Education is Life

As we head to the summer, this is a reminder to us all that education is life, a shared journey requiring the nurturing efforts of an entire community to ensure every young mind can flourish and grow.

Education is life,
A beacon in the darkness, a guiding light.
Yet how can one flourish,
When only a small fraction of this light reaches them?

Teachers, overworked and weary,
Limited in their resources,
Strive to nurture many young minds.
But this noble cause cannot be achieved
Without the cooperation of the entire village.

On school grounds, budding seeds sprout,
Some under the scorching sun,
Burnt before their leaves and petals form.
Others, in the shade, deprived of joy,
Receiving only sparse rain.

How can these young flowers thrive?
With just a few protectors, it’s an uphill climb.
More hands, more hearts, more care are needed,
Education is life, and life must be heeded.

(Poem co-created by a collection of educator friends).

The Path to Excellence – A short story.

In the bustling halls of Maple Sugar Intermediate School, Justin often felt like he was on the outside looking in. As one of the few Black students in his grade, he sometimes struggled to find friends who shared his interests. But Justin had a passion for science that burned brightly within him, transporting him to a world where possibilities were endless.

One day, Ms. Thompson, the new science teacher, arrived at Maple Sugar. With her warm smile, bantu knots, effervescent energy, and genuine interest in her student’s success, she immediately noticed Justin’s enthusiasm for science. She did not tuck this aside as other educators sometimes did but instead encouraged him to join the Science Club she was starting, where Justin met Maya, another Black student who loved chemistry. Maya and Jamal quickly began to challenge each other as they deepened their knowledge and explored new understandings as study partners

Under Ms. Thompson’s mentorship, the Science Club flourished. She included diverse perspectives in their discussions and experiments, highlighting the contributions of Black Canadian scientists like Dr. Clotilda Douglas-Yakimchuk, Elijah McCoy, Dr. Charles Lightfoot Roman, and Maydianne Andrade. Justin and Maya felt proud to learn about these trailblazers who looked like them.

As the school year progressed, Justin and Maya’s confidence soared. They participated in science programs and events, where their projects on renewable energy and eco-friendly innovations impressed educators and peers alike. Their successes didn’t just stop there; they inspired other students, including those who had previously felt left out, to pursue their own passions.

At their graduation, Justin and Maya stood proudly on stage as valedictorian and salutatorian, surrounded by cheering classmates and supportive teachers. Justin received the Science Excellence Award for his dedication and innovative ideas. Maya, too, was recognized for her creative ideas in Science, leadership in the Science Club and her role in fostering a culture of inclusion and excellence.

Looking out at their fellow graduates, Justin and Maya knew their journey was just beginning. They had learned that representation and inclusion weren’t just important values—they were the keys to unlocking holistic potentials and making a difference in the world.

In the years that followed, Justin and Maya continued to excel in their studies, driven by the belief that everyone can succeed. They became advocates for diverse representation in education, ensuring that every student, regardless of background, had the opportunity to shine brightly, just as they had at Maple Sugar Intermediate School.

Their story became a beacon of hope and inspiration, showing others that anything is possible with supportive educators and a welcoming community. As they looked back on their time at Maple Sugar, they knew their journey was not just about personal achievement—it was a testament to the transformative power of representation, being seen, belonging, and the limitless potential of student excellence.

The Importance of Black Student Success in Ontario

Black Student Success programs play a crucial role in Ontario’s education system, providing tailored support to Black students who often face unique challenges. Educators involved with the programs are deeply connected to Black communities and serve as mentors and advocates, offering culturally responsive guidance that is vital for Black students’ academic and personal development.

One key importance of Black Student Success educators is their ability to create a sense of belonging and representation for Black students. In an education system where Black students are underrepresented among educators and administrators, these educators act as role models, demonstrating the possibilities of academic and professional success. This representation is critical for fostering a positive self-identity and encouraging students to aspire toward their goals.

Moreover, these educators offer intensive support that goes beyond academics. They address the holistic needs of Black students, including socio-emotional well-being, cultural affirmation, and resilience building. This comprehensive support system helps students navigate challenges such as microaggressions, racial biases, and other forms of discrimination that can hinder their educational progress.

