Building a Community

School begins by building the student community. We invite guardians into the space and include them in building the environment.  Often this is done with a newsletter or email introducing the subjects and the adults whom have contact with each child.  Any special events or classroom supplies are mentioned to assist students with a successful transition into the new year. September is a great time to host a, “Meet the Teacher” event. This is a time when family are invited into the school.  They are able to see where their child is spending 1500 minutes a week. They are able to see what students are doing and where they do it.  Samples of the work students produce are displayed in and around the school. The learning environment set up and seating arrangements are unique to each area. Some educators will include special items to make the space inviting and safe.  These objects, such as specific lighting, and seating will be board approved to meet Health and Safety standards.

Getting to know the students begins the moment your class list is in your hands.  Every educator is responsible for reviewing and updating the IEP’s (Individual Education Plans) of their students.  This can provide valuable information about one’s learning.  A survey or the wonderful, “One Page Profile” is another way students can share more about themselves. This is complimented by a conversation with the individual.  Each board suggests specific assessment in each subject.  As an educator choose the assessment that will be most valuable to your curriculum direction and the individuals you are educating. Ensure it will provide information to direct your year plan and understand your learners.  Continuous contact with guardians is important to help develop the necessary inclusion of those in the student’s community. Some educators will call each home at the beginning of the year to introduce themselves. Some will send home a letter with information about themselves and the class.  Each day includes a variety of interactions.  If you begin slowly with non threatening activities that keep students within their comfort level, they will grow to be more receptive of inclusion and community building. The community circle for these students includes peers, educators, support staff, custodians, administrators, family members and many more. Community involvement helps grow the circle of support.

My year began in a similar way.  As I was gathering information and building the school community I reflected on many of the unique situations our students encounter.

One students’ parent has a brain tumour, another child’s father died in a motorbike accident yesterday. One individual got their first goal in hockey, and another preformed as a main character in the local theater group.  Everyone including your peers bring something different to their day.  It is important that what you see in that individual, may not be what is actually going on. Empathy, patience and a smile every morning can make wonders in a person’s life. The small steps of communication and goal setting will provide the school group with a strength based community who will support each other when they feel others care.

This is a valuable time to build the community in order to provide a safe supportive space for all. Congratulations on setting the stage and tone for the valuable learning that will happen this year.


Building Connections with Students

Be Authentic

The video of a teacher giving each of his students a “just for them” handshake each morning upon entry has gone viral.  His efforts to connect with students have been applauded.  I think that this is a wonderful way to create a bond between teacher and student; for THAT guy.  I know that this is not “my thing”.  If I were to choose to try this at the beginning of a new school year, it would not be genuine and it just wouldn’t feel right.  I’ve also often wonder what happens when a parent wants a word in the morning, or someone forgot their backpack on the bus, or there is a class trip leaving 5 minutes after the bell.  There are many ideas for connecting with students online, but you need to do what is genuine for you.  Otherwise, you won’t sustain it and the students see right through it.


During the first few weeks of school I try to stay in my classroom while the kids eat lunch.  I will often eat my lunch at the same time as my students so that I can have the other half of lunch to relax, visit with colleagues or do some preparation.  I choose to do this for the first couple of weeks to make sure that the routines for lunch time are established and students understand my expectations around cleanliness, behaviour and technology use during lunch.  There are often different teachers on lunch duty, so it is helpful for them if the regular classroom teacher is in the room until they become acquainted with the students. When I take the time and effort to do this at the beginning of the year I find that there are less issues throughout the school year at lunch time.

Circle Chat

No matter what grade level, I have always started of my day chatting with kids.  In a circle format the students can share something, check in, ask a question or some days they pass (I will personally check in later to make sure everything is ok).  Sometimes we have topics, sometimes we have to discuss class updates but no matter what, we’ve connected in some way.  Yes, it takes instructional time.  Sometimes it takes up a LOT of time.  But, in my experience, it builds relationships with your students and saves time in the long run.

Front End Load Communication

Parents’ concern for the well being of their children seems to be at its highest point at the beginning of the school year.  It may be a new school, a new teacher, academic concerns from previous years or peer group concerns.  Taking the time to communicate during the first week of the school year by phone, note or at least a personal email in addition to class updates on websites or newsletters home will pay off during the rest of the school year.  The more you assure families that you are accessible and concerned about their child, the more supportive they will be if an issue arises.  Find the good in each student and make sure that you communicate it to families.  For the students that have academic or behaviour concerns, meet with families face to face as soon as possible.  Do not leave it until report card time.  I often start those conversations by asking them to voice their concerns, as well as asking their goals and hopes for their child for the school year.  Those positive and proactive attempts at communication at the beginning of the school year will go a long way with families and ultimately will benefit the student.

Take Your Job Seriously; Don’t Take Yourself Seriously.

