Protecting your Energy: 4 Things I Wish I Had Done Differently in My First Years as a Teacher

Hindsight is a gift, and I have never appreciated it more than when I talk with newer teachers and share the things I wish I knew when I was in their position. So what advice would I give to a new teacher? The number one piece of advice I would give is to protect your energy. You will need your energy for yourself, your family, and for all the other demands that teaching can bring.

I have distinct memories of putting my head down at the end of the day and nearly falling asleep, taking bags of student work home that I inevitably would not mark that night because I was just too tired to face it. When I became a parent, it became clear that I needed to preserve my energy since there was no longer an option to take a break after school and a long commute.

I’m thankful when I consider how much experience has made my life easier. I spend less time stressing over things that I cannot change, working “smarter” instead of harder to be more efficient, and knowing when it is time to stop working and focus on what matters – health, family, and relationships.

Teaching a new class, and planning units and lessons is so much better when you know where to start. As a new teacher, it was overwhelming to face the realities of planning, classroom management, and school events every day.

Here are the top 4 things I would do to protect my energy if I were a new teacher – and even if you are not “new” to the profession, perhaps you will find something you can bring to your practice.

Rethink Classroom Management

When I started teaching, I foolishly believed that all my energy should be focused on creating great lessons and planning activities. Let’s be clear – this is all very important – but you’ll never get to implement those plans if you don’t have a well-managed class.

Classroom management is so much more than setting high expectations for achievement and behaviour and setting up routines and roles (though those are all important elements to have in place). It is also about determining which times of the day will be most conducive for teaching certain subjects and running certain activities.

For example, in my experience, mornings are usually the best time for teaching essential core subjects like literacy and numeracy. The later part of the morning and later afternoons are times well spent for independent or group work. These are great times to take your foot “off the pedal” and create space for collaboration, relationship-building, and student conferencing.

It can be exhausting when you feel like you are constantly trying to calm students down, or motivate students to self-regulate when you are in the middle of a lesson. Know when your lesson simply isn’t working, and when it is time to shift gears. A good “red flag” is when you can feel your own emotions – frustration, anger, or despair – bubbling up.

Focus on Time-Saving and Efficiency when Planning

When I started teaching, I found that resources were scarce, and my colleagues were rather protective of the content they had created. To be fair, the internet was nowhere near as useful as it is today and educators were deeply dependent on textbooks and blackline masters (no, we didn’t have Google Drive to keep all those documents close at hand). I spent endless hours trying to develop lessons and content, and naturally never had the time to get my lessons exactly the way I envisioned.

Avoid spending excessive time researching and creating content – this can be a drain on your valuable planning time minutes and after school time. Focus instead on building on the content that is already available to you – whether you find something great online that aligns with the Ontario curriculum (always be critical of what you discover on the internet), at a professional learning session, a teacher resource, or content a colleague has shared.

As an experienced teacher, I now know that most, if not all of my energy on the job should be spent teaching, working with and managing my class, and adapting content for neurodiverse and multilingual learners. Sure, it can be fun and even rewarding to develop a brand new lesson – but if you are teaching multiple subjects avoid doing this for everything all the time.

Another great energy-saving strategy is to co-teach a unit or lesson with a teacher whose schedule aligns with yours, or that knows your class. Swap classrooms to implement a lesson you know well. For example, I had a colleague who was great at teaching podcasting, so I’d teach his class a lesson in news article writing while he’d teach a podcasting lesson to my class.

Get Connected with the Right People and their Resources

It’s amazing how much time and energy you’ll save by networking with the right people and leveraging their resources, knowledge, and experience. There are so many other educators in your school and board that have expertise and can share their “tried and true” strategies, tools, and resources.

For example, you may have teachers who have a role where their purpose is to share resources  and consult in areas like educational technology, literacy, mathematics, the arts, or or social studies. They may have the title of coach, itinerant, or resource teacher – it can vary from one board to another.

You may have people you work with that are particularly passionate or skilled in an area like math or reading. They can tell you exactly what practices are most effective, which will save you a lot of research and time spent on trial and error.

