An Excellent Standpoint: Teaching cultural perspectives from a vantage of excellence.

In the realm of education, embracing diverse cultural perspectives not only fosters understanding but also cultivates excellence. Each cultural group brings unique experiences, wisdom, and contributions to the society we all participate in. As educators, we should seek to delve into the pursuit of excellence within diverse cultural groups, emphasizing their rich heritage and the invaluable insights they offer to educational discourse. Thus, incorporating learning about ‘Black History’ within Ontario’s curriculum in grades 7, 8, and 10 is a step in the right direction.

Many cultures epitomize resilience, creativity, and innovation. These tenets have reshaped history and inspired generations. Educators committed to excellence incorporate the achievements and struggles of diverse individuals into their curriculum, especially cultures and narratives often left untold or intentionally omitted. By highlighting excellence areas like literature, music, art, and activism, educators empower students to recognize their potential for greatness while understanding the importance of perseverance in the face of adversity.

For example, Indigenous cultures epitomize a profound connection to land, community, and tradition. Indigenous peoples have preserved their languages, ceremonies, and sacred practices despite historical injustices, embodying resilience and strength. In educational settings, excellence is found in honouring Indigenous knowledge systems, environmental stewardship, and cultural revitalization efforts. Educators committed to Indigenous excellence engage with Indigenous elders, integrate Indigenous perspectives into the curriculum, and foster respectful relationships with local Indigenous communities. By recognizing and celebrating Indigenous excellence, educators instill in students a deep respect for Indigenous cultures and inspire them to become allies in pursuing Indigenous rights and sovereignty.

Similarly, Black history encompasses a tapestry of civilizations, philosophies, and innovations that have shaped human history. From ancient wisdom to modern advancements, Black cultures have made indelible contributions to science, technology, and the arts. In educational contexts, excellence in Black heritage is celebrated through exploring classical literature, philosophical teachings, and artistic traditions. Educators committed to teaching about Black excellence promote critical thinking, cultural exchange, and global citizenship by engaging students in dialogue about Black history, contemporary issues, and cross-cultural connections. By fostering an appreciation for Black excellence (which is woven into the very fabric of North America), educators prepare students to thrive in an interconnected world and embrace diversity as a source of strength and enrichment.

Diverse heritages embody legacies of faith, scholarship, and cultural exchange that span continents and centuries. From the golden age of civilization to the present day, many cultures have excelled in fields ranging from astronomy and mathematics to architecture and literature. In educational environments, excellence in these varied heritages can be upheld through the exploration of art, ethics, and intellectual traditions. Educators committed to teaching from a lens of excellence foster an atmosphere of inclusion, dialogue, and mutual respect by promoting intersectional understanding, challenging stereotypes, and addressing phobias that stem from biases unconsciously developed through deficit teaching. By embracing contributions to human civilization and presenting intentionally diverse representation to all students, educators empower students to recognize the interconnectedness of cultures and appreciate the richness of diversity in all its forms.

In pursuing educational excellence, embracing diverse cultural perspectives is not just a choice but a necessity. By celebrating the excellence inherent within all cultures, educators enrich the learning experience, inspire critical thinking, and foster a sense of belonging among students. Through dialogue, empathy, and a commitment to inclusivity, educators can cultivate a generation of leaders who appreciate the value of diversity and strive for excellence in all they do.

“If we want to create change in Canada – if we want to have more people from communities who aren’t only represented – the answer isn’t to move towards tokenization and propping people up. The answer is to give people the tools to prop themselves up.” – Sarah Jama (Sarah Jama is the co-founder of Disability Justice Network of Ontario).

“Black history is not just for black people. Black history is Canadian history.”- Jean Augustine (First Black Canadian woman to serve as a federal Minister of the Crown and Member of Parliament).

Anti-Oppressive Education: Creating an Equitable Society for all.

In recent years, there has been a growing recognition of the importance of anti-oppressive practices in elementary education in Ontario. Anti-oppressive education aims to dismantle systemic barriers and address inequities within the education system. This reflection explores the significance of implementing anti-oppressive practices in elementary education in Ontario, highlighting the impact on students, educators, and the broader society.