About 10 years ago I picked up a pair of absolutely crazy novelty sunglasses.  No matter the weather, I wore them in the morning when I picked the students up at their bus lines and I wore them when I walked them out to their buses in the afternoon.  There were always comments from the students (and sometimes parents) and it was often a conversation starter when I could see that kids needed to be checked in on first thing in the morning or at the end of the day.  I began to get crazy sunglasses as gifts.  I now have about 60 pairs and wear different ones depending on my mood.  My staff humoured me and each wore a pair in the staff photo for the yearbook.  This might be something that you try in your classroom, I’m happy to share, but make sure it is something that suits you.

I remember being told by a colleague at the beginning of my career that you shouldn’t smile at your students during the first few weeks or even until Christmas.  I didn’t follow that advice, because it wasn’t genuine and authentic for me.  The way I see it, if you aren’t smiling at the beginning of the year, you can pretty much be guaranteed that you won’t be smiling at the end of the year!  Students feed off of the mood of the teacher.  Ultimately, the teacher makes the weather in the classroom.  There are days when I have to apply the “fake it until you make it” strategy and I smile until I really feel like smiling.  I also highly recommend a morning music mix for the way to work.  Put together 5 or 6 songs (or more depending on the length of your commute) that really motivate you, make you bouncy and make you smile.  On the days where I know I’m tense, in a mood or haven’t slept well I put this on during my drive and usually by the end I’m singing along and feeling better.  Then, I slide on those crazy sunglasses and I’m in tip-top teacher mode ready to greet every student with their name and a smile.  I may not have individual handshakes ready to go but after 23 years…I still start the year off smiling.



My Yearly Notebook

Each summer I buy a brand new spiral bound notebook.  Not the skinny ones that you get in the 3 pack from Hilroy with the flimsy cover that rips within a few uses. I am particular about my stationary.  It may be a kind of a problem.  I get the 8 1/2 by 11 solid cardboard spiral bound notebook.  It is where I keep my lists.  Lists of things to buy for the classroom.  Lists of things I want to change in the physical space of my classroom.  Lists of books I’d like to read or add to my classroom library.  Lists of things to get done before September.  Lists of the curriculum topics I’ll be teaching and in what months I plan to teach them.  Lists of special events each month that I might highlight or celebrate with my students.  Lists…of lists.  I use that big notebook all school year long to add notes from meetings, professional development sessions and of course, more lists.  I have many already filled spiral notebooks of new ideas that I’d like to try over the school year on my shelf in my office.  This summer I realized something.  After the school year is over I have NEVER opened those notebooks again.  There are lots of great ideas in there that I didn’t implement and then I feel guilty about that!  Teacher guilt never seems to stop, unless of course, I choose to stop it.

This summer I quickly read the book, “Ditch That Textbook; Free Your Teaching and Revolutionize Your Classroom” by Matt Miller. It has fantastic teaching tips for technology integration in the classroom.  Although I do not have the desire nor the access to the 1:1 technology to go completely paperless, I found a lot of wisdom and great teaching tools in Matt’s book.  I have also provided a link to Matt’s blog.  Matt helped me to break a cycle.  I haven’t bought a spiral bound notebook this summer and I’m not planning on buying one.  Among many pieces of advice in the book, Matt suggests picking two new things that you are really excited about to add to your teaching practice, being clear about your intention for using those practices and following through.  I’ve been guilty of overdoing the professional learning to the point that I overwhelm my students by doing a whole bunch of new things all at once and then don’t end up sticking to any of them.  I also get overwhelmed by the many great ideas out there and wonder if I do something else, what I’ll have to give up doing.

I’ll admit that I’m already kind of cheating.  Instead of just choosing two teaching practices I’m also choosing two new technology platforms to learn about for next year.  One of the practices that I would like to get in the habit of doing is adding more descriptive feedback to assignments that students do online and have multiple opportunities for the students to respond to that feedback and re-submit assignments with changes.  The second thing that I would like to do is educate parents on how to leave constructive feedback for their students online rather than a thumbs up or “Good job!”  I plan on exploring the video and audio creation tools, WeVideo and Voki.  I may explore more than these but these are the ones that I am committed to doing.  Since I have written my commitment here on the blog, I also commit to sharing what I thought about those tools in a review format.  If you get a chance to read Ditch That Textbook, I highly recommend it. It is a quick read with great already-made lists and hey, it made me “Ditch That Notebook”.


Flexible Classroom/Schedule a huge success!

The other day in my grade 4/5 class I decided to try a flexible schedule day where students would have the list of subjects available to them on the board with specific tasks under each subject. This is how the day unfolded.

Students entered the room after French and were confused by the fact that the schedule board was blank. Some of them right away started reading the black board and noticed the various subject headings. Under each heading it said grade four and grade five. The subject choices (which are the subjects that I teach on my one day LTO) were: social studies, music, math and library. In library, they are writing their own books right now so that was a writing choice.

I explained to my students that from 9:30 until 3:10, they would have the choice to pick whatever task they wanted and that they could move on when they wanted. If they completed a task, they could come hand it in to me or hand it in on google classroom. On the board I specified which tasks were to be done on google classroom. The only task on the board that required direct instruction was the grade five math task. When students were selecting that task, I asked them to come see me so I could explain it. This happened every so often throughout the day if students chose math.