Optimize Assessment

I remember being a teacher that gathered piles and piles of student work, only to be overwhelmed when reporting time came near. Save yourself a lot of marking time by taking a triangulated approach where you are not only collecting products, but frequently gathering evidence from conversations and observations.

It is important for students to be assessed through multiple means, so gather assessment as much as possible through activities like group work, presentations, and media creation. Assess students in the moment, and focus on providing 2-3 pieces of feedback at a time (and share it in the moment, if possible). Use an tablet or mobile device to gather assessment data quickly and take photos of student work and collaboration for your records.

Final thoughts

Your time and energy is precious. Protecting your energy as a teacher is critical for work-life balance – ensuring that you are investing your efforts wisely is key to longevity in the job and maintaining your mental wellness.

The Importance of Questions: Part 1

We’ve moved on from November and it’s the last month of the year already.  While the countdown for the winter break has begun in many minds, there are some things that catch my attention and I want to share some of them with you.

In our everyday spaces, we connect with, notice and wonder about things, and people all the time when we see them. Sometimes we ask questions and at other times based on what we think we know, we decide a response.  I am sharing some questions that I have been asked in the past months that keep me thinking about their importance.

This photograph shows two leafless trees against a blue sky with white clouds. The sun is shining brightly behind the tree to the right
Winter Sunlight (Karnad-Jani, 2024)

Who are you? 

As the range where I collaborate with colleagues is K-12, I have the experience of meeting students who aren’t yet four and older students who call me Miss. When I enter a classroom or wait outside, students either ask me directly who I am or their eyes do without words. When invited by my colleague in the classroom, I introduce myself: “My name is Ms.Karnad. I am a teacher and I’m here to learn with you”.

Do you miss that? 

The questions I receive are heart warming and they open my mind to all the things children think about. 

Often I join children at their tables to work alongside. In a Grade 4 class a student asked me “Do you go from school to school because you don’t have your own classroom now?” 

“Yes”, I said “That’s correct”.

“Do you miss having your own students?” 

I replied in the affirmative.

“What is the first thing you will do if you have your own classroom again?” 

I’m still thinking about that one. 

Do you speak Farsi?

In a Kindergarten classroom recently, a student  asked me to join them in play. They were gathering leaves to fill a small red cup, a blue teapot and a star shaped baking dish. I was instructed to guess how many scoops of leaves went into each one and I think I did rather well on that task. Then another student joined us and in a clear voice asked me “Do you speak Farsi?” I replied that I didn’t but I understood some words. “Come back and I’ll teach you some more words” she said and I’m looking forward to that.  How wonderful it is when children say to the grown-ups in their lives “I will teach you”. What a promising world this will be!

Can you help me?

At another school when I was planning a pre-collaboration visit and standing by the door as it was a rather busy time, I felt a tug on my wrist. Looking down I saw a student who wanted me to walk with them. They began leading me by the hand to another space and pointed to a shelf higher up. “Show me”, I said pointing to the visuals as I had seen a choice board displayed prominently with large pictures for easy access (for visitors like me also). The student showed me the picture of their preferred item and I helped get it down for them. A friend joined in and they tugged my hand to sit also. Building with multicoloured magnetic shapes that morning was a lot of fun.

Do you know where you are going?

As we approach the end of the year and the start of a new calendar year, it is these simple heart-touching questions that point me to where I am going. Immersed as we see in the complexities of the work and the world, this simplicity is the gift that allows me to stay in the moment and touch that glimmering droplet of joy.

I see you 

Many years ago, I was a Grade 7-8 teacher at the school with the beautiful sunrise. As I’d walk to the workroom downstairs on my prep, I’d pass an empty kindergarten classroom. Every day a rotation of women-mothers, aunties, grandmothers – and children would come in and attend a morning run by an Ontario child care programme. The women would sit cross legged and the children would sit in front of them. The service provider would play some songs while the women and children waited, listened and participated. It becomes clear for those of us who know educational pathways in Ontario that this was a school readiness programme for pre-kindergarten children.

In the early days, there would be hesitant little people being encouraged by the women and as time went by the children would begin to sing. As the workroom was nearby, I’d hear the voices change from whispers to hesitant voices to the silver sound of enthusiastic singers. 