In Ontario, as in many other regions, elementary education has not been immune to the effects of systemic oppression. “Historically, marginalized groups, such as Indigenous peoples, racial minorities, individuals with disabilities, and those of lower socioeconomic status, have faced discrimination and inequitable treatment within the education system” (Ontario Human Rights Commission, 2006). Such oppression can manifest in various forms, including biased curricula, discriminatory discipline practices, and a lack of diverse representation among
educators and staff, to name a few.

“Students who experience oppression in the education system may suffer from lower self-esteem, reduced academic achievement, and disengagement from learning” (Tuck & Yang, 2012). “Moreover, perpetuating oppressive practices can perpetuate cycles of poverty and marginalization, deepening social disparities and hindering social progress” (Freire, 1970). As educators, understanding and incorporating anti-oppressive practices in our praxis is crucial to disrupting and dismantling the many fibres of anti-oppression prevalent in the euro-centric teaching spaces we often occupy.

The Role of Anti-Oppressive Practices
Anti-oppressive practices are essential in elementary education to counter the adverse effects of oppression and create inclusive, empowering learning environments. “By integrating anti-oppressive principles into teaching strategies and curriculum development, educators can actively challenge stereotypes, promote diversity, and foster empathy and respect for all students” (Ontario Ministry of Education, 2021).” Adopting inclusive teaching methods, which acknowledge and accommodate diverse learning needs, can also enhance student engagement and success” (Zhang & Carrington, 2019).

For example, using the seven competencies of the anti-oppressive framework as examined by ETFO, when educators are intentional about addressing biases, centring marginalized voices, challenging power & privilege, building inclusive communities, embedding intersectionalities to mobilize systemic change while connecting issues of mental health, learning environments that foster belonging, questioning, curiosity, and the ability to engage in meaningful uncomfortable is created for students, educators, and all staff. It truly creates a community where transformation can occur.

“Anti-oppressive practices encourage critical thinking and dialogue about social justice issues, helping students become active and informed citizens who can advocate for equality and fairness” (Shor, 1992). By challenging the status quo, educators play a pivotal role in shaping a generation of individuals who can create positive transformational societal change.

Learning as Educators
To effectively implement anti-oppressive practices, collaborative learning opportunities and dialogues with diverse colleagues can foster a deeper understanding of different perspectives and experiences. Anti-oppressive practices involve not only what is taught but also how the learning environment is structured. Schools must intentionally foster safe and inclusive spaces for all students, regardless of their background. “This may involve adopting restorative justice practices instead of punitive measures, implementing equity-focused policies, and providing necessary resources to support the diverse needs of students” (Ontario Ministry of Education, 2020). Implementing anti-oppressive practices requires support from the broader educational system, including school boards, administrators, and policymakers.

Incorporating anti-oppressive practices in elementary education also requires collaboration with families and communities.” Engaging parents and caregivers in meaningful partnerships can provide insights into students’ unique needs and strengths, promoting a holistic approach to education” (Epstein, 2001). Building relationships with community organizations can also expand opportunities for students to connect with their cultural heritage and engage in real-world learning experiences. To achieve this goal, ongoing professional development for educators, support from the educational system, and collaboration with families and communities are all indispensable components.

“By acknowledging and addressing systemic barriers, the education system can create a more equitable platform for students and educators. This may involve reviewing and revising curriculum standards to be more inclusive and culturally relevant” (Ladson-Billings, 1995). As an educator, engaging in curriculum audits to ensure that I am reflecting my students’ experiences (as a mirror) and facilitating learning of the experiences of many others outside of my student’s communities/identities (as a window) empowers all students as they develop their understanding of themselves as global citizens. As educators, understanding and incorporating anti-oppressive practices in our praxis is crucial to disrupting and dismantling the many fibres of anti-oppression prevalent in the euro-centric teaching spaces we often occupy.

An Anti-Oppressive Framework

More work still needs to be done in incorporating an anti-oppressive framework and utilizing anti-oppressive practices in Ontario (and in all of Canada) schools. Implementing anti-oppressive practices in elementary education in Ontario is essential for fostering inclusive, empowering, and transformative learning environments. By challenging systemic oppression, educators can cultivate critical thinking, empathy, and social awareness among students, shaping them into active participants in creating a more just and equitable

Check out ETFO’s Anti-Oppressive Framework: A Primer which “provides an entry point for all learners and an opportunity for critical engagement, understanding and action planning on anti-racist education, anti-oppressive practices and equity initiatives” (ETFO, 2021).




Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario. (2021). Anti-Oppressive Framework: A Primer. Retrieved from

Epstein, J. L. (2001). School, family, and community partnerships: Preparing educators and
improving schools. Westview Press.

Freire, P. (1970). Pedagogy of the oppressed. Continuum.

Ladson-Billings, G. (1995). Toward a theory of culturally relevant pedagogy. American Educational
Research Journal, 32(3), 465-491.

Ontario Human Rights Commission. (2006). Human rights and school boards: Obligations to address
racism and discrimination. Retrieved from nation

Ontario Ministry of Education. (2020). Education for all: A guide to effective implementation.
Retrieved from N.pdf

Ontario Ministry of Education. (2021). Anti-racism in education: A resource guide for Ontario
schools. Retrieved from

Shor, I. (1992). Empowering education: Critical teaching for social change. University of Chicago

Tuck, E., & Yang, K. W. (2012). Decolonization is not a metaphor. Decolonization: Indigeneity,
Education & Society, 1(1), 1–40.

Webb, J., Schirato, T., & Danaher, G. (2002). Understanding Bourdieu. Sage.

Zhang, L. F., & Carrington, S. (2019). Inclusive teaching in action: Supporting teachers and
pupils in mainstream classrooms. Routledge.


Micro Presses: Unveiling Literary Treasures from Unconventional Sources

In the vast publishing landscape, micro presses stand out as literary diversity and innovation beacons. While mainstream publishing houses dominate the industry, micro presses offer a unique avenue for discovering lesser-known voices and unconventional literary works. This article delves into the world of micro presses, exploring how they unearth hidden literary resources in less-seen places and enrich literary culture.

In recent years, micro presses, indie or small presses, have gained momentum as alternatives to traditional publishing models. These intimate operations often specialize in niche genres, experimental writing, and works by emerging authors who need help finding footing in mainstream publishing. Unlike their larger counterparts, micro presses prioritize artistic integrity, literary merit, and community engagement over commercial viability. Consequently, they play a pivotal role in diversifying literary landscapes and amplifying voices that may otherwise remain unheard.

One of the most compelling aspects of micro presses is their commitment to exploring literary resources in less-seen places. While major publishing hubs like Toronto, Vancouver, New York City and London receive considerable attention, micro presses actively seek out voices and stories from overlooked regions, marginalized communities, and underrepresented cultures. By tapping into these diverse perspectives, micro presses enrich the literary canon and challenge dominant narratives, offering readers fresh insights into the human experience and the world.

Micro presses are steadfast champions of diversity and inclusion, showcasing works that reflect the multifaceted realities of contemporary society. Voices from racialized, marginalized and underrepresented communities and backgrounds are highlighted meaningfully, providing a platform for diverse voices to resonate authentically with readers. In doing so, micro presses foster an inclusive literary landscape where all voices are celebrated and valued.

In addition to promoting diversity and inclusivity, micro presses are incubators of literary innovation and experimentation. Not constrained by high sales pressures, these independent publishers embrace risk-taking, boundary-pushing, and unconventional storytelling techniques. From hybrid genres to multimedia formats, micro presses encourage writers to explore new creative possibilities and challenge traditional notions of what constitutes literature. As a result, they contribute to the evolution of literary art forms and inspire readers to engage with literature in fresh and exciting ways.

In an age dominated by mainstream publishing big houses, micro presses offer a breath of fresh air in the literary landscape. By illuminating hidden literary treasures from unconventional sources, these indie publishers enrich our literary experience with diverse voices, innovative storytelling, and inclusive perspectives. As readers, writers, and literary enthusiasts, we stand to gain immeasurably from exploring the offerings of micro presses and supporting their mission to amplify marginalized voices and expand the boundaries of literary expression. In doing so, we nurture a vibrant and resilient literary culture that continues to inspire, challenge, and unite us all.


Micro presses to explore:

A Different Booklist

Annick Press

Another Story Bookshop

House of Anansi Press and Groundwood Books

Knowledge Bookstore

Unique and independent bookstores in Ontario


logo of the International Decade for People of African Descent

Empowering the Future: The Significance of the International Decade of People of African Descent in Elementary Education

Picture: UN Promotional Materials

The International Decade for People of African Descent (IDPAD) emerged as a pivotal force in pursuing a more inclusive and equitable education system. Focused on championing the rights and contributions of individuals of African descent, this global initiative carries significant implications for elementary education, where foundational values of respect, understanding, and embracing diversity are imparted to young minds.

