This has become an annual event across the nations. In Canada, 200,000 technology jobs will not be filled in the year 2020. Hour of Code is a great way to teach about some of the opportunities available to students. December 3 – 7 is also known as Computer Science Education Week and Canada Learning Code Week. I will have students participate in a variety of activities relating to these coding activities. This is a way to introduce and enrich the learning of students from all grades.
Hackergals Hackathon
Hackathon has also become an annual event. December 12th schools from across Canada will participate in an event which they have been learning and practicing for this past few months. Hackergals vision is to empower young girls across Canada to explore the possibilities in coding. Women are under represented in technology and this event strives to expose many girls to computer science in the classroom.
First Lego League(FLL)-
www.firstinspires.org is another activity that students eagerly participate in. It does have an extra cost unlike the Hourofcode and Hackergals which are both free. FLL is an event that instills many skills and abilities to all who participate. It is a team building, code learning, exciting journey for all who participate. Lego League has many different avenues for all grade levels. December is the competition time where students will participate in a Qualifying Tournament to determine who will move to the next level of play. Involvement of the community provides much success for may teams.
I have enrolled teams in all three of these events. These individuals grow in many ways and often take leadership roles in next steps. I encourage anyone who has the support of staff and community to become actively involved in any of these activities.