When they’d come in for their learning, the women and children would line up outside the room. On the wall, up high, were Grade 8 graduation composites. One day as I was walking by, a child was pointing to a picture here and a picture there. As his Amma smiled at me I stopped and listened alongside. “Anna (elder brother), Akka (elder sister)”, he said. They were his cousins, who had graduated from the school, I learned from the child’s mother. 

As I was about to leave, the child pointed at someone else in the frame and whispered to his mother. I asked “Who is it? Whom do you see?”. The little one smiled shyly and pointed to me. His Amma said “He is saying, I see you”. Yes, I was there too and the child had recognized me from my tiny face in the large frame. 

Now these photos have been moved to a connecting passage between the old wing where I started working and the new wing that we saw being built from my Grade 7-8 class. That moment stays with me years later.

I see you. 

Such an important thought. I want to make sure everyday that I too see you, students and colleagues. That’s a great place to begin.

I see you.

With You, In Solidarity

Rashmee Karnad-Jani

Finding Calm in Teaching: Small Ways to Turn a Stressful Day Around

As someone who has been teaching for almost 20 years, I have to admit that I have always been the kind of teacher that really looks forward to the breaks. On long and stressful days, especially when I was a new teacher, I would immediately try to find relief in exploring plans and checking flight costs for March break or a summer vacation.

Just looking at a photo of the next destination or googling possible recreational activities could immediately calm my nerves and put a smile on my face. The time in between holidays and weekends became, at least in my mind, the time to just accept the “daily grind.”

As a much more experienced teacher, I will also admit that this activity still does help me on some days! Though I’ve also found that a better way to manage stress is to find something joyful or calming in the present – even in a hectic work environment.

Connecting with Colleagues

From the start of my career, I think having great colleagues and friends for conversation and connection makes the work day easier. As teachers, it is easy to prioritize efficiency and productivity to a point where you are constantly assessing, planning, and finding resources for the next lesson.

Taking time to stop, close the laptop or smartphone, and simply chat with colleagues during lunch or planning breaks can turn an overwhelming day into a calm one.

Taking a Walk

Getting out of your teaching or work environment can do wonders for your physical and mental health. I have had moments in my roles as a classroom teacher and a support teacher where a walk outdoors at lunch or simply around the building on a planning time can provide enough of a break to help me get some clarity and figure out my next steps.

The movement will also raise your spirits and help you to feel good too – especially if you turn on a favourite song as you walk!

Get a Good Laugh in

A good laugh will do wonders for any stressful situation. Thankfully, the internet and social media platforms have made it easy to find great comedy in a pinch. Whether it is memes, comedy routines, or satire, taking a quick peek at comedy accounts during your break can help you face the day with optimism and humour.

Focus on One Thing at a Time

When it feels like you have too much going on, it can make a big difference to rethink the way you do things. As a habitual multi-tasker, I find it can feel truly liberating to resist all the different factors vying for your attention and promise yourself to do one thing at a time. This way, you can get things done mindfully and thoroughly instead of doing it all at the same time.

Yes, multi-tasking is a skill that can make you feel highly productive and efficient. But “mono-tasking” has its own rewards, such as steering yourself to the present, becoming more self-aware, and ironically more productive than multi-tasking.

While this may not be a”joyful” activity, it can certainly feel good to refocus your attention and pay attention to what makes sense to focus on in the moment.

Final Thoughts

Finding joy and calm in day to day life is not always easy as a teacher. Some days, it can feel impossible! However, finding small and simple ways to find calm and engage in self-care can make the day much more enjoyable and less like a “grind”.

Sometimes We Feel Wobbly

Ever since I heard last June that I was going to be able to connect with all of you, as my colleagues and readers of Heart and Art Blog, my first thought was about  what I would like to say to you first. How shall I begin? Then I thought the new-ness of this connection is very similar to the feelings before each new school year: “I can’t wait to meet you”

As I went about July and August, there was excitement in the air: I was receiving news from friends and colleagues as well as reading on social media, posts from people I have not met, about how happy they are to be hired for a contract or for a Long Term Occasional position at a school. This was usually followed by a request for connection: to people, resources, and all the other things we know we are going to need to do our jobs and support our students. People were getting together to prepare for school. 