I also put a “self regulation/independent work” challenge into the day where I told the class if I noticed them working hard and not getting off task, I would give them a green happy face in my app (which I have previously explained) called iDoceo. Before each break, they could come check in with me to ask how many happy faces they had.

At the end of the day, students were able to reflect on the entire experience. Here are the comments directly from the students.

Students comments about their flexible schedule/task day:

  • I liked the various choices of subjects
  • I liked how the option to switch when I wanted was there
  • This allowed us to get things done in our own timing
  • If you finished early with one task, you could move onto the other without asking what to do next
  • I liked the flow of free choice
  • There was no “have to” involved, I loved the flow of free choice
  • More time to finish things
  • “You are basically treating us like high school students”

Of my 25 students, all 25 raised their hand when I asked “How many of you prefer this type of schedule to the schedule we usually have?” The schedule we usually have is 60 minutes math, 80 minutes social studies, 40 minutes music..etc.

These were the students comments about the competition where they were asked to stay on task and work responsibly and they would be rewarded with a green smiley face in my app if they were working well:

  • The smiley faces made us work harder, they were good motivation
  • I loved the competition aspect of the day
  • Something to try for rather than just working
  • I liked finding out how many I had before each break
  • It reminded me of a race because you would still get smiley faces even if you didn’t win at the end of the day but you still had finished the race
  • Some people like competition so you can think about it like that or you could just work like usual
  • Makes you try different things

I really encourage all educators to try this flexible schedule thing! It was just a way of me looking for students that could handle the independent work challenge. The flexible schedule thing came to me while I was looking for a way to challenge students to stay on task and to work independently. I will definitely try this again next week as the kids LOVED it and as you can read, they loved the pressure free environment it allowed them to work in.

Deep Learning in Inquiry (Part 2)

In reading part one of my inquiry blog, one might think, “That’s all lots of fun, but building a bee house isn’t exactly something that I can write on the report card.”  You would be absolutely right.  The learning is imbedded in the exciting things.  It is intentional and it is authentic.  Connecting with a local expert, using technology for research and having hands on activities with students engaged scratches the surface of inquiry.  Our deep learning with this unit began with the types of questions that we were asking.  I noticed that when the students began asking questions on Padlet that Siri could have easily answered many of their questions with one or two word answers.  This lead to a series of lessons on “THICK” vs. “Thin” questions.  We added better questioning to our goals.


The students also noticed that I had included a lot of infographics on the Padlet.  Infographics are seen everywhere in social media to communicate information efficiently and visually.  However, students need to know how to use this information, how to synthesize it, how to put it into their own words and how to source it.  We spent a significant amount of our language periods on reading and interpreting infographics.


Our learning goals and success criteria went way beyond making houses for bees and honey tasting.  Students wanted to DO something to help bees.  We created our learning goals and criteria together:

 D9EDA370-1138-49B8-965E-051FCD44D0A4     8AB3D3E8-C7F1-4B2B-8E49-BD8E4FE8068F     CD26AF15-F831-470F-9522-D17D415D0A33

Early on in the inquiry we watched an informative YouTube video called, We Can Save the Bees Together.  Sarah Red-Laird, bee enthusiast and scientist, gave us a number of ideas of actions that we could take.  The students decided that one of the things that they wanted to do was to call for stronger legislation about mono cropping and pesticide use in farming.  They wanted to write letters to politicians and change makers.  In addition, when Susan Chan, local bee researcher visited, she “planted the seed” about creating a non-stinging bee friendly garden in our school yard.  This prompted students to write letters to local school officials to solicit assistance and guidance.  One of our students from Curve Lake First Nation decided to write the Chief and Band Council to ask them to consider building a bee friendly garden in their community. The desire for letter writing lead to a series of lessons on how to write a professional letter, how to proofread and how to edit in a meaningful and authentic learning context for students.  The students also felt that educating others about conservation of  bees was important so they are now working on developing presentations that they can take to other classes as well as media advertising to share their learning and call others to action.

In math, we had been focusing on data management.  It fit in perfectly to what we were doing with our inquiry!  There is an incredible amount of data about bees on the Statistics Canada website.  We read real graphs with information that the students cared about, we labelled the important parts of the graphs and we will be creating our own surveys and graphing the information from different areas of our inquiry.


Statistics Canada

Honestly, the best part of inquiry is when the students start to direct their own learning.  I guide them.  I provide thought provoking questions and “what if” scenarios.  They make choices and feel good about doing something that is affecting real change.  Inquiry is empowerment for students.  This students aren’t done with this inquiry yet-they have many more plans ahead!  Stay tuned.


photo by Sebastian Ganso CC0
photo by Sebastian Ganso CC0

It’s Spring. At least that’s what the calender and the weather are telling us. Dust has replaced the snow on the playground. Tell that to our playground grass fields still resisting the urge to grow too soon. Judging by the pale straw colour a field of green is still 6 weeks out. Somehow nature has equipped itself for a chilling frost or Spring blizzard that could be only a Colorado Low or Polar Vortex away.