Black Student Success educators also bridge the gap between schools and Black communities, fostering stronger relationships and better communication. By understanding and incorporating their students’ cultural contexts, these coaches can effectively advocate for necessary resources and support within the school system. This advocacy ensures that Black students receive equitable opportunities to succeed academically.

Black Student Success educators are indispensable in Ontario’s efforts to promote educational equity. Their culturally responsive mentorship and advocacy support individual student success and contribute to a more inclusive and representative education system, benefiting the broader community. This holistic approach ensures that students receive consistent encouragement and resources from all facets of their lives.

Next Steps for Educators to Engage with Students:

Educators should actively collaborate with Black Student Success educators to create inclusive learning environments that celebrate diversity and cultural richness. This collaboration involves integrating culturally responsive teaching practices into everyday classroom activities. Educators can start by diversifying their teaching materials to include perspectives and contributions from Black individuals and communities. They should encourage open discussions about race, identity, and social justice, creating safe spaces where students feel valued and understood.

By actively engaging with students, families, and community stakeholders, educators can contribute to building a more equitable and inclusive educational system where every student has the opportunity to thrive.

The program for Black Students is designed to provide intensive, culturally responsive support to Black students with the goal of improving their well-being and achievement. As intermediate students graduate and move to high school, they may be able to work with Black Graduation Coaches who can continue to work with students to demonstrate the possibilities of academic and professional success to promote Black Excellence.

Check out what these school boards are doing to promote Black Excellence:

YRDSB Black Excellence Program

TDSB Black Student Excellence Program

Greater Essex CYF Program

OCDSB Sankofa Centre

PDSB – ‘We Rise Together’



The First Five Years: A Building Block for Better Schools.

Being an educator in Ontario is a significant and impactful role, especially for those within the first five years of their teaching careers. The province’s educational system is among the most respected in the world, known for its commitment to equity, inclusivity, and high academic standards. New educators are the torchbearers of these values, shaping future generations’ minds and contributing to society’s betterment.

One of the primary reasons educators must remain in the profession is their profound impact on students. Educators are not just instructors; they are mentors, role models, and often, sources of stability and support for young people. The formative years in education can set the trajectory for a student’s future, influencing their academic achievements, self-esteem, and career aspirations. By remaining in the profession, educators ensure continuity and foster long-term relationships that can significantly enhance student outcomes.

Moreover, educators play a vital role in advocating for and implementing educational reforms. Ontario’s educational landscape continually evolves, with new policies and practices to improve student learning and well-being. Educators are at the forefront of these changes, bringing innovative teaching methods and adapting curricula to meet diverse student needs. Their firsthand experience and feedback are invaluable in shaping effective educational strategies and ensuring that reforms are practical and beneficial.

Despite the numerous challenges faced today—ranging from large class sizes, limited resources, violence in schools and classrooms, and the seeming growing challenges of work-life balance —leaving the profession does not have to be the only resort. ETFO works on behalf of all its members to address these issues with the Ministry on a provincial level. Additionally, many locals in ETFO work ceaselessly to address these issues with school boards across the province. Persistence in teaching contributes to personal and professional growth and upholds the integrity and excellence of Ontario’s educational system. By navigating and overcoming these challenges, educators develop resilience and adaptability, which are essential in fostering a positive and dynamic learning environment.

ETFO outlines Eight Building Blocks for Better Schools. “As the heartbeat of public education, teachers and other education workers play a critical role in helping to shape the system and develop our students to be the very best they can be. Ontario students depend on all of us to protect and build better schools” (Building Better Schools, 2024).

The importance of being an educator in Ontario has a depth and breadth that cannot be overstated. The commitment to staying in the profession amidst challenges is crucial for maintaining high educational standards and nurturing the next generation of learners. Educators are the cornerstone of a thriving society, and their dedication is vital to Ontario’s educational system’s ongoing success and advancement.