The excitement at such a time is palpable: whether it is a new job or a new grade one is teaching, whether it is a new school or one where one may have taught three children in a family in a long career. Although many ETFO members take Additional Qualification courses over the summer, engage in other self directed professional learning, there is also apprehension because you and I do not know what lies ahead. 

Perhaps you paused in those busy weeks before the start of school and wondered what it was going to be like that first day, first week back. After all, whether new or experienced, whether you have gained professional experience in Ontario or elsewhere, every September feels like the first September sometimes. 

What do we do when we feel wobbly?

A system leader once said to us in a large departmental meeting “Sometimes we get wobbly”. At the time of publication, it is almost the end of September. Some of us may be feeling wobbly with all that we carry on our long lists of things to do. I know I feel this way. So what do I do then? I think of people who have steadied me at such times and I try and reach within and reach over.

Self, Students, Families and Fellow-travellers

While there are many formal supports available in school districts within Ontario, some of us are either far away from accessing them or these supports may be hidden under links on a massive website and that takes time. 

I would therefore like to begin with the connections that are accessible and nearby. Although they have the potential to be fulfilling and frustrating before becoming fulfilling again, I am sharing below some key connections that have helped me during two decades of this work I have been privileged to do when I feel wobbly.


While there are many ways to seek support, I find that for me and many (a term I use often as I hesitate to say “we” because it may not be so for all) it helps to sit with oneself and think about what matters to me in this job, who matters to me in this job and how can I use what I already know in this job? That often is a calming space because I then know that I have done The Work to get to this point. While I shall continue to learn, I also know that I am able to take the first steps I need. There, I feel better already.


Students have always been the guiding heartbeat for the work of educators. Our youngest learners whether they willingly enter a space or cry for a few minutes before joining their peers in a conversation or exploration show us what they like or dislike, how they want to be seen and spoken to and how they will engage with the carefully planned lessons and materials you or I have laid out.  In times when things didn’t go as I planned whether in a Grade 7 classroom or a kindergarten space, after the initial wave of “what now?” had passed, I learned that examining the “why” of that communication helped me and the student connect just a little better the next day. Or perhaps the day after. What was the student trying to tell me? Did I listen, notice, connect and understand? This helps. 


One of the invisible aspects of a teacher’s work is to engage with families and to work in partnership with them. Families do not always fit into what is seen as the Standard North American Family, or a two-parent, heterosexual family where the father’s work allows the mother to attend to the children’s schooling and educational outcomes as I had shared in 2021 through ETFO’s Voice The school-family connection is mainly the connection between the primary caregiver of the student and you, their educator. However different from me the family of my student may be, when I relate to the humanity of the person in front of me and when I listen without taking things personally, I am able to see that there are ways that I can work towards positive partnership possibilities.  After all educational work unfolds in the murkiness of social problems and when we think through that, we can access resources that can help. Families are also rich sources of information and aspirations for our student and seeing that early on, helps.

Fellow Travellers

Although the formal word is colleague, I choose the word fellow traveller (or hum-suf-ur in Hindi and Urdu, two of the few languages that I speak). Our fellow travellers have walked this way before, either as educators through ethical practice and professional experience in the situation that is challenging me that day.  Talking to our colleagues helps us make meaning of the struggles and also reminds us to look forward to the sunshine.  I hope we all have that one person who listens without judgement and then asks, “How can I help? One cannot thank these mentors enough therefore one strives to pay it forward whenever the opportunity arises.

Learning Together

As we approach Orange Shirt Day, I recognize the deep responsibility to learn everyday so that I can continue to make a positive difference in the way I engage with the people and spaces around me. This month the youngest students in Ontario schools started their journey to and through our classrooms where they will spend a decade of their lives, either in one building or perhaps after Grade 5 going to another building to complete their middle school years.

As a gardener, I know that the tender seedlings must be nurtured carefully so that they thrive and grow stronger.  I am sharing “Healing Conversations: A collection of activities for the primary classroom”with you and I hope it leads to many rich discussions.

I wish you all the best in the weeks ahead.

