed difficult becomes an exciting challenge.
  • Give yourself permission to try and fail. You will learn to be kinder to yourself. You’re no longer burdened by the pressure of perfectionism. You will also teach your students that it is human to make mistakes and learn from them.
  • When you are stuck in a specific mindset, there’s not much room for further development. Embracing change means you are always learning and growing, both professionally and personally.

How to develop a growth mindset:

  • Take time to reflect on what you know, what are you great at and where you might be stuck.  Journaling or talking to a fellow teacher can help clarify where you need to grow.
  • Observe colleagues, attend professional development workshops or conferences, or ask for advice from colleagues. Sometimes, seeing different teaching methods in action can inspire change.
  • Give Yourself Grace and recognize that no one has it all figured out. Teaching is a journey, and every challenge is an opportunity to learn something new.
  • You don’t have to change your entire teaching approach. Start with small adjustments, such as using a new classroom management strategy, having more student conferences or incorporating different lesson structures. 

So to my fellow educators, I want to say, embrace flexibility and a growth mindset when things aren’t working. Sometimes, the key is simply in our willingness to grow.

Resources on growth mindset:

Mindset Matters by Bryan Kyle Smith
Rosie Revere, Engineer by Andrea Beaty
Your Fantastic Elastic Brain by JoAnn Deak
School Mental Health Ontario:

Why I Got Involved In Education: Black Student Success and Excellence.

A number of ETFO locals have included educational programming with Graduation Coaches connected to Black communities to serve as mentors to Black students, offering intensive, culturally responsive support.

Below are insights from a Black Excellence Graduation Coach.

Education has always been emphasized in my home. I still remember my parents hanging their university graduation photos from Nigeria in our houses’ hallways. Whether intentional or not, it inspired me to aim for university and, even after graduating, to continue climbing the academic ladder. This inspiration fuels me to this day.

However, in my academic pursuits, I have always understood that education—the process of gaining insights into a particular subject—does not always occur within the confines of brick-and-mortar schools. From observing, interacting, and learning from my siblings, parents, friends, and members of my African-Caribbean community, I learned that what people are taught strongly influences how they think and behave. I am a testament to this ideology, having benefited from the lessons my wonderful parents taught me at home. I learned from my Black community the importance of time management, embracing my Blackness, respecting others’ opinions, managing my emotions, critical thinking, and the unique experience of being Black in Canada. These lessons greatly impacted my academic performance.

In the paragraphs above, I touch on three main points: inspiring youth, the importance of cultural understanding in learning, and the influence of executive functioning skill development on learning. These points, combined with my thirst for knowledge and passion for caring for children and youth, drive my decision to wake up each day and actively shape students’ education. However, I am not in a stereotypical classroom.

Inspiring Youth

“Is that your little brother?” one of my peers asked as I walked away after spending 5 to 10 minutes coaching a kid I had just met at drop-ins on how to shoot a basketball and properly perform drills to improve his game. Intrinsically, I enjoy helping youth and inspiring them to build their skills or see beyond their present situation. Although my parents were academically inclined, school didn’t always come naturally to me, but having their achievements around me greatly inspired me to see beyond my present shortcomings. Unfortunately, some youth don’t have that level of support, and it may not always be provided in the classroom. That’s where I come in. In my role within the school and the work I do in the community, inspiring youth, especially Black youth who have historically been negatively affected by systemic issues, is vital to their educational performance.

The Importance of Cultural Understanding in Learning

Growing up, I didn’t have many teachers who highlighted the cultural differences among my peers and me, allowing us to see those differences as a means of learning and improving our academic potential. In elementary and high school in Canada, the only thing I learned about Black people was that they were once enslaved in America and came to Canada for safety. I also learned about famous civil rights leaders like Martin Luther King Jr. and Rosa Parks. However, as educational philosophers would say, my culture and the cultures of others were not used to “call out our subjectiveness,” the unique aspects that help us see ourselves meaningfully in what we are learning. Fortunately, I grew up in a diverse neighbourhood with people from around the world and different religions, which helped me understand myself and see the world from different perspectives. Growing up with positive and negative examples of Black North American and Nigerian African cultures helped me see things about myself that were not represented in the classrooms and schools I attended. However, I struggled to see myself represented in education and learning at school unless I had a Black teacher. Learning that I was fortunate to have more than two Black teachers in the Ontario education system, I realized the value they added to my education. Research shows that when students have Black educators who are culturally relevant in their teaching, Black students tend to excel academically because their culture is represented in positions of authority and leadership.