An Excellent Standpoint: Teaching cultural perspectives from a vantage of excellence.

In the realm of education, embracing diverse cultural perspectives not only fosters understanding but also cultivates excellence. Each cultural group brings unique experiences, wisdom, and contributions to the society we all participate in. As educators, we should seek to delve into the pursuit of excellence within diverse cultural groups, emphasizing their rich heritage and the invaluable insights they offer to educational discourse. Thus, incorporating learning about ‘Black History’ within Ontario’s curriculum in grades 7, 8, and 10 is a step in the right direction.

Many cultures epitomize resilience, creativity, and innovation. These tenets have reshaped history and inspired generations. Educators committed to excellence incorporate the achievements and struggles of diverse individuals into their curriculum, especially cultures and narratives often left untold or intentionally omitted. By highlighting excellence areas like literature, music, art, and activism, educators empower students to recognize their potential for greatness while understanding the importance of perseverance in the face of adversity.

For example, Indigenous cultures epitomize a profound connection to land, community, and tradition. Indigenous peoples have preserved their languages, ceremonies, and sacred practices despite historical injustices, embodying resilience and strength. In educational settings, excellence is found in honouring Indigenous knowledge systems, environmental stewardship, and cultural revitalization efforts. Educators committed to Indigenous excellence engage with Indigenous elders, integrate Indigenous perspectives into the curriculum, and foster respectful relationships with local Indigenous communities. By recognizing and celebrating Indigenous excellence, educators instill in students a deep respect for Indigenous cultures and inspire them to become allies in pursuing Indigenous rights and sovereignty.

Similarly, Black history encompasses a tapestry of civilizations, philosophies, and innovations that have shaped human history. From ancient wisdom to modern advancements, Black cultures have made indelible contributions to science, technology, and the arts. In educational contexts, excellence in Black heritage is celebrated through exploring classical literature, philosophical teachings, and artistic traditions. Educators committed to teaching about Black excellence promote critical thinking, cultural exchange, and global citizenship by engaging students in dialogue about Black history, contemporary issues, and cross-cultural connections. By fostering an appreciation for Black excellence (which is woven into the very fabric of North America), educators prepare students to thrive in an interconnected world and embrace diversity as a source of strength and enrichment.

Diverse heritages embody legacies of faith, scholarship, and cultural exchange that span continents and centuries. From the golden age of civilization to the present day, many cultures have excelled in fields ranging from astronomy and mathematics to architecture and literature. In educational environments, excellence in these varied heritages can be upheld through the exploration of art, ethics, and intellectual traditions. Educators committed to teaching from a lens of excellence foster an atmosphere of inclusion, dialogue, and mutual respect by promoting intersectional understanding, challenging stereotypes, and addressing phobias that stem from biases unconsciously developed through deficit teaching. By embracing contributions to human civilization and presenting intentionally diverse representation to all students, educators empower students to recognize the interconnectedness of cultures and appreciate the richness of diversity in all its forms.

In pursuing educational excellence, embracing diverse cultural perspectives is not just a choice but a necessity. By celebrating the excellence inherent within all cultures, educators enrich the learning experience, inspire critical thinking, and foster a sense of belonging among students. Through dialogue, empathy, and a commitment to inclusivity, educators can cultivate a generation of leaders who appreciate the value of diversity and strive for excellence in all they do.

“If we want to create change in Canada – if we want to have more people from communities who aren’t only represented – the answer isn’t to move towards tokenization and propping people up. The answer is to give people the tools to prop themselves up.” – Sarah Jama (Sarah Jama is the co-founder of Disability Justice Network of Ontario).

“Black history is not just for black people. Black history is Canadian history.”- Jean Augustine (First Black Canadian woman to serve as a federal Minister of the Crown and Member of Parliament).

A diverse group of young students wearing convocation caps and gowns, smiling at the camera.

Fostering Excellence in Classrooms: A Comprehensive Approach

Picture By: Pavel Danilyuk

In the ever-changing landscape of education, pursuing excellence in classrooms is a collective endeavour encompassing academic excellence and holistic student development. To unveil the secrets of successful learning environments, let’s explore critical elements that educators can implement to meet the diverse needs of their students.