This decade was positioned to act as a catalyst for promoting cultural diversity within elementary schools. By integrating the history, heritage, and achievements of people of African descent into the curriculum, we cultivate a learning environment that authentically mirrors the world’s diversity. This enhances the cultural awareness of all students and fosters a sense of inclusion for those of African descent.

In the formative years of elementary education, children are shaping their perceptions of race and ethnicity. The IDPAD represents an opportunity to disrupt stereotypes by presenting a more accurate portrayal of people of African descent. The use of diverse educational materials and narratives enables students to gain a comprehensive understanding of the contributions and achievements of African communities.

Incorporating the principles of IDPAD into elementary education is crucial for creating an inclusive and fair learning environment. By celebrating the diversity of cultures, traditions, and perspectives within the African diaspora, schools contribute to breaking down barriers and fostering a sense of unity among students of all backgrounds.

Moreover, educators must recognize the importance of showcasing the achievements of individuals of African descent to inspire their students. By highlighting diverse leaders, scientists, artists, and historical figures through the lens of IDPAD, elementary education offers a broader range of role models for young minds to emulate.

IDPAD goes beyond fostering a global perspective; it emphasizes collaboration and understanding on an international scale. Lessons exploring the experiences of people of African descent contribute to global awareness and nurture a sense of solidarity with diverse communities worldwide.

Educators play a pivotal role in shaping the values and attitudes of students during their elementary years. IDPAD equips them with the tools to address racism and discrimination by fostering an understanding of the challenges faced by people of African descent. Educators nurture a generation committed to justice and equality by engaging in open and honest discussions.

Now, more than ever, educators must incorporate IDPAD principles into their teaching practices. The global call for justice and equality underscores the urgency of instilling these values in young minds. By integrating the lessons of IDPAD, educators contribute to developing socially conscious and empathetic individuals ready to navigate and challenge the complexities of a diverse world.

Beyond symbolism, the International Decade for People of African Descent is a resounding call to action in elementary schools worldwide. By embracing IDPAD principles in education, we empower young minds to embrace diversity, challenge stereotypes, and contribute to a fair and inclusive society. Elementary education becomes the fertile ground where seeds of understanding are sown, cultivating a generation prepared to shape a world where everyone’s story is acknowledged, celebrated, and valued.



United Nations. (n.d.). International Decade for people of African descent. United Nations.

The International Decade for People of African Descent: Who have these ten years served? Black Agenda Report.

Outdoor Education

I love learning outdoors! To me, the outdoors is an extension of the learning that happens in the four corners of the classroom, except there are no walls and no  barriers to one’s imagination in the outdoors. I believe learning occurs everywhere and at all times; what better way to show students the art of experiential learning than through outdoor education. 


What are the benefits of outdoor education?

From all of my experiences as an educator, a physical education specialist, and from all that I have learned and read about the art of teaching and learning, there is no doubt in my mind about the positive benefits of outdoor education. From the development of physical skills, mental health, spatial awareness, self-esteem, problem solving and communication skills (just to name a few) to the love, appreciation and respect for nature and all living things, outdoor education transforms lives and student learning to a whole new level beyond the classroom. I find that, though important in student’s overall growth and development, traditional curriculum tends to focus on test-based learning, leaving less emphasis on experiential, play-based outdoor learning. When students are engaged in outdoor education, their academic performance increases, their focus and attention increase, their mental and social health increase and they develop a deeper connection with, and respect for, the environment. 


How can schools/teachers incorporate outdoor education into their teaching practices? 

  • You can always take the lesson and/or activity outside (snow, rain or shine). As long as you prepare for the weather conditions and student safety, many activities, with some minor adjustments, can be accomplished in an outdoor setting. 
  • Consider taking part in the OPAL outdoor play education program. Schools are supplied with equipment and resources that students use in various innovative and explorative ways through free play. For example, students can build forts, balance on large wood spools, swing from tire swings and engage in pool-noodle sword play (just to name a few).  For more information, check out Outdoor Play Canada
  • I have also come across many articles that talk about the benefits of outdoor education and outdoor play in many subject areas: the arts, health and physical education, but also including literacy and numeracy. There are also many resources and organizations that are able to support teachers in building strategies to incorporate outdoor education into their teaching practices. I have used resources from Right to Play and OPHEA teaching tools and found them to be very practical and engaging for students.