The Influence of Executive Functioning Skill Development on Learning

The education system is meant to prepare students for life, guiding them to acquire skills and knowledge to contribute socially and economically to their communities. However, too often, students go through school focusing on grades without learning life skills that would help them apply their academic knowledge. These skills are often left to parents to teach and are only enforced in schools when students misbehave. Understanding that teachers managing over 100 students may only have time to reactively address life skills, I researched culturally relevant teaching practices. I found that integrating these life lessons in the classroom improves student academic achievement. This is especially true for Black students who frequently face microaggressions and biases. To assist teachers in drawing the best from their students, I got involved in education to help students see themselves beyond their current school experience and think about their future, providing them with the skills to reach their goals.


Once again, I reiterate that education is the pillar of society and cannot be ignored. What community members learn, whether directly or indirectly taught, strongly determines how they think and behave. Understanding that education is also a United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (SDG 4), I got involved outside the classroom because of the profound impact education has on any country’s future and the changes the themes I explored made in my own academic and life trajectory. To do the right thing and indirectly pass on the torch by positively impacting the lives of youth, I realized that inspiration does not only come from the classroom. I can inspire youth to do better than my peers and I have done just by being an educator in the school. Additionally, my awareness of my Blackness and its cultural significance helps me see the untapped potential that the current education system may not bring forth in Black youth. Not wanting that unique light to be snuffed out, I know it is essential to be present in the education system, advocating for young Black girls and boys to see themselves represented in pivotal societal places. Lastly, participating in advocating for better quality education for Black children cannot be done without being an active member of the village raising our Black, racialized, and non-racialized children. By instilling life lessons that help them wisely utilize the knowledge they receive from teachers and the curriculum, they will become pivotal members of their community, moving it forward.

Relaxing and Preparing- how can we do both this summer?

Hey there, fellow educators! As the summer sun blazes on, it’s the perfect time to soak up some rays, enjoy a good book, and… get ready for the new school year! I know, I know – summer is your time to relax and recharge. But trust me, a little preparation now can make a huge difference once the school year kicks off. Here are some laid-back tips to help you prepare for the classroom during the summer while still enjoying your well-deserved break.


Take a leisurely stroll down memory lane and think about what worked and what didn’t last year. Grab a cool drink, sit in the shade, and jot down your thoughts. What were your biggest wins? Where did you struggle? This reflection can guide you in making tweaks and improvements for the upcoming year.

Get Inspired

Summer is the perfect time to gather fresh ideas. Check out some educational blogs, Pinterest boards, or YouTube channels for creative classroom activities and decor ideas. You can do this from the comfort of your hammock or while lounging by the pool. Inspiration can strike anywhere!

Get Organized

Set aside a little time each week to organize your teaching materials. Sort through your files, tidy up your digital resources, and maybe even do a bit of decluttering. It’s a satisfying task that can be done while binge-watching your favorite show.

Update your Lesson Plans

Take a look at your lesson plans and see if there are any updates or new activities you’d like to add. You don’t have to overhaul everything – just tweak and refresh where needed. This can be done at your own pace, with plenty of breaks for ice cream.

Supply Check

Summer sales are a great time to stock up on classroom supplies. Keep an eye out for deals on stationery, art supplies, and organizational tools. You can even make a fun day of it with a friend or fellow teacher – shopping and lunch, anyone? (Always check with your school team and principal about how the budget works in case there are guidelines on what vendors can be used for costs covered by the board.)