Begin with a curriculum designed to spark student interest and connect with real-world experiences. Align lessons with academic standards while infusing practical applications and real-life scenarios. Cultivate a passion for learning by making the curriculum an exciting gateway to knowledge.

Recognize and cater to diverse learning styles and preferences. Implement personalized learning approaches that allow students to progress at their own pace, explore topics of interest, and engage with materials personally. Foster a sense of ownership and motivation, paving the way for sustained academic success.

Establish clear expectations and maintain a positive, inclusive atmosphere. Implement proactive behaviour management strategies that create a safe and respectful learning environment. A well-managed classroom sets the foundation for effective learning and active student engagement.

Leverage technology as a powerful tool to enhance the learning experience. Incorporate digital tools and resources to make lessons more engaging. Equip students with essential digital skills for the future, embracing the benefits of technology in education.

Recognize the connection between academic success and social-emotional well-being. Prioritize the development of social and emotional skills, fostering empathy, self-awareness, and effective communication. Create a supportive environment where students feel valued, heard, and prepared to navigate interpersonal relationships.

Equipped with knowledge, teachers can adapt their strategies to meet the evolving needs of students, contributing significantly to classroom success. Stay current on the latest pedagogical approaches, technological advancements, and educational research. How do they align with your pedagogical practice? Which aspects can you adopt, adapt, or discard? Consistent review of pedagogical practices empowers the educator to effectively and responsively meet students where they are to guide them to success. 

Action Items for Educators:

Curriculum Innovation: Review and enhance your curriculum to include practical applications and real-world relevance. Seek opportunities for cross-disciplinary connections to make learning more engaging.

Proactive Classroom Management: Establish clear expectations for behaviour and create a positive classroom culture. Implement proactive strategies to address potential challenges and develop an environment conducive to learning.

Technology Integration Workshop: Familiarize yourself with educational technology tools and explore ways to integrate them into your lessons. Attend workshops or sharing sessions/events at your school to enhance your digital teaching skills.

SEL Integration in Lesson Plans: Infuse social and emotional learning into your lesson plans. Incorporate activities that promote empathy, self-awareness, and critical communication skills among students and their learning community.

Continuous Professional Learning Plan: Create a personalized professional development plan. Attend workshops, webinars, or learning opportunities that support you in staying current on the latest education trends. Collaborate with colleagues to share insights and strategies.

By implementing these action items, educators can contribute to cultivating excellence in classrooms in a way that supports students’ overall well-being and growth.

Anti-Oppressive Education: Creating an Equitable Society for all.

In recent years, there has been a growing recognition of the importance of anti-oppressive practices in elementary education in Ontario. Anti-oppressive education aims to dismantle systemic barriers and address inequities within the education system. This reflection explores the significance of implementing anti-oppressive practices in elementary education in Ontario, highlighting the impact on students, educators, and the broader society.

In Ontario, as in many other regions, elementary education has not been immune to the effects of systemic oppression. “Historically, marginalized groups, such as Indigenous peoples, racial minorities, individuals with disabilities, and those of lower socioeconomic status, have faced discrimination and inequitable treatment within the education system” (Ontario Human Rights Commission, 2006). Such oppression can manifest in various forms, including biased curricula, discriminatory discipline practices, and a lack of diverse representation among
educators and staff, to name a few.

“Students who experience oppression in the education system may suffer from lower self-esteem, reduced academic achievement, and disengagement from learning” (Tuck & Yang, 2012). “Moreover, perpetuating oppressive practices can perpetuate cycles of poverty and marginalization, deepening social disparities and hindering social progress” (Freire, 1970). As educators, understanding and incorporating anti-oppressive practices in our praxis is crucial to disrupting and dismantling the many fibres of anti-oppression prevalent in the euro-centric teaching spaces we often occupy.