With you, in solidarity

Rashmee Karnad-Jani

The Quiet Strength of Rest

“There is no urgency. There is no perfection. I am enough now” – Tricia Hersey.

In classrooms bright where knowledge blooms,
Amid the books and busy rooms,
Educators guide with hearts so true,
Yet need the quiet to renew.

From dawn till dusk, they give their best,
But even heroes need to rest.
For in the pause, the silence deep,
Their minds and spirits strength can keep.

The screens’ bright glow, the endless calls,
The papers stacked in towering walls,
Can wait a while, for rest must come,
To soothe the soul, to still the hum.

In peaceful moments, healing grows,
From violence faced, new courage flows.
In quiet moments, wisdom grows,
In restful peace, new energy flows.
The weary mind finds space to breathe,
And from the stress, their hearts are freed.

So let the summer bring calm and dreams,
Where sunlight through the window streams.
For educators’ hearts, so full of care,
Deserve the gentle, healing air.

In rest, they find the strength to teach,
To guide, to mentor, to inspire each.
For every child deserves the best,
And educators give such, when they have rest.

So cherish rest, and cherish peace,
Let every worry find release.
For in the balance, we find grace,
A rested mind, a gentle pace.

Dear educators, take this time,
To rest, to dream, to softly climb.
For in your quiet, you will find,
The strength to shape each growing mind.

“Rest is a beautiful interruption in a world with no pause button” – Tricia Hersey



Hersey, T. (2023). The Nap Ministry’s Rest Deck: 50 Practical Ways to Resist Gring Culture. Chronicle Books, San Francisco, CA.

Avoiding Burnout: A Vital Pursuit for Educators

Burnout is a pervasive problem affecting educators worldwide, leading to decreased job satisfaction, compromised well-being, and diminished classroom effectiveness. Addressing this issue is paramount to maintaining a high-quality education system. The demands of teaching can be overwhelming, leading to physical, emotional, and psychological exhaustion. To maintain a high standard of education and foster a healthy learning environment, educators need to prioritize their well-being and avoid burnout.

The first step in avoiding burnout is recognizing its signs and symptoms. Burnout is characterized by emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and reduced personal accomplishment. Educators may feel emotionally drained, detached from their students, and experiencing a diminished sense of personal competence. Identifying these signs early on can help educators take proactive steps to prevent burnout. Understanding the root causes of burnout is essential for developing effective prevention strategies.

Photo by Nataliya Vaitkevich


One of the primary causes of burnout is an imbalance between work and personal life. Educators often dedicate long hours to lesson planning, grading, and extracurricular activities, leaving little time for themselves and their families. Educators must be intentional about self-care and establish clear boundaries between work and personal life to address this issue. Setting aside time for relaxation, hobbies, and spending quality time with loved ones can help alleviate the stress associated with teaching.

Educators should not hesitate to seek professional support when experiencing burnout symptoms. This may involve consulting with a counsellor or therapist specializing in educator well-being, and sharing challenges and concerns with a trusted mentor and/or professional can provide educators with valuable insights, coping strategies, and emotional support to navigate the demands of their profession effectively.

Mindfulness and stress reduction techniques can be valuable tools for preventing burnout. Practices such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, movement activities, nature explorations or yoga can help educators manage stress and stay grounded in the present moment. Integrating these techniques into daily routines can improve emotional resilience and well-being.

Creating/immersing in a supportive community within the school environment can also contribute to educator well-being. Participating in professional development opportunities, such as workshops, conferences, and ETFO local union events (socials) and peer support groups, can provide a network of like-minded individuals who understand the profession’s challenges.

Burnout is a significant concern in education, as it affects educators’ lives and the quality of education provided to students. Prioritizing your well-being and implementing strategies that enable work-life balance, will ensure that you have a fulfilling and sustainable career as an educator while providing the best possible learning experience for your students. Ultimately, the prevention of burnout is not only essential for us as individual educators but also for the betterment of the entire education system.

ETFO members who feel that they are experiencing mental health challenges should discuss their concerns with their family doctor. Mental health support may be available to ETFO members through Employee Assistance Programs (EAP), accessed via their district school board.
Additional support may be found through Starling Minds, which offers a variety of digital programs free of charge for ETFO members. Read this PDF about Starling Minds and learn how to register.