If you’re feeling ambitious, consider taking a short online course or attending a workshop. There are plenty of free or low-cost options available that you can complete at your own pace. It’s a great way to boost your skills without cutting into your relaxation time too much.

Self Care

Don’t forget that taking care of yourself is just as important as preparing for your students. Read for pleasure, spend time outdoors, and make sure you’re recharging your own batteries. A well-rested teacher is a more effective teacher!

Check in on your teacher pals

Reach out to your fellow teachers and see what they’re up to. Share ideas, plan collaborative projects, or just catch up over coffee. Building a support network is invaluable, and summer is a great time to strengthen those connections.

Remember, the key is balance. Mix a little prep work with plenty of relaxation, and you’ll be ready to hit the ground running when the new school year begins. Enjoy your summer, and here’s to a fantastic year ahead!

Happy summer, and happy planning!

Feel free to share your own tips and tricks in the comments. How do you prepare for the classroom during the summer? Let’s help each other out! 🌞📚✨

Education is Life

As we head to the summer, this is a reminder to us all that education is life, a shared journey requiring the nurturing efforts of an entire community to ensure every young mind can flourish and grow.

Education is life,
A beacon in the darkness, a guiding light.
Yet how can one flourish,
When only a small fraction of this light reaches them?

Teachers, overworked and weary,
Limited in their resources,
Strive to nurture many young minds.
But this noble cause cannot be achieved
Without the cooperation of the entire village.

On school grounds, budding seeds sprout,
Some under the scorching sun,
Burnt before their leaves and petals form.
Others, in the shade, deprived of joy,
Receiving only sparse rain.

How can these young flowers thrive?
With just a few protectors, it’s an uphill climb.
More hands, more hearts, more care are needed,
Education is life, and life must be heeded.

(Poem co-created by a collection of educator friends).

The Importance of Black Student Success in Ontario

Black Student Success programs play a crucial role in Ontario’s education system, providing tailored support to Black students who often face unique challenges. Educators involved with the programs are deeply connected to Black communities and serve as mentors and advocates, offering culturally responsive guidance that is vital for Black students’ academic and personal development.

One key importance of Black Student Success educators is their ability to create a sense of belonging and representation for Black students. In an education system where Black students are underrepresented among educators and administrators, these educators act as role models, demonstrating the possibilities of academic and professional success. This representation is critical for fostering a positive self-identity and encouraging students to aspire toward their goals.

Moreover, these educators offer intensive support that goes beyond academics. They address the holistic needs of Black students, including socio-emotional well-being, cultural affirmation, and resilience building. This comprehensive support system helps students navigate challenges such as microaggressions, racial biases, and other forms of discrimination that can hinder their educational progress.

Black Student Success educators also bridge the gap between schools and Black communities, fostering stronger relationships and better communication. By understanding and incorporating their students’ cultural contexts, these coaches can effectively advocate for necessary resources and support within the school system. This advocacy ensures that Black students receive equitable opportunities to succeed academically.

Black Student Success educators are indispensable in Ontario’s efforts to promote educational equity. Their culturally responsive mentorship and advocacy support individual student success and contribute to a more inclusive and representative education system, benefiting the broader community. This holistic approach ensures that students receive consistent encouragement and resources from all facets of their lives.

Next Steps for Educators to Engage with Students:

Educators should actively collaborate with Black Student Success educators to create inclusive learning environments that celebrate diversity and cultural richness. This collaboration involves integrating culturally responsive teaching practices into everyday classroom activities. Educators can start by diversifying their teaching materials to include perspectives and contributions from Black individuals and communities. They should encourage open discussions about race, identity, and social justice, creating safe spaces where students feel valued and understood.

By actively engaging with students, families, and community stakeholders, educators can contribute to building a more equitable and inclusive educational system where every student has the opportunity to thrive.

The program for Black Students is designed to provide intensive, culturally responsive support to Black students with the goal of improving their well-being and achievement. As intermediate students graduate and move to high school, they may be able to work with Black Graduation Coaches who can continue to work with students to demonstrate the possibilities of academic and professional success to promote Black Excellence.