The Role of Anti-Oppressive Practices
Anti-oppressive practices are essential in elementary education to counter the adverse effects of oppression and create inclusive, empowering learning environments. “By integrating anti-oppressive principles into teaching strategies and curriculum development, educators can actively challenge stereotypes, promote diversity, and foster empathy and respect for all students” (Ontario Ministry of Education, 2021).” Adopting inclusive teaching methods, which acknowledge and accommodate diverse learning needs, can also enhance student engagement and success” (Zhang & Carrington, 2019).

For example, using the seven competencies of the anti-oppressive framework as examined by ETFO, when educators are intentional about addressing biases, centring marginalized voices, challenging power & privilege, building inclusive communities, embedding intersectionalities to mobilize systemic change while connecting issues of mental health, learning environments that foster belonging, questioning, curiosity, and the ability to engage in meaningful uncomfortable is created for students, educators, and all staff. It truly creates a community where transformation can occur.

“Anti-oppressive practices encourage critical thinking and dialogue about social justice issues, helping students become active and informed citizens who can advocate for equality and fairness” (Shor, 1992). By challenging the status quo, educators play a pivotal role in shaping a generation of individuals who can create positive transformational societal change.

Learning as Educators
To effectively implement anti-oppressive practices, collaborative learning opportunities and dialogues with diverse colleagues can foster a deeper understanding of different perspectives and experiences. Anti-oppressive practices involve not only what is taught but also how the learning environment is structured. Schools must intentionally foster safe and inclusive spaces for all students, regardless of their background. “This may involve adopting restorative justice practices instead of punitive measures, implementing equity-focused policies, and providing necessary resources to support the diverse needs of students” (Ontario Ministry of Education, 2020). Implementing anti-oppressive practices requires support from the broader educational system, including school boards, administrators, and policymakers.

Incorporating anti-oppressive practices in elementary education also requires collaboration with families and communities.” Engaging parents and caregivers in meaningful partnerships can provide insights into students’ unique needs and strengths, promoting a holistic approach to education” (Epstein, 2001). Building relationships with community organizations can also expand opportunities for students to connect with their cultural heritage and engage in real-world learning experiences. To achieve this goal, ongoing professional development for educators, support from the educational system, and collaboration with families and communities are all indispensable components.

“By acknowledging and addressing systemic barriers, the education system can create a more equitable platform for students and educators. This may involve reviewing and revising curriculum standards to be more inclusive and culturally relevant” (Ladson-Billings, 1995). As an educator, engaging in curriculum audits to ensure that I am reflecting my students’ experiences (as a mirror) and facilitating learning of the experiences of many others outside of my student’s communities/identities (as a window) empowers all students as they develop their understanding of themselves as global citizens. As educators, understanding and incorporating anti-oppressive practices in our praxis is crucial to disrupting and dismantling the many fibres of anti-oppression prevalent in the euro-centric teaching spaces we often occupy.

An Anti-Oppressive Framework

More work still needs to be done in incorporating an anti-oppressive framework and utilizing anti-oppressive practices in Ontario (and in all of Canada) schools. Implementing anti-oppressive practices in elementary education in Ontario is essential for fostering inclusive, empowering, and transformative learning environments. By challenging systemic oppression, educators can cultivate critical thinking, empathy, and social awareness among students, shaping them into active participants in creating a more just and equitable

Check out ETFO’s Anti-Oppressive Framework: A Primer which “provides an entry point for all learners and an opportunity for critical engagement, understanding and action planning on anti-racist education, anti-oppressive practices and equity initiatives” (ETFO, 2021).




Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario. (2021). Anti-Oppressive Framework: A Primer. Retrieved from

Epstein, J. L. (2001). School, family, and community partnerships: Preparing educators and
improving schools. Westview Press.

Freire, P. (1970). Pedagogy of the oppressed. Continuum.

Ladson-Billings, G. (1995). Toward a theory of culturally relevant pedagogy. American Educational
Research Journal, 32(3), 465-491.