Pause as Motion

Picture by Anna Shvets


Have you ever thought of that? Pause as motion. Take a break, a breath, a moment to gather momentum and run well-oiled instead of fumes.

Rest is an essential practice for teachers for several reasons:

  1. Self-care: Teaching is a demanding profession requiring much mental, emotional, and physical energy. Rest is crucial for educators to take care of their well-being. Like any other professional, educators must prioritize their health and well-being to be effective. Rest allows educators to recharge, rejuvenate, and replenish their energy levels, which can help prevent burnout and promote overall well-being.
  2. Mental and emotional well-being: Teaching can be emotionally challenging, as educators often deal with various stressors such as managing classrooms, navigating student behaviour, meeting deadlines, and dealing with parent concerns. Rest allows educators to relax and de-stress, which can help them manage their mental and emotional well-being. It will enable educators to take a step back, reflect, and process their thoughts and emotions, which can improve their ability to handle challenges and make sound decisions.
  3. Cognitive functioning: Rest is essential for cognitive functioning, including memory consolidation, problem-solving, and creativity. Educators must be mentally sharp and alert to effectively plan and deliver lessons, assess student performance, and adapt their instruction to meet diverse student needs. Sufficient rest can enhance cognitive functioning, including attention, concentration, and critical thinking skills, essential for effective teaching.
  4. Work-life balance: Rest is crucial for maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Teaching can be a demanding profession requiring long work hours, including lesson planning, grading, and voluntary extracurricular activities. Educators may become overwhelmed with work-related responsibilities without adequate rest, negatively impacting their personal life, relationships, and overall well-being. Rest allows educators to establish boundaries between their personal and professional lives and promotes a healthy work-life balance, which can lead to increased job satisfaction and overall life satisfaction.
  5. Role modelling for students: Rest also serves as a positive role model. Educators are responsible for imparting academic knowledge and modelling healthy behaviours and habits. By practicing rest, we can show students the importance of self-care, well-being, and overall balance, which can positively influence their behaviours and attitudes toward their health and well-being.

Take a moment. Give it some thought. Pause as motion. Educators must maintain physical, mental, and emotional well-being, enhance cognitive functioning, establish a healthy work-life balance, and model positive student behaviours. Prioritizing rest can lead to more effective and fulfilling teaching and learning practices.

I Heard the Fall Sing

Photo By: Iyanuoluwa Akinrinola

Whispers of wind flowing on a breeze.
Sounds like rushing waters, a flowing stream, a quiet river.

Leaves no longer green, but reds, yellows, browns or bare.
The nip of frost just within reach in the air.

Where does it all go? Time, that is.
We have winter, spring, summer, then FALL.

We fall back in time, resetting our clocks.
We fall back into our routines, our schedules, and our box.

We fall back to the rigorous demands of planning and teaching.
We fall back to juggling the many hats it means to be you – An Educator.

We fall back to needing more time while running out of it.
We fall back to operating within one of the noblest professions of all – Educating.

While we fall back into this calling, we dared answer,
Remember to listen to the whispers of the wind flowing on a breeze.
Permit yourself to follow the sounds as you breathe in the life around you.
Listen as the fall sings, and let it guide your way in the doing that must be done.

Mindfulness in the Classroom

Are mindfulness activities a part of your program? 

Each day more than the last, it feels like mindfulness activities are being promoted for classroom use as part of a solution to what we are currently experiencing as humans on planet earth. 

I am not a mindfulness or meditation expert, nor am I trained in yoga instruction. 

I am however, a curious participant and reflective user of daily mindfulness opportunities in the classroom.

In a blog post for The MEHRIT Centre titled ‘The Self-Reg View of Mindfulness (Part 1)’, Dr. Stuart Shanker, an expert and leader in the field of self-regulation discusses mindfulness through the lens of self-regulation. He states the goal of mindfulness activities is not “developing techniques to suppress or flee from unpleasant thoughts and emotions” but rather to “pay close attention to them with the hope that, over time, you’ll be able to tolerate things that you have hitherto tried to repress or avoid”. 