Hopefully, March exits like a lamb and not like a lamb being chased by a lion. At this time of year, hope, like the temperature rises and with it the rain to wash away the remnants of Winter. Hope is the promise of Spring. Warm temps, more sunshine, daylight savings, chirping birds, sap running, and buds bursting on trees cannot be missed. There are great things waiting outside the doors of our classrooms. Teachers need to enjoy them. Our students need Spring and all of its promises even more.

To no one’s surprise since the Vernal Equinox, the classroom has become a livelier place each time the warm breezes blow. Students are absorbing the Vitamin D and converting it into boundless energy. It’s like an alarm goes off the moment the snow melts and the clocks move forward. March Break has come and gone and the realization that nearly 70 percent of the school year is in and out of the books. It’s as if that once the weight of snow suits and winter boots is shed, our students have been given permission to chirp, run, and burst with energy. It should not be missed.

With all of this vivacious vim and vigour I am planning ways to take advantage of outdoor learning, walkabouts, and a little more time in the fresh air. Along with this re-invigoration comes opportunity for distraction too. How we make use of our time outdoors can be a balancing act of classroom management amidst chaos. How we harness that natural energy with our students can lead to effective outdoor fun, positive mental health activities, and memorable learning opportunities.

What this looks like can depend on a number of factors: location, mobility, and volition. In my class we are taking advantage of the good weather by shifting some of our time outside. This is not limited to Physical Education either. Sure it’s fun to do, but there is also room for book talks, journal writing, guided reading/Math groups, and Science.

What I have enjoyed sharing with students on our walk and talkabouts are the changes going on all around us. It has been fun to ask them to comment on something they’ve noticed and to create a broader awareness of the habitats and spaces they occupy at school.

As we venture out, the eyes, ears, and lungs of learners are filled. It may appear that they’ve become distracted by it all, but it is not a distraction. It is more of an awakening of the senses instead and students are excited to discover it again for another year.

In my class, we are playing social games where everyone is involved. This includes our version of Manhunt; now known as Person hunt, SPUD, Chain Tag, Kickball, and Grounders. If possible I try to play in every game rather than watch because it engages students even more to see their teacher(as able) running, laughing, getting caught, and playing alongside.

You’ve read enough. Time to go outside and get distracted with your class. Happy Spring.

Please share how your class enjoys its outdoor time in the comments section below. Thank you for reading.

Recognizing and Responding to Mental Health Problems Among Students

Supporting Minds


An Educator’s Guide to Promoting Students’ Mental Health and Well-being

Government of Ontario Draft 2013

Note that dealing with mental health problems among students is highly complex and challenging. Often students are not responsive to using mindfulness and self-regulation strategies as their significant mental health needs require the support of professionals such as doctors, psychologists, and therapists. Educators cannot diagnose mental health issues.

As stated below, educators can support their students by observing and documenting possible triggers and behaviours.

How to Use Supporting Minds Document

The Supporting Minds document is presented in two parts.

Part One provides an overview of mental health and addiction problems and guidance about the role of educators in supporting students’ mental health and well-being.

Part Two contains eight sections, each dedicated to a particular mental health problem. Each section is structured to first provide educators the information they need to recognize mental health problems in their students and offer appropriate support (under such headings as “What Is Depression?”, “What Do Symptoms of Depression Look Like?”, and “What Can Educators Do?”). Background information about the particular type of mental health problem is given towards the end of each section. Hyperlinks to resources that provide more detailed information are included throughout.

Please refer to the Supporting Minds document for more in depth information.

Knowing Your Students

A first step in recognizing whether a student has a mental health problem may be simply documenting the behaviour that is causing concern. School boards may have their own forms on which to record this information. Once several observations of the particular behaviour have been gathered, educators can share these with others who can help to develop a plan to manage the behaviour.

Educators should look for three things when considering whether a student is struggling with a mental health and/or addiction problem:

  • Frequency: How often does the student exhibit the behaviour?
  • Duration: How long does the behaviour last?
  • Intensity: To what extent does the behaviour interfere with the student’s social and academic functioning?

Highlighted Mental Health Challenges

1. Anxiety in Students


Although different signs of anxiety occur at different ages, in general, common signs include the following. The student:

  • has frequent absences from school;
  • asks to be excused from making presentations in class;
  • shows a decline in grades;
  • is unable to work to expectations;
  • refuses to join or participate in social activities;
  • avoids school events or parties;
  • exhibits panicky crying or freezing tantrums and/or clingy behaviour before or after an activity or social situation (e.g., recess, a class activity);
  • worries constantly before an event or activity, asking questions such as “What if …?” without feeling reassured by the answers;
  • often spends time alone, or has few friends;
  • has great difficulty making friends;
  • has physical complaints (e.g., stomach-aches) that are not clearly attributable to a physical health condition;
  • worries excessively about things like homework or grades or everyday routines;
  • has frequent bouts of tears;
  • is easily frustrated;
  • is extremely quiet or shy;
  • fears new situations;
  • avoids social situations for fear of negative evaluations by others (e.g., fear of being laughed at);
  • has dysfunctional social behaviours;
  • is rejected by peers.