Ontario Human Rights Commission. (2006). Human rights and school boards: Obligations to address
racism and discrimination. Retrieved from nation

Ontario Ministry of Education. (2020). Education for all: A guide to effective implementation.
Retrieved from N.pdf

Ontario Ministry of Education. (2021). Anti-racism in education: A resource guide for Ontario
schools. Retrieved from

Shor, I. (1992). Empowering education: Critical teaching for social change. University of Chicago

Tuck, E., & Yang, K. W. (2012). Decolonization is not a metaphor. Decolonization: Indigeneity,
Education & Society, 1(1), 1–40.

Webb, J., Schirato, T., & Danaher, G. (2002). Understanding Bourdieu. Sage.

Zhang, L. F., & Carrington, S. (2019). Inclusive teaching in action: Supporting teachers and
pupils in mainstream classrooms. Routledge.


Micro Presses: Unveiling Literary Treasures from Unconventional Sources

In the vast publishing landscape, micro presses stand out as literary diversity and innovation beacons. While mainstream publishing houses dominate the industry, micro presses offer a unique avenue for discovering lesser-known voices and unconventional literary works. This article delves into the world of micro presses, exploring how they unearth hidden literary resources in less-seen places and enrich literary culture.

In recent years, micro presses, indie or small presses, have gained momentum as alternatives to traditional publishing models. These intimate operations often specialize in niche genres, experimental writing, and works by emerging authors who need help finding footing in mainstream publishing. Unlike their larger counterparts, micro presses prioritize artistic integrity, literary merit, and community engagement over commercial viability. Consequently, they play a pivotal role in diversifying literary landscapes and amplifying voices that may otherwise remain unheard.

One of the most compelling aspects of micro presses is their commitment to exploring literary resources in less-seen places. While major publishing hubs like Toronto, Vancouver, New York City and London receive considerable attention, micro presses actively seek out voices and stories from overlooked regions, marginalized communities, and underrepresented cultures. By tapping into these diverse perspectives, micro presses enrich the literary canon and challenge dominant narratives, offering readers fresh insights into the human experience and the world.

Micro presses are steadfast champions of diversity and inclusion, showcasing works that reflect the multifaceted realities of contemporary society. Voices from racialized, marginalized and underrepresented communities and backgrounds are highlighted meaningfully, providing a platform for diverse voices to resonate authentically with readers. In doing so, micro presses foster an inclusive literary landscape where all voices are celebrated and valued.

In addition to promoting diversity and inclusivity, micro presses are incubators of literary innovation and experimentation. Not constrained by high sales pressures, these independent publishers embrace risk-taking, boundary-pushing, and unconventional storytelling techniques. From hybrid genres to multimedia formats, micro presses encourage writers to explore new creative possibilities and challenge traditional notions of what constitutes literature. As a result, they contribute to the evolution of literary art forms and inspire readers to engage with literature in fresh and exciting ways.

In an age dominated by mainstream publishing big houses, micro presses offer a breath of fresh air in the literary landscape. By illuminating hidden literary treasures from unconventional sources, these indie publishers enrich our literary experience with diverse voices, innovative storytelling, and inclusive perspectives. As readers, writers, and literary enthusiasts, we stand to gain immeasurably from exploring the offerings of micro presses and supporting their mission to amplify marginalized voices and expand the boundaries of literary expression. In doing so, we nurture a vibrant and resilient literary culture that continues to inspire, challenge, and unite us all.


Micro presses to explore:

A Different Booklist

Annick Press

Another Story Bookshop

House of Anansi Press and Groundwood Books

Knowledge Bookstore

Unique and independent bookstores in Ontario


Picture by C-B studio

The Art of Cursive Writing: A Valuable Journey.

In the bustling world of elementary education, where the focus often lies on specific subjects and foundational skills, including cursive writing might seem like a quaint notion. However, delving into the art of beautiful writing from an early age brings forth many benefits.

Alright, picture this: little ones in elementary school getting into the groove of cursive writing. You might think, “Wait, isn’t that more for grown-ups?” Introducing cursive writing to the kiddos early on is like unlocking a treasure trove of skills that go way beyond just pretty handwriting.