Check out what these school boards are doing to promote Black Excellence:

YRDSB Black Excellence Program

TDSB Black Student Excellence Program

Greater Essex CYF Program

OCDSB Sankofa Centre

PDSB – ‘We Rise Together’



The First Five Years: A Building Block for Better Schools.

Being an educator in Ontario is a significant and impactful role, especially for those within the first five years of their teaching careers. The province’s educational system is among the most respected in the world, known for its commitment to equity, inclusivity, and high academic standards. New educators are the torchbearers of these values, shaping future generations’ minds and contributing to society’s betterment.

One of the primary reasons educators must remain in the profession is their profound impact on students. Educators are not just instructors; they are mentors, role models, and often, sources of stability and support for young people. The formative years in education can set the trajectory for a student’s future, influencing their academic achievements, self-esteem, and career aspirations. By remaining in the profession, educators ensure continuity and foster long-term relationships that can significantly enhance student outcomes.

Moreover, educators play a vital role in advocating for and implementing educational reforms. Ontario’s educational landscape continually evolves, with new policies and practices to improve student learning and well-being. Educators are at the forefront of these changes, bringing innovative teaching methods and adapting curricula to meet diverse student needs. Their firsthand experience and feedback are invaluable in shaping effective educational strategies and ensuring that reforms are practical and beneficial.

Despite the numerous challenges faced today—ranging from large class sizes, limited resources, violence in schools and classrooms, and the seeming growing challenges of work-life balance —leaving the profession does not have to be the only resort. ETFO works on behalf of all its members to address these issues with the Ministry on a provincial level. Additionally, many locals in ETFO work ceaselessly to address these issues with school boards across the province. Persistence in teaching contributes to personal and professional growth and upholds the integrity and excellence of Ontario’s educational system. By navigating and overcoming these challenges, educators develop resilience and adaptability, which are essential in fostering a positive and dynamic learning environment.

ETFO outlines Eight Building Blocks for Better Schools. “As the heartbeat of public education, teachers and other education workers play a critical role in helping to shape the system and develop our students to be the very best they can be. Ontario students depend on all of us to protect and build better schools” (Building Better Schools, 2024).

The importance of being an educator in Ontario has a depth and breadth that cannot be overstated. The commitment to staying in the profession amidst challenges is crucial for maintaining high educational standards and nurturing the next generation of learners. Educators are the cornerstone of a thriving society, and their dedication is vital to Ontario’s educational system’s ongoing success and advancement.


An Excellent Standpoint: Teaching cultural perspectives from a vantage of excellence.

In the realm of education, embracing diverse cultural perspectives not only fosters understanding but also cultivates excellence. Each cultural group brings unique experiences, wisdom, and contributions to the society we all participate in. As educators, we should seek to delve into the pursuit of excellence within diverse cultural groups, emphasizing their rich heritage and the invaluable insights they offer to educational discourse. Thus, incorporating learning about ‘Black History’ within Ontario’s curriculum in grades 7, 8, and 10 is a step in the right direction.

Many cultures epitomize resilience, creativity, and innovation. These tenets have reshaped history and inspired generations. Educators committed to excellence incorporate the achievements and struggles of diverse individuals into their curriculum, especially cultures and narratives often left untold or intentionally omitted. By highlighting excellence areas like literature, music, art, and activism, educators empower students to recognize their potential for greatness while understanding the importance of perseverance in the face of adversity.

For example, Indigenous cultures epitomize a profound connection to land, community, and tradition. Indigenous peoples have preserved their languages, ceremonies, and sacred practices despite historical injustices, embodying resilience and strength. In educational settings, excellence is found in honouring Indigenous knowledge systems, environmental stewardship, and cultural revitalization efforts. Educators committed to Indigenous excellence engage with Indigenous elders, integrate Indigenous perspectives into the curriculum, and foster respectful relationships with local Indigenous communities. By recognizing and celebrating Indigenous excellence, educators instill in students a deep respect for Indigenous cultures and inspire them to become allies in pursuing Indigenous rights and sovereignty.