(Based on information from: CYMHIN-MAD, 2011; Hincks-Dellcrest-ABCs, n.d.) Note: This list provides some examples but is not exhaustive and should not be used for diagnostic purposes.


  • Create a learning environment where mistakes are viewed as a natural part of the learning process.
  • Provide predictable schedules and routines in the classroom.
  • Provide advance warning of changes in routine.
  • Provide simple relaxation exercises that involve the whole class.
  • Encourage students to take small steps towards accomplishing a feared task.

(Based on information from: CYMHIN-MAD, 2011; Hincks-Dellcrest-ABCs, n.d.)

See Supporting Minds document Table 1.1 for Specific strategies for supporting students with anxiety-related symptoms

2. Depression in Students


Some common signs associated with depression include the following:

  • ongoing sadness
  • irritable or cranky mood
  • annoyance about or overreaction to minor difficulties or disappointments
  • loss of interest/pleasure in activities that the student normally enjoys
  • feelings of hopelessness
  • fatigue/lack of energy
  • low self-esteem or a negative self-image
  • feelings of worthlessness or guilt
  • difficulty thinking, concentrating, making decisions, or remembering
  • difficulty completing tasks (e.g., homework)
  • difficulty commencing tasks and staying on task, or refusal to attempt tasks
  • defiant or disruptive behaviour; getting into arguments
  • disproportionate worry over little things
  • feelings of being agitated or angry
  • restlessness; behaviour that is distracting to other students
  • negative talk about the future
  • excessive crying over relatively small things
  • frequent complaints of aches and pains (e.g., stomach-aches and headaches)
  • spending time alone/reduced social interaction; withdrawn behaviour and difficulty sustaining friendships
  • remaining in the back of the classroom and not participating
  • refusal to do school work, and general non-compliance with rules
  • negative responses to questions about not working (e.g., “I don’t know”; “It’s not important”; “No one cares, anyway”)
  • arriving late or skipping school; irregular attendance
  • declining marks
  • suicidal thoughts, attempts, or acts
  • change in appetite
  • loss of weight or increase in weight
  • difficulty sleeping (e.g., getting to sleep, staying asleep)

(Based on information from: Calear, 2012; CYMHIN-MAD, 2011; APA, 2000; Hincks-Dellcrest-ABCs, n.d.) Note: This list provides some examples of symptoms or signs but is not exhaustive and should not be used for diagnostic purposes.


  • Support class-wide use of coping strategies and problem-solving skills.
  • Provide all students with information about normal growth and development and ways to cope with stress (e.g., ways to address peer pressure, build friendships, address depressive feelings, maintain good sleep hygiene, build exercise into each day).
  • Write instructions on the board to provide a visual cue for students who are having trouble focusing on spoken information.
  • Model and teach optimistic and positive attitudes, language, and actions.
  • Work with students’ strengths and build on them when they complete activities in class.
  • Provide students with responsibilities and tasks that they may enjoy (e.g., allow students who enjoy computer use to incorporate a computing component into tasks; allow art-loving students to choose illustrated reading materials).
  • Provide a space in the classroom for students to go to when they are feeling overwhelmed.
  • Help students to chunk assignments and prepare for tests well in advance of deadlines.

(Based on information from: Evans et al., 2002; Hincks-Dellcrest-ABCs, n.d.)

See Supporting Minds document Table 2.1 for Specific strategies for supporting students with depression-related symptoms

 3. Bipolar Disorder in Students


Some common signs to watch for include the following:

  • extremely abnormal mood states (generally lasting weeks or more) and involving a depressed or manic mood
  • depressive symptoms (see the section on depression)
  • manic symptoms, including:
  • feeling extraordinarily self-confident, in a manner that is out of character for the student
  • extreme irritability or changeable, “up and down” (labile) moods that are not typical for the student
  • grandiose and illogical ideas about personal abilities (e.g., the student believes he/she has supernatural powers)
  • extremely impaired judgement compared to usual ability
  • a perception that thoughts are racing
  • extreme changes in speech, particularly very fast speech or talking as if he/she can’t get the words out fast enough
  • explosive, lengthy, and often destructive rages that are out of character for the student
  • new or marked hyperactivity, agitation, and distractibility
  • “dare-devil”, risk-taking behaviour

(Based on information from: CYMHIN-MAD, 2011) Note: This list provides some examples but is not exhaustive and should not be used for diagnostic purposes.

In addition, the cognitive functioning of students with diagnosed bipolar disorder may be affected, so that they have difficulty:

  • paying attention;
  • remembering and recalling information;
  • using problem-solving skills;
  • using critical thinking skills and categorizing and organizing information;
  • quickly coordinating eye-hand movements;
  • staying focused on a topic.