Primarily, cursive writing serves as a nuanced exercise in fine motor skill development. The meticulous movements required to craft elegant strokes with a pen or brush contribute significantly to the refinement of hand-eye coordination. As students navigate the intricacies of cursive writing lettering, they concurrently enhance their motor control, laying the groundwork for improved dexterity in various academic and extracurricular activities.

Moreover, cursive writing imparts invaluable lessons in patience and focus. The deliberate and measured approach demanded by the art form instills a sense of meticulousness in young learners. In an era characterized by constant stimuli and distractions, instilling the ability to concentrate on a singular task becomes a transferable skill that can positively impact a student’s overall academic experience.

But it’s not all serious business. Cursive writing is a way for kids to show off their personality. Scribbling becomes an art form, a canvas for expressing feelings and ideas. That creative outlet isn’t just about making pretty letters; it’s about feeling proud of what they create and boosting their confidence.

Within the language arts domain, cursive writing uniquely combines visual and verbal communication. As students engage with this art form, they naturally develop an enhanced appreciation for the aesthetic aspects of language. This heightened sensitivity to the visual nuances of letters and words can elevate their understanding and enthusiasm for written expression, transforming language arts into a more captivating and enjoyable subject.

The advantages of learning cursive writing extend beyond the academic sphere, reaching into the realm of mindfulness and well-being. This art form’s deliberate, meditative nature gives students a serene space to explore creativity. In navigating the rhythmic flow of ink on paper, students can cultivate mindfulness, offering a valuable respite from the frenetic pace of contemporary life.

The integration of cursive writing into elementary education transcends the mere enhancement of penmanship. It represents an investment in the holistic development of students, fostering skills that span from refined motor control and patience to enhanced creativity and an enriched appreciation for language arts. The early introduction of cursive writing catalyzes comprehensive student growth, leaving an enduring impact on their academic journey.

Elementary – Podcasts as a resource to broaden and deepen teaching practice.

Elementary is a podcast for teachers, education workers, and anyone who wants to know more about public education in Ontario. This podcast will take on some of the big issues in education, outline opportunities available to ETFO members, and bring together educators, activists, teachers, and students to share ideas and information about education” (ETFO, 2023).

In the ever-evolving realm of education, continuous professional development remains vital for educators to fine-tune their teaching practice and deepen their grasp of pedagogy and subject matter. Enter podcasts – the dynamic, accessible, and conversational tool transforming how educators broaden their horizons and refine these skills.

Picture this: educators like you and me tuning in to podcasts during our daily routines – be it commuting, exercising, or catching a breather between classes. Podcasts offer a variety of content, from insightful discussions on pedagogy to practical classroom strategies, all at our fingertips.

One of the primary benefits of podcasts is their ability to broaden understanding by providing access to expert insights and diverse perspectives. We can explore topics ranging from innovative teaching methodologies to discussions on equity and inclusion in education. By tuning into podcast interviews, discussions, and expert analyses, we gain exposure to new ideas, approaches, and best practices that enrich our professional repertoire.

But wait, there’s more. Podcasts don’t just scratch the surface; they invite us to dive deep into complex educational issues and theories. Through thought-provoking analyses and real-world examples, we’re encouraged to critically engage with content, challenge assumptions, and explore new avenues for teaching and learning. It’s like having a fireside chat with fellow educators, sparking ideas and igniting our passion for education.

From implementing innovative strategies to fostering student engagement, podcasts inspire us to infuse our classrooms with creativity and purpose. They’re our go-to resource for staying ahead of the curve and keeping our teaching practice fresh and dynamic.

Podcasts are more than just audio recordings; they catalyze growth, inspiration, and community among educators. As we embrace the conversational nature of podcasts, we embark on a journey of exploration and discovery, enriching our practice and empowering our students to thrive.

So, fellow educators, let’s plug in, tune in, and elevate our professional growth – It’s Elementary. Together, let’s spark meaningful conversations, ignite change, and shape the future of education, one episode at a time.

“You can listen to Elementary here or find it on most podcast apps.”



Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario. 2023. Elementary: A podcast from ETFO. Retrieved from