Similarly, Black history encompasses a tapestry of civilizations, philosophies, and innovations that have shaped human history. From ancient wisdom to modern advancements, Black cultures have made indelible contributions to science, technology, and the arts. In educational contexts, excellence in Black heritage is celebrated through exploring classical literature, philosophical teachings, and artistic traditions. Educators committed to teaching about Black excellence promote critical thinking, cultural exchange, and global citizenship by engaging students in dialogue about Black history, contemporary issues, and cross-cultural connections. By fostering an appreciation for Black excellence (which is woven into the very fabric of North America), educators prepare students to thrive in an interconnected world and embrace diversity as a source of strength and enrichment.

Diverse heritages embody legacies of faith, scholarship, and cultural exchange that span continents and centuries. From the golden age of civilization to the present day, many cultures have excelled in fields ranging from astronomy and mathematics to architecture and literature. In educational environments, excellence in these varied heritages can be upheld through the exploration of art, ethics, and intellectual traditions. Educators committed to teaching from a lens of excellence foster an atmosphere of inclusion, dialogue, and mutual respect by promoting intersectional understanding, challenging stereotypes, and addressing phobias that stem from biases unconsciously developed through deficit teaching. By embracing contributions to human civilization and presenting intentionally diverse representation to all students, educators empower students to recognize the interconnectedness of cultures and appreciate the richness of diversity in all its forms.

In pursuing educational excellence, embracing diverse cultural perspectives is not just a choice but a necessity. By celebrating the excellence inherent within all cultures, educators enrich the learning experience, inspire critical thinking, and foster a sense of belonging among students. Through dialogue, empathy, and a commitment to inclusivity, educators can cultivate a generation of leaders who appreciate the value of diversity and strive for excellence in all they do.

“If we want to create change in Canada – if we want to have more people from communities who aren’t only represented – the answer isn’t to move towards tokenization and propping people up. The answer is to give people the tools to prop themselves up.” – Sarah Jama (Sarah Jama is the co-founder of Disability Justice Network of Ontario).

“Black history is not just for black people. Black history is Canadian history.”- Jean Augustine (First Black Canadian woman to serve as a federal Minister of the Crown and Member of Parliament).

A diverse group of young students wearing convocation caps and gowns, smiling at the camera.

Fostering Excellence in Classrooms: A Comprehensive Approach

Picture By: Pavel Danilyuk

In the ever-changing landscape of education, pursuing excellence in classrooms is a collective endeavour encompassing academic excellence and holistic student development. To unveil the secrets of successful learning environments, let’s explore critical elements that educators can implement to meet the diverse needs of their students.

Begin with a curriculum designed to spark student interest and connect with real-world experiences. Align lessons with academic standards while infusing practical applications and real-life scenarios. Cultivate a passion for learning by making the curriculum an exciting gateway to knowledge.

Recognize and cater to diverse learning styles and preferences. Implement personalized learning approaches that allow students to progress at their own pace, explore topics of interest, and engage with materials personally. Foster a sense of ownership and motivation, paving the way for sustained academic success.

Establish clear expectations and maintain a positive, inclusive atmosphere. Implement proactive behaviour management strategies that create a safe and respectful learning environment. A well-managed classroom sets the foundation for effective learning and active student engagement.

Leverage technology as a powerful tool to enhance the learning experience. Incorporate digital tools and resources to make lessons more engaging. Equip students with essential digital skills for the future, embracing the benefits of technology in education.

Recognize the connection between academic success and social-emotional well-being. Prioritize the development of social and emotional skills, fostering empathy, self-awareness, and effective communication. Create a supportive environment where students feel valued, heard, and prepared to navigate interpersonal relationships.