See Supporting Minds document Table 2.2 for Specific strategies for supporting students diagnosed with bipolar disorder

 4. Students with Attention and Hyperactivity and/or Impulsivity Problems

SUBTYPES OF Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

The following three subtypes of ADHD have been identified:

(1) predominantly inattentive (without symptoms of hyperactivity/impulsivity)

(2) predominantly hyperactive/impulsive (without symptoms of inattention)

(3) predominantly combined (symptoms of both inattention and hyperactivity/ impulsivity)

 (Eiraldi et al., 2012). The combined type (inattention and hyperactivity/impulsivity) is the most common of the three. (Based on information from: APA, 2000)


Some common signs of attention problems and/or hyperactivity/impulsivity include the following:

Attention problems: The student:

  • is easily distracted;
  • fails to pay attention to details and makes careless mistakes;
  • forgets things (e.g., pencils) that are needed to complete a task;
  • loses things often;
  • has difficulty organizing tasks;
  • finds it hard to concentrate;
  • follows directions incompletely or improperly;
  • frequently doesn’t finish tasks;
  • does not listen to what is being said when spoken to;
  • avoids or shows strong dislike for schoolwork or homework that requires sustained mental effort (dedicated thinking).

(Based on information from: CYMHIN-MAD, 2011; APA, 2000; CAMH, 2007)

Hyperactivity/Impulsivity: The student:

  • has difficulty sitting still or remaining in seat;
  • fidgets;
  • has difficulty staying in one place;
  • talks excessively or all the time;
  • is overly active, which may disturb peers or family members;
  • has difficulty playing quietly;
  • is always on the move;
  • has feelings of restlessness (for adolescents);
  • is unable to suppress impulses such as making inappropriate comments;
  • interrupts conversations;
  • shouts out answers before the end of the question or without being called on;
  • hits others;
  • has difficulty waiting for a turn;
  • is easily frustrated;
  • displays poor judgement.

(Based on information from: CYMHIN-MAD, 2011; APA, 2000; CAMH, 2007) Note: This list provides some examples but is not exhaustive and should not be used for diagnostic purposes.


  • Provide a structured environment and a consistent daily routine.
  • Provide advance warning of changes in routines or activities.
  • Establish a routine and set of rules for moving from one activity to the next.
  • Establish procedures that allow all students equal opportunities to participate in activities (e.g., establish rules for turn taking; arrange for everyone to get a chance to be first).
  • Provide easy-to-follow directions and instructions (e.g., explain one step at a time; chunk multi-step directions).
  • Post rules where everyone can see them.
  • Reinforce positive behaviour such as raising a hand before speaking, engaging in quiet work.
  • Provide opportunities to learn by doing to give students an outlet for excess energy.
  • Limit visual and auditory distractions in the classroom as much as possible while considering the needs of all students.
  • When talking to students, address them directly and use eye contact. Wait until a student is paying attention before continuing a conversation.
  • Avoid a focus on competition, as students’ urge to win or be first can increase the likelihood of impulsive behaviour.

(Based on information from: House, 2002; CAMH, 2007)

See Supporting Minds document Table 3.1 for Specific strategies for supporting students with attention and hyperactivity/impulsivity problem

5. Behaviour Disorder in Students


Some common indicators of problem behaviour include the following:

  • defiance (persistent stubbornness; resistance to following directions; unwillingness to compromise, give in, or negotiate)
  • persistent testing of limits (by ignoring, arguing, not accepting blame)
  • persistent hostile mood
  • lack of empathy, guilt, or remorse, and a tendency to blame others for his/her own mistakes
  • low self-esteem that may masquerade as “toughness”
  • acting aggressively
  • disobedience
  • oppositional behaviour (e.g., challenging or arguing with authority figures)
  • bullying, threatening, or intimidating others
  • initiating fights or displaying physical violence/cruelty
  • using weapons
  • stealing
  • deliberate destruction of property
  • frequent lying
  • serious violations of rules (e.g., in early adolescents, staying out late when forbidden to do so)
  • skipping school often
  • outbursts of anger, low tolerance for frustration, irritability
  • recklessness; risk-taking acts

Signs that the problem may be serious include the following:

  • The student shows problems with behaviour for several months, is repeatedly disobedient, talks back, or is physically aggressive.
  • The behaviour is out of the ordinary and is a serious violation of the accepted rules in the family and community (e.g., vandalism, theft, violence).
  • The behaviour goes far beyond childish mischief or adolescent rebelliousness.
  • The behaviour is not simply a reaction to something stressful that is happening in the student’s life (e.g., widespread crime in the community, poverty).

(Based on information from: APA, 2000; CPRF, 2005; Hincks-Dellcrest-ABCs, n.d.) Note: These lists provide some examples but are not exhaustive and should not be used for diagnostic purposes.