Shanker highlights that one’s ability to engage in mindfulness and meditation experiences are not instinctive, for neither adults nor children. He acknowledges that for some people, the “act of concentrating on their breath or their emotions” while attempting to sit still or quietly can bring great amounts of stress or anxiety. 

Shanker cites the work of Dr. Ellen Langer and emphasizes the importance she places on understanding “mindlessness” in order to create an understanding of the term mindfulness. 


This resonated with me. 


If I am not achieving mindfulness am I engaging in “mindlessness”?

It had never crossed my mind how dangerous this dichotomization could be.


Mindfulness or mindlessness?


Thinking about those who do not find success or find stress in widely used mindfulness activities… are they still being viewed through a positive lens? How can I expose my students to meaningful mindfulness activities that are positive while maintaining a sensitive and trauma informed approach?

As Shanker points out, a state of mindfulness is unique to every individual person and should be achieved as such. Additionally, what calms you “may change from day to day, even moment-to-moment”. Mindfulness must be differentiated and unique: Like any new concept introduced, students need time, patience, space and practice in order to discover what helps them feel calm and under what circumstances. Contrary to this statement, students also need time, patience, space and practice while they discover what does not work for them in order to feel calm. 

Accordingly, the act of differentiating these completely personal moments of mindfulness feels to me like in order to be genuine, they need to be voluntary. To allow for students to discover their own state of calm: Mindfulness opportunities must be optional. Although necessary, offering students a choice of participation in mindfulness activities feels confusing or worrisome. What if they choose not to participate? Can they match the calm state of their classmates in different ways to avoid disrupting the calm state of others? Should mindfulness be practiced as a whole group? What are the benefits to whole group mindfulness instruction? What are the disadvantages to a ‘one size fits all’ approach to mindfulness?

Have I perfected the use of mindfulness in my classroom? No.

Does this exist? Likely not.

Nevertheless, I continue to reflect on the polarization of mindfulness and “mindlessness” and what this means to me.

What does mindfulness mean to you? How does this influence your teaching practice?

Mentoring Moments: Time Management 101 for the New Year….

This New Year, I wanted to encourage you to manage your time, your busy time, your spare time and alone time. I can’t think of a better time to blog about this topic than now as we make new years resolutions for the up coming year ahead.

I can honestly say that if you organize your time well as a teacher, you will be able to have work during work hours and build your family and friendship lives separately and explore life the way you would like…

As a mentor or mentee at any given moment in your teaching career, time management skills will help you accomplish everything you want and not burn out in your profession. Remember it’s a career and you need to explore the learning opportunities, balance life and enjoy the moments as we teach daily. So, here are my thoughts. Please feel free to share yours…

Strategies that have worked for me!

  • Using a calendar that is user friendly
  • Goal setting weekly
  • Timed To Do List with daily, weekly and monthly goals

Plan with a Backwards Design in mind

  • Plan the ending of your lesson first.
  • Then plan your teaching goals.
  • Then plan the steps that will take you to the goal.
  • Consider student input in how you plan things out.
  • Set those learning goals for your students and lesson.

Maslow vs. Vygotsky vs. Bloom

  • Put the needs of the students first, with high expectations on what you expect them to do.
  • Remember all students have to feel like the belong to make significant contributions.
  • Let students guide the lesson pace and ideas.
  • Make the space so that you can advocate for your students.
  • Remember “RELATIONSHIPS” are the key.
  • Inquiry with gradual release of responsibility has been my secret to being successful.

It is always important to draw connections between Maslow’s basic needs to ensure they are met and Vygotsky’s learning expectations as we develop skills for students.

Photo credit: for the Maslow Hierarchy of Needs graphic.

Photo credit: for the  Blooms Taxonomy graphic.


Photo credit: for the Vygotsky’s philosophy graphic for Inquiry based learning.

We build amazing lesson expectations so that we can guide discussions and lead students to think with higher order thinking skills when approaching problems. We encourage students to look at situations that they face with a problem solving mentality in order to develop their comprehension skills, and resilience.

Reflection: What were your New Year’s resolutions as an educator? Write them down with timelines. SMART goal them. That’s my goal for you as a reader of my blog!

Yours in Education,