Equipped with knowledge, teachers can adapt their strategies to meet the evolving needs of students, contributing significantly to classroom success. Stay current on the latest pedagogical approaches, technological advancements, and educational research. How do they align with your pedagogical practice? Which aspects can you adopt, adapt, or discard? Consistent review of pedagogical practices empowers the educator to effectively and responsively meet students where they are to guide them to success. 

Action Items for Educators:

Curriculum Innovation: Review and enhance your curriculum to include practical applications and real-world relevance. Seek opportunities for cross-disciplinary connections to make learning more engaging.

Proactive Classroom Management: Establish clear expectations for behaviour and create a positive classroom culture. Implement proactive strategies to address potential challenges and develop an environment conducive to learning.

Technology Integration Workshop: Familiarize yourself with educational technology tools and explore ways to integrate them into your lessons. Attend workshops or sharing sessions/events at your school to enhance your digital teaching skills.

SEL Integration in Lesson Plans: Infuse social and emotional learning into your lesson plans. Incorporate activities that promote empathy, self-awareness, and critical communication skills among students and their learning community.

Continuous Professional Learning Plan: Create a personalized professional development plan. Attend workshops, webinars, or learning opportunities that support you in staying current on the latest education trends. Collaborate with colleagues to share insights and strategies.

By implementing these action items, educators can contribute to cultivating excellence in classrooms in a way that supports students’ overall well-being and growth.

Micro Presses: Unveiling Literary Treasures from Unconventional Sources

In the vast publishing landscape, micro presses stand out as literary diversity and innovation beacons. While mainstream publishing houses dominate the industry, micro presses offer a unique avenue for discovering lesser-known voices and unconventional literary works. This article delves into the world of micro presses, exploring how they unearth hidden literary resources in less-seen places and enrich literary culture.

In recent years, micro presses, indie or small presses, have gained momentum as alternatives to traditional publishing models. These intimate operations often specialize in niche genres, experimental writing, and works by emerging authors who need help finding footing in mainstream publishing. Unlike their larger counterparts, micro presses prioritize artistic integrity, literary merit, and community engagement over commercial viability. Consequently, they play a pivotal role in diversifying literary landscapes and amplifying voices that may otherwise remain unheard.

One of the most compelling aspects of micro presses is their commitment to exploring literary resources in less-seen places. While major publishing hubs like Toronto, Vancouver, New York City and London receive considerable attention, micro presses actively seek out voices and stories from overlooked regions, marginalized communities, and underrepresented cultures. By tapping into these diverse perspectives, micro presses enrich the literary canon and challenge dominant narratives, offering readers fresh insights into the human experience and the world.

Micro presses are steadfast champions of diversity and inclusion, showcasing works that reflect the multifaceted realities of contemporary society. Voices from racialized, marginalized and underrepresented communities and backgrounds are highlighted meaningfully, providing a platform for diverse voices to resonate authentically with readers. In doing so, micro presses foster an inclusive literary landscape where all voices are celebrated and valued.

In addition to promoting diversity and inclusivity, micro presses are incubators of literary innovation and experimentation. Not constrained by high sales pressures, these independent publishers embrace risk-taking, boundary-pushing, and unconventional storytelling techniques. From hybrid genres to multimedia formats, micro presses encourage writers to explore new creative possibilities and challenge traditional notions of what constitutes literature. As a result, they contribute to the evolution of literary art forms and inspire readers to engage with literature in fresh and exciting ways.

In an age dominated by mainstream publishing big houses, micro presses offer a breath of fresh air in the literary landscape. By illuminating hidden literary treasures from unconventional sources, these indie publishers enrich our literary experience with diverse voices, innovative storytelling, and inclusive perspectives. As readers, writers, and literary enthusiasts, we stand to gain immeasurably from exploring the offerings of micro presses and supporting their mission to amplify marginalized voices and expand the boundaries of literary expression. In doing so, we nurture a vibrant and resilient literary culture that continues to inspire, challenge, and unite us all.


Micro presses to explore:

A Different Booklist

Annick Press

Another Story Bookshop

House of Anansi Press and Groundwood Books

Knowledge Bookstore

Unique and independent bookstores in Ontario