  • Provide predictable schedules and routines in the classroom.
  • Focus the students’ attention before starting the lesson.
  • Use direct instruction to clarify what will be happening.
  • Model the quiet, respectful behaviour students are expected to demonstrate.
  • Create an inviting classroom environment that may include a quiet space, with few distractions, to which a student can retreat.
  • Be aware of the range of needs of the students in the class in order to provide an appropriate level of stimulation.
  • Communicate expectations clearly and enforce them consistently. Use clear statements when speaking to students: “I expect you to …” or “I want you to…”.
  • Focus on appropriate behaviour. Use rules that describe the behaviour you want, not the behaviour you are discouraging (e.g., Instead of saying “No fighting”, say “Settle conflicts appropriately”).
  • At the beginning of the school year, clearly and simply define expectations for honesty, responsibility, and accountability at school. Repeat these expectations often to the entire class, especially when violations occur.
  • Don’t focus too much attention on children who blame others, since that might inadvertently reinforce the behaviour.
  • Begin each day with a clean slate.
  • Facilitate the transition from the playground to the classroom by calmly telling students when there are five minutes left and then one minute left in recess, encouraging them to prepare to come in, and helping them settle in class when recess is over. Schedule a predictable classroom activity that most students will enjoy to follow recess, to help provide a smooth transition.

(Based on information from: CYMHIN-MAD, 2011; Hincks-Dellcrest-ABCs, n.d; Lee, 2012)

See document Table 4.1 for Specific strategies for supporting students with behavioural problems in classrooms

 Please see the Supporting Minds  document for further information on 

  • Eating and weight-related problems in students
  • Substance use problems in students
  • Gambling in students
  • Self-harm and suicide in students

Taking care of self as an educator

(Supporting Minds, Appendix C: Mental Health Action Signs)

Your behavioural health is an important part of your physical health. If you are experiencing any of these feelings, let your doctor know.

  1. Feeling very sad or withdrawn for more than 2 weeks
  2. Seriously trying to harm or kill yourself, or making plans to do so
  3. Sudden overwhelming fear for no reason, sometimes with a racing heart or fast breathing
  4. Involvement in many fights, using a weapon, or wanting to badly hurt others
  5. Severe out-of-control behaviour that can hurt yourself or others
  6. Not eating, throwing up, or using laxatives to make yourself lose weight
  7. Intense worries or fears that get in the way of your daily activities
  8. Extreme difficulty in concentrating or staying still that puts you in physical danger or causes school failure
  9. Repeated use of drugs or alcohol
  10. Severe mood swings that cause problems in relationships
  11. Drastic changes in your behaviour or personality

Source: The Reach Institute, The “Action Signs” Project, p. 6. Retrieved from

Dealing with students with mental health needs can be very challenging and draining.

Be kind to yourself and practice self care.

Reach out for help and support if you need it.

Collaboratively Yours,

Deb Weston


Students who don’t like to dance

Have a class that doesn’t like to dance? Me too! If my class had a choice, they would rather do anything other than dance! Instead of forcing this group of really reluctant kids to dance before they were ready, I decided to take a different approach this year. Below is how I managed to get my group of anti-dancers moving and shaking one month into term two.

  1. The very first day together all we did was talk about their feelings towards dance. I listened closely to their concerns that dance is very embarrassing. I also listening to their concerns that they would be made to move to music that they found boring or really, really awful, as my one student put it. All in all, I spent day one with my students just listening to their reasons why they didn’t like dance.
  2. On day two, I came back to them and honestly told them that learning dance was not an option at school but that I had heard all of their concerns and had some ideas on how to address their problems with dance. I made a commitment that they could always choose their own moves, own music and that they wouldn’t have to share until they were ready.   (The music comes from a pre-approved list of songs that students submitted to me.)
  3. On day three, I reassured them again that I would never put them in a position where they would be forced to dance in front of other people until they were ready.
  4. On days four and five, everyone made a dance on an app. There is a free dance app that is hilarious, called Toca Dance. Everyone’s dance was hilarious and we laughed and began to look at some of the movements that the dancers made on the app.
  5. On day six, Students watched videos of dances that they liked and shared and spoke about what they liked about the dance.
  6. On day seven, we watched a VERY simple dance together and analyzed it. We saw that there were five moves, some locomotor and some non-locomotor. Their job was to create their own dances with five moves, both locomotor and non-locomotor. Some kids chose funny moves like those from the app and some chose serious moves. All students choose their own music.
  7. On day eight, students created their own dance with a partner to a piece of music of their choosing.


The most important lesson for me was taking the time to understand my students’ feelings. This was a group of students that really wanted to make their own creations and not have their creative process dictated by the teacher. They also really needed a safe place to make their creations. Once both of these needs were met, lots of boogieing and shaking started to happen.

Dealing with Students using Behaviour Management Training

tantrums meltdowns

Source: The Real Difference Between Tantrums and Meltdowns via @lemonlimeadv


Dealing with Students Using

Behaviour Management Training

The purpose of Behaviour Management Training for ETFO Members is to deal with the growing incidents of violence in schools and workplaces.

As I wrote about earlier in December 2017, there is research to support my own anecdotal observations of increased violence in classrooms. Based on information from ETFO (Action on Violence in Schools), ETFO members are increasing facing violent incidents in schools and workplaces. This violence increases physical and mental harm to both adults and children. With violence, teaching and learning is disrupted. Teachers and students can develop anxiety that violence will occur again.