If you are new to the idea of outdoor education, my suggestion would be to do a little research of your own, talk with other colleagues and/or your administrators and engage your students in a discussion about outdoor education. Another suggestion would be to start small by focusing on one subject/concept at a time and maybe just doing one activity with students. From there, you can set specific goals and measure success through feedback from participants, looking at improvements in academic performance as well as students’ emotional and social well-being. Overall, the benefits of outdoor education speak volume, in terms of student success, student development, and student mental health and well-being. Outdoor education is beneficial to every child in every school community, and it’s a strategy that I hope will one day be commonplace in all school communities across the province.

Alternative Curriculum Programming

I am very fortunate that I am the teacher in a contained class for students with developmental disabilities. Every day is a unique experience with lots of laughter and learning. As my students would be unable to complete the expectations in the Ontario Curriculum, they all follow an Alternative Curriculum. In order to provide a successful alternative program, it requires regular input from parents,  daily assessment data and a thorough understanding of the student’s profile (which can be found in the OSR).

Recently, I was asked what my students do all day as they follow an alternative curriculum. Below are the parts of my program. For students who are going to school in an inclusion model or a contained model you could adapt part or all the pieces of a similar program to meet the needs of your student(s).

Morning Meeting- First thing in the morning, we run a meeting on our interactive whiteboard for the entire class that includes review of the date, weather, months and seasons. It also works on communication, social skills and independence as my students run the meeting with little to no staff intervention.

Hygiene- In the bathroom, we take groups of students to work on brushing their teeth, washing their face and putting on deodorant. Some of my students are close to being fully independent and others need full support and are  working on tolerating the feeling of a toothbrush.

Snack time- This is a great social time for my students. Everyone has a chance to chat while they are eating which is great for those working on communication goals. Others are working on finding their lunch bags and bringing them to their tables.

Gross Motor- We use equipment ordered for us by the Occupational Therapist and the students do a circuit through a hallway at school. It gives them time to move and build their coordination. It also teaches them how to wait their turn, do tasks in a sequence and listen to instructions.

Activity Time- This is a block of time in the day for students to work on reading, writing, mathematics or fine motor skills independently or with teacher support. In my class, a few students complete independent work, while others work with a staff member on fine motor skills, another group of students work on reading and writing and the fourth group at the interactive whiteboard playing math games. The students rotate throughout the week.

Bathroom- Some of my students require support with toileting. They are supported to become as independent as their cognitive and physical abilities will allow. We also use this time to do teaching about things like changing pads for menstrual cycles.

Art- Creating art pieces gives us lots of time to work on cutting with scissors, holding pencils or markers or being comfortable touching unusual textures.

Lunch/Recess- Similar to snack time but with a 20 minute period outside with the rest of the school. Some of my students can play with other students quite successfully and others are supported to improve in this area.

Grade 8 Buddies- Our grade 8 buddies support us with playing games, completing art, cooking, playing basketball etc… My students absolutely love them! This activity supports students goals around communication and social skills.

Cooking/baking- Once a week we cook lunch. We take this time to work on food preparation and safety, tolerating new foods, cleaning and setting and clearing a table.

Coffee Cart- We run a business selling coffee and tea to the staff once a week. My students are fantastic at selling and are quite the entrepreneurs. This activity works on communication, following instructions, listening to others and completing simple tasks.

Music- My students have music every day. They enjoy playing with the musical instruments and are working on staying focused on a task for an extended period of time.

Life Skills- After lunch everyone has a job to do. They do the job for a full week to give them time to learn the skills necessary to do the job successfully. The jobs include watering the plants, doing the dishes, wiping the tables, tidying up, vacuuming and pushing in the chairs.

Afternoon Meeting- This time is spent focusing on skills we need to practice as a class such as distinguishing between milk and cream for our coffee cart. On Fridays, we do a wrap of the week where I share pictures and we reflect on all the awesome things we did.

Integration- Some of my students join other classes for gym. But ultimately, I am always on the lookout for school wide events that my students would enjoy such as staff/student dodgeball games or the Terry Fox Walk that we join in on.

Every portion of our day is focused on developing skills and learning. My students are incredibly capable and with the right supports and practice they can achieve the goals created in collaboration between school and home!