ETFO’s Professional Relations Services published a PRS Matters Bulletin #98 addressing training offered to teachers and education workers by school boards. I have not been “officially” trained in these areas but I have used some of the strategies. The programs mentioned in the bulletin are copied directly from the bulletin and are listed below:

Crisis Prevention Intervention (CPI) – This program has a focus on prevention and strategies designed to “safely defuse anxious, hostile or violent behaviour at the earliest possible stage.” “Disengagement skills” are demonstrated and practiced to train educators to remove themselves and others from dangerous situations. Participants are trained to recognize when it is appropriate to physically intervene and implement holding skills to manage aggressive behaviour.

My experience with CPI: I have removed myself and my students from my classroom due to hostile or violent behaviour. To prepared, the students and I talked about our classroom evacuation plan (without the student with special education needs present) and the students came up with the “retreat” signal word. We practiced getting out of our classroom and either lining up or going to a neighbouring classroom to be safe. This worked well and kept all safe and no students were physically touched in the process.

Behaviour Management Systems (BMS) – This program stresses early prevention and intervention techniques. It aims to teach effective and safe physical intervention techniques. The BMS training framework is made up of four phases, one of which is the “Action Phase.” During the action phase, practitioners can “intervene physically” through a series of blocks or releases or by containing the student (i.e., by wrapping “your arms around the student”). There are four written cautions in the workbook specific to containments that mention “positional asphyxiation” and students incurring “a dislocated shoulder.”

My experience with BMS: I have not had much experience with BMS. I have blocked students from leaving a classroom or running down a hallway but I have never touched any students. Personally, with or without training, I will never be comfortable using physical contact to intervene with student behaviour, especially when injury can happen to the student or to me.

ETFO believes that behaviour management training should be voluntary and should be done within the instructional day. Members are not required to sign any waivers with respect to training or in using physical retraints.

As noted in PRS #98, using physical components of BMS and CPT could put members are risk of a possible investigation from the Children’s Aid Society (CAS), and/or Ontario College of Teachers (OCT) or the College of Early Childhood Educators (CECE).

For further information, please contact your local ETFO president or Professional Relations staff in Professional Relations Services at 416-962-3836 or 1-888-838-3836.

I did come across a chart to help distinguish between Tantrums and Meltdowns Posted on Twitter @ONTSpecialNeeds

trantrums and meltdowns

My best advice is to reach out to a supportive colleague for help as this is where I get the most help and support when dealing with challenging student behaviour!

And in the end, it’s up to you as an educator to use your professional judgement to keep your students and yourself safe.

Collaboratively Yours,

Deb Weston

Free Creation Apps to Show Student Thinking

I was asked to present a workshop about using technology in the Primary grades over a year ago and got into a debate with the Principal at the host school about apps.  The Principal was quite excited about the apps that he intended to purchase for his teachers to use with their students and he showed me his list.  I was surprised.  None of the apps were creation apps.  They were all “practice basic skills and keep kids quiet apps”. I showed him my list of preferred apps.  It was his turn to be surprised.

“These apps that you have chosen for the teachers are a lot like fancy worksheets for kids to practice basic skills.  Those skills are important, but doing a worksheet on an iPad might be a little more engaging, but it is still a worksheet, and an expensive one at that!  The apps that I am going to share with the staff today are all apps that students can choose from to show their thinking in a fun, engaging way that also provides opportunity for feedback and editing.” Unfortunately, he didn’t stay for the workshop.

The main difficulty that I have found with apps is finding something that you can use in schools that doesn’t cost a lot of money and isn’t just a free trial or have “in-app purchases”.  I don’t mind paying a few dollars for an app but when you get into the double digits for a school, it isn’t sustainable.  I thought I would share a few free creation apps that I have used with both the primary and junior grades.  I have also included some samples.  None of the samples are done by students, but I can assure you that each of these are quite intuitive and easy even for primary grades to use.  Each of the apps has a link to it in the App Store for further information.

Shadow Puppet EDU  The name is deceiving and the little white bunny on the app icon is too.  It basically provides a video of a slide show in which you can add voice and text.  Students can link to the already sourced for copyright pictures provided within the app or take pictures from their iPad or with the camera.  The students find this one easy to use but tricky to edit some of the text.  It uploads to Seesaw and other platforms easily.

Here is a sample of Puppet EDU:


Padlet  I have used this a lot in order to begin a new unit of inquiry on something.  It provides a place to put safe links and videos that I have sourced for the students as a starting point and reference.  In addition, the students can collaborate their thinking with sticky notes. You can share it publicly with other Padlet users, but we keep ours private at this point.  We may share our Padlets with other classes at our school through the use of the QR code and password.  The sign is uses a QR code which you can print out. We are using Padlet for our unit on the Olympics.  The students will then create their own Padlet to share with classmates on an Olympic event that they will research.  Students will be invited to provide feedback to one another.  This is a screen capture of our Olympic Padlet:


iBrainstorm  This app allows students to add sticky notes, text or hand written notes to templates like Venn Diagrams.  In addition, up to 3 other people can be invited to collaborate on the same template in real time. You can take a screen shot and save it to photos.  It also uploads to multiple platforms